Picked this up as a barreled receiver, and finished it up last week. Took it to the range Sunday and it shot lights out. Only took a couple of enblocs to zero too. It's a 6 digit mid 800,000 serial numbered Garand. Serial number puts it's production somewhere in September of 1942. I always wanted to add a World War 2 Garand to the collection, and I'm glad I did. I was ringing my 10 inch steel gong at 175 yards with the irons 7 out of 8 times most every enbloc.
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Newest addition to the gun safe: World War 2 Garand
I'm not the hugest Garand fan... but one of my favorite all-time rifles is the Beretta BM-59, which is basically a shortened Garand with a detachable mag!
Patton sure loved it!The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.
Are you re-loading your own ammo for that? My old boss has a few of these which I have shot a few times. He always told me that the grain count in modern 30-06 is too high for old M1's thus he always loads his own. I don't know how much truth there is too that, but I saw no reason not to believe him.
Originally posted by bratfink View PostAre you re-loading your own ammo for that? My old boss has a few of these which I have shot a few times. He always told me that the grain count in modern 30-06 is too high for old M1's thus he always loads his own. I don't know how much truth there is too that, but I saw no reason not to believe him.
Prvi Partisan is also making a Garand load that's supposed to be real good. I haven't tried it yet. If I remember right 150 grains and under is the rule of thumb for what you should use for the Garand to keep from bending operating rods.
Yup...THAT right there, is the gun I would have started my connection with...LOVE Garands......but 6 Mosins into it and still not 3/4 of the cost of one Garand, later...Not to mention ammo cost...I'm satisfied...jealous of you, but satisfied LOLI live on the edge of danger facing life and death every single day.....then I leave her at home and go disarm bombs.
Originally posted by themisfit138 View PostWhat manufacture is your WWII M1. I have a Winchester that I got about 10 years back. They are awesome guns and accurate as hell.
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