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Home gyms?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Tetsuo View Post
    I agree with that I am just saying that people who have roid rage are pretty much predisposed to it to start with. It will make you more of an asshole if you already are one.
    Enhanced broken toyism
    Not helping the situation since 1965!


    • #32
      Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
      suit yourself boss, whatever twirls your beanie right haa haa! that is a good response newc!
      Speaking of that, I really need to find one of those beanies with the propeller on top. Tried getting my employer to get some with the company logo on it, but they thought I was kidding
      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

      My Blog:


      • #33
        I have spare bedroom dedicated for indoor exercise. I have a nice incline treadmill, MMA heavy bag (love pounding frustrations out on that sumbitch), 10-20-40lb dumbbells and one of those body by Jake resistance gyms do dads that hang on the doors...200lb resistance.

        I don't have patience to go to a real gym thats crowded nor do I want go that at 4am to avoid the rush. I'm an impatient fucker and if I'm ready to do my reps I'm not waiting around for some other person to complete theirs

        I need to do more weight training as my primary focus is cardio. I'm a firm believer that everything health related is because of cardio work or lack there of. I personally get higher blood pressure when I don't do cardio work 3-4 times a week.

        The human body is a remarkable thing, use it, abuse it, use/abuse again and it can rebuild itself with some work. I was primo athletic shape from 15-23 the quit hockey, smoked 2 1/2 packs a day for years, ate unhealthy, pickled the liver and body with alcohol and other vices. Around age 30 I quit smoking cold turkey and began to exercised some. At age 40 is where I started getting high BP and Cholesterol. Changed my diet and began my regular cardio (jog, run, wind sprint intervals). I'm about to turn 52 in a couple weeks, not over weight, in shape and have energy of a 20 yr old (have 21 and 20 yr old sons) and I'm in better shape than both of them.


        • #34
          shawnny boy is a stealthy pipe bomb who can run for distance, which is probably the best way to ensure a longer life.
          im too vain, i want to look like a psycho, but i am getting into more cardio now, its just essential, you have to do it
          Not helping the situation since 1965!


          • #35

            Free tire! People throw away good shit.


            • #36
              My theory on cardio is that it's not only essential, but working in anaerobic chunks in circuit as opposed to dedicated cardio exercises will pay bigger dividends. Having done the whole marathon running and cross country 10k racing thing in the past, I work towards my aerobic goal in anaerobic chunks. I can still run the 40 in 4.91 and 100 in 11.75, last 5-miler was just over 33 minutes. I hate beating my knees up with long runs, but I can still sprint like a raped ape and go 5 rounds in the ring.

              We all have different approaches and goals, but any exercise beats no exercise. I'm glad to we have so many forum members who are into personal fitness.


              • #37
                my only regret is that i didnt flip this switch 15 or 20 years ago, i feel pretty fuckin great. i went from one extreme to the other, and ill never go back.
                my only fear is injury, another reason why i dont go super heavy on weights.
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • #38
                  Great thread! As most of us care somewhat about image, one of the best things you can do is to take of yourself! Any form of exercise is better than nothing, I'm also a high rep comfortable weight guy. I've got a small home gym, made up of a couple of benches, various barbells and dumbells, a dip station, heavy bag/speed bag stand, an elepitical trainer and also stupid shit like speed ropes, etc...
                  Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


                  • #39

                    The best thing about a home gym is the convenience. I was fortunate enough to not get too banged up, but after two ankle surgeries, a complete separation of my right shoulder, and both a torn meniscus and developing chondromalacia patellae in my right knee, I do a lot of physical therapy to try to maintain what I have left.

                    Squats are like the fuckin' rosetta stone. I've been able to damn near fully recover from a very bad knee injury that I got
                    on the job a year ago, and I attribute that almost completely to simply doing real squats. Not some faggot bullshit where you ass wink a few inches down...but deep, real squats.

                    My wife was asking how my day was going earlier, and I took a vid during a set to show her (me being a smartass). But a year ago, I could barely walk down a flight of stairs, and today I was able to hit 405lbs on back squats and walk away feeling great.

                    The convenience of having a gym where I control the temperature, the music, and never having to wait for equipment is the best feeling. No more weak asses doing curls in a power rack or gym skanks scouting for dick. No more hip hop or electronic dance music.

                    Lamb of God on blast and two scoops of C4. Then burning it down.

                    Best investment ever.


                    • #40
                      C4? yikers, i tried that shit. it was like when i used to shoot cocaine.
                      Try this stuff call G.A.T.- the stuff is $$$ i tell you. more of an alert thing going on as opposed to jittery speedy feeling.
                      much better workout in my opinion. well for me at least.

                      Not helping the situation since 1965!


                      • #41
                        Unfortunately, Cellucor have had to deal with a lot of bullshit surrounding C4 (ie false accusations of positive results on usinalysis') and I swear it's nowhere near as potent as it used to be. The only pre workout that ever made me feel like I was cracked out was Jack3d. That was some serious shit.
                        Last edited by DRM; 03-25-2016, 12:12 PM.


                        • #42
                          try the GAT, i promise you'll dig it. feel like the terminator when i do it. its really good stuff.
                          do NOT try "Hyde" that stuff is ridiculous too, youll be opening up fictitious businesses in under an hour on that stuff
                          Not helping the situation since 1965!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by DRM View Post
                            The only pre workout that ever made me feel like I was cracked out was Jack3d. That was some serious shit.
                            I love Jack3d Micro, getting harder to find though, and it gives me wicked heart burn for a few hours. However 2 scoops gives me a REAL boost to keep going doing "finishing" exercises to failure. On lighter days, I use "The Curse", pre workouts I mix with Con-crete 2 scoops. post work out switch between whey protein isolate and BCAA's.

                            I may have experimented in the past with Anadrol and sipianate based test. The test was freaking awesome, did 5 units a week for cycle length. The euphoric feeling of an intense workout was better than anything. Gained muscle sleeping, which is what I would do post workout after slamming a big meal(No need to worry about diet). I'd be happy to run another cycle, if the opportunity presented itself. Build you up drugs are way better than tear you down drugs...
                            Enjoying a rum and coke, just didn't have any coke...


                            • #44
                              I swear I could hear colors when I took two scoops of Jack3d.

                              Anadrol is definitely good for gains. I was on a Turanabol/Sustblood cycle my last deployment. If you're going to be a bear, be a fucking grizzly.


                              • #45
                                Adrol always seemed too harsh to me, so I never tried it. I had good results with dianabol, but then again that's probably just as harsh on the liver. I don't use any orals these days. Only AIs. The best test I've run is a good prop ester. Unfortunately EOD pins are necessary, but what a rush.

                                I could never work out at home. Even if I had all the equipment I would ever need, I need to have my workouts at a gym. Home is for resting, gym is for exercise....not to mention the finest ass you will see anywhere. My Gold's is crawling with gorgeous women.

