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NRA-ILA Urgent Action Needed to help protect OUR rights!

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  • NRA-ILA Urgent Action Needed to help protect OUR rights!

    Just received this NRA-ILA Urgent Action Needed link in an e-mail from the NRA and thought I would pass it along. Very easy to contact your state senators with your thoughts about the wolves being at the door, and the sheep wanting to disarm us.

    The NRA has just learned that Senators Schumer, Feinstein and other anti-gun elected officials are going to offer several anti-gun bills and amendments this week in the U.S. Congress, possibly as soon as today!

  • #2
    haven't they been spouting this same line with every significant mass shooting? They were adamant that everyone's guns were going to be confiscated after Sandy Hook but nothing has changed. Instead, ammo & gun sales have gone up and no legislation has changed. Why is this time any different? Driving paranoia and lobbying & funding congressman is about all the NRA seem to do
    Hail yesterday


    • #3
      I don't know, the liberals never miss an opportunity. They rattled the sabers pretty hard after Sandy Hook, and since gays are the Democratic Parties special snowflakes they're really beating the drums over this one. Even have some Republicans wavering. I personally trust no one Republican or Democrat in office, but I contact them and let them know how I feel and how I want them to vote. Hopefully I'm not the only one.

      The NRA, along with the National Asscociation of Gun Rights, and the Gun Owners of America are the only what I consider civil rights groups representing our views on our Constitutional rights. They aren't driving the paranoia, Feinstein, Schumer, Bloomberg, and all his ilk are driving it.

      Again, the wolves are coming to our doors now, and once again the sheep are trying to disarm us. They never miss the chance to use a tragedy. What gets me is they call a firearm and assault weapon, but when is the last time you saw a firearm assault anyone? It takes a person to assault someone, the weapon of choice can't do it by itself.

      The fact of the matter is that regardless of how you feel on the issue, you should make use of the NRA's website and inform your representatives how you want them to vote. That's why it's a friggin' democracy. One thing for sure, they know how I stand, because I contact my representatives on all issues, not just guns.
      Last edited by Razor; 06-15-2016, 10:16 PM.


      • #4
        Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
        haven't they been spouting this same line with every significant mass shooting? They were adamant that everyone's guns were going to be confiscated after Sandy Hook but nothing has changed. Instead, ammo & gun sales have gone up and no legislation has changed. Why is this time any different? Driving paranoia and lobbying & funding congressman is about all the NRA seem to do
        We need to be vigilant. It's not about our being able to own a gun; it's the individual right to do as we wish. The agenda isn't about making anyone more safe or preventing's to gain total control. The one time we turn our backs is the one time they weasel something like this in. People seem to believe some police state totalitarian government is just Hollywood fantasy. We're tip-toeing dangerously close to that line with each passing year, and soon enough it'll be too late.

        As for this proposal...some anonymous court that decides who does or doesn't have the right to exercise their freedom of choice? That's not the America we've fought for and that our citizens deserve. All of us are guaranteed due process and no one should have the right to take that from any of you for any reason.

        This isn't about saving "just one life". If that were the case, all cars would be required to have breathalyzers to keep drunk drivers from killing people, and all computer ownership would be regulated to prevent pedophiles from exploiting children on the internet.

        This goes far beyond public safety, and these people will never stop.


        • #5
          Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
          Driving paranoia and lobbying & funding congressman is about all the NRA seem to do
          The NRA is NOT driving paranoia. Terrorism and liberal media and politicians screaming that they need to ban things drives paranoia and sales.

          Howard Stern, of all people, made a real cogent analogy, it's worth a listen.

          The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


          • #6
            Average gun owners aren't thugs or criminals, we're decent, law abiding citizens who trust other decent, law abiding citizens with firearms because we're decent,law abiding citizens. We're not afraid of each other because there is really nothing to be worried about. We're afraid of criminals committing criminal acts and we have the right to defend ourselves against them with all of the same weapons they could use against us. It's a basic human right.
            The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


            • #7
              <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

              This is a pretty good video, I actually don't like the NRA organization - was a member they kept sending me stuff with out permission expecting me to pay for it and I told them to f*ck off, but I do support their ideals for the most part.

              Why do I keep getting this stupid popup saying the message has to be at least once character?
              In the future though I need to remember to not buy guitars while on Nyquil


              • #8
                Let's face it, if the Democrats want to take our guns away they are really terrible at it. We probably shouldn't worry about that, there is a bigger threat. Cops are now gunning down citizens carrying firearms legally:

                Video shows man in blood-soaked shirt with woman telling camera "police just shot my boyfriend for no apparent reason"

                Please do your best to lobby the NRA to take up this cause.
                "It's hard to be enigmatic if you have to go around explaining yourself all the time"


                • #9
                  Let the investigations run their course before making assumptions as to what happened.


                  • #10
                    I think we all know that these investigations are swept under the rug regularly. Please lobby the NRA to ensure that these investigations proceed as they should.
                    "It's hard to be enigmatic if you have to go around explaining yourself all the time"


                    • #11
                      Having been in a fight to detain someone that turned into a gunfight against my will, I have to give pause to anyone who thinks the shooting in LA wasn't justified.

                      A 300+ lb man is actively fighting and resisting arrest, two attempted taser deployments failed, and the perp continued to struggle to reach into his pocket to retrieve what is believed to be a handgun. The entire reason the police were called was to respond to calls of a man brandishing a firearm and making threats.

                      There's no magic 8 ball for this kinda thing. Decisions are made in an instant and you have to choose between bad and worse much faster than it looks on any video. What if he had retrieved a handgun from his pocket? A contact shot at that distance, regardless of caliber, is going to have an extremely negative effect on your anatomy.

                      What's going to be telling is the release of the 911 call transcript, the full audio from the Officers body cams, as well as the report of what the officer retrieved from his pocket after the shooting. If you've seen the video the store owner shot, you can see clear as day the perp struggling to fight into his pocket and an officer retrieve what appears to be a small Derringer like pistol after the shooting.

                      As for the driver in MN: all that's been told so far is from the perspective of the passenger and (most telling) is that it's post-shooting. Statements will be collected, cross examination will happen, and the picture will be put together a piece at a time.

                      I understand your frustration, but we have to give this time to let the investigators do their job.

                      *ETA: I'm not Law Enforcement: prior service Military and currently working for The Man in another role.
                      Last edited by DRM; 07-07-2016, 06:41 PM.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DRM View Post
                        currently working for The Man in another role.
                        State sponsored porn?
                        GTWGITS! - RacerX


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Hellbat View Post
                          State sponsored porn?
                          Close. Very close.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by marcus View Post
                            I think we all know that these investigations are swept under the rug regularly. Please lobby the NRA to ensure that these investigations proceed as they should.
                            marcus, start a new thread please. Your comments aren't privy to the topic, but if you would like to contact your representatives with your opinions then please use the link I posted.

                            Since you brought it up, a man is innocent until proven guilty. Let due process run it's course.


                            • #15
                              A couple of thoughts here. One, the media shows what appears to be a cut-and-dried scene: "White cop shoots Black suspect." That's all the public sees on the news. Then the trial comes, where the jury actually gets to see and hear the real evidence. They hear the radio transmissions. They hear the 911 calls. They view the video of the entire thing as recorded by the officer's dash cam. They declare the shooting justified. But that's not good enough for the riot crowd, spurred on by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and Black Lives Matter.

                              And after a mass shooting, before the bodies are even cold, we get treated to Obama and Hillary "explaining" to us that stricter gun control would have prevented the tragedy, even though anyone with an IQ above 40 knows better.

                              So yeah, the media is doing a lot to ruin this country. I've been an NRA member off and on for years. I wish I had gone ahead and bought a life membership back when they had a great deal on it.
                              Member - National Sarcasm Society

                              "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."

