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NRA-ILA Urgent Action Needed to help protect OUR rights!

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  • #16
    Personally I am sick of them blaming guns. They act like Megatron walked in and shot up a gay bar for not playing his jams he wanted to hear.

    Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
    haven't they been spouting this same line with every significant mass shooting? They were adamant that everyone's guns were going to be confiscated after Sandy Hook but nothing has changed. Instead, ammo & gun sales have gone up and no legislation has changed. Why is this time any different? Driving paranoia and lobbying & funding congressman is about all the NRA seem to do

    Except after every shooting democrats in congress do attempt to push leguslation to place new limitations on 2nd amendment rights.


    • #17
      My belief is they enact any laws limiting or banning firearms here will not happen. There may be more red tape and process changes that will make it a bit more difficult. Millions and millions of American gun owners would not comply and it would not end favorable for anyone forced confiscation was initiated. I'm a law abiding citizen, mind my own business but I operate under my own laws of personal morality..meaning if I don't agree that a law is right and I'm convinced I'm right said law does not exist haha.

      Gary does make a good point here however. The NRA to me invokes undue paranoia and people think Obama personally is going knock down your doors and take your guns. This just is NOT going to happen...even if it does if you know what I mean. In the last 7.5+ years we've had more mass murdering going on than ever before. As a result gun ownership has increased substantially, more and more people are arming themselves for protection and most gun MFG's are doing well financially. We can go on an on about strict gun law overhauls etc but bottom line is the 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere and our founding fathers have it there to prevent tyranny that they themselves knew could possibly happen....we the people will make sure it wont/


      • #18
        I think the most important thing we can do now is to elect heavily pro-2nd Amendment Congresspeople who will protect our rights from whatever evil comes from the White House. With Hitlery skating through every single criminal act with impunity, there's a damn good chance she is going to be the next POTUS, whether legitimately or through vote fraud. When asked a few weeks ago if she believed US citizens had the right to own firearms via the 2nd Amendment, she would not give an answer, absolutely refused to say we had the right to own a firearm.

        Hitlery has already said she wants to ban "assault rifles and high capacity magazines" and even went as far as to praise Australia's gun ban, stating that she wanted "an Australian style program here". John Kerry has already ILLEGALLY !!!! signed the USA onto the UN's Small Arms Treaty that pretty much bans personal firearms ownership. Look for that to become an issue at some point, especially if Hitlery gets in the White House.

        And if things really go downhill and Hitlery gets her ban, I hope the people of the USA go with "non-compliance". That's going to be a big term soon.


        • #19
          Originally posted by DRM View Post
          Having been in a fight to detain someone that turned into a gunfight against my will, I have to give pause to anyone who thinks the shooting in LA wasn't justified.

          A 300+ lb man is actively fighting and resisting arrest, two attempted taser deployments failed, and the perp continued to struggle to reach into his pocket to retrieve what is believed to be a handgun. The entire reason the police were called was to respond to calls of a man brandishing a firearm and making threats.
          He was also a registered sex offender, had a fairly decent criminal history, and was prohibited from owning a firearm.

          You brandish a firearm, a cop receives a complaint and you resist arrest while carrying a firearm? You probably should be shot.

          As for the driver in MN: all that's been told so far is from the perspective of the passenger and (most telling) is that it's post-shooting. Statements will be collected, cross examination will happen, and the picture will be put together a piece at a time.

          I understand your frustration, but we have to give this time to let the investigators do their job.
          Yeah, there is still not a lot of information on this case and I've read conflicting info, one saying that he had the firearm on his lap and the officer pulled him over because the driver fit the description of a liquor store robber and was in the immediate vicinity. His girlfriend said he was licensed to carry, but they said he hadn't even applied for a CCW in MN, but they have reciprocity with 30+ states, so it could very likely be an out of state permit.

          Sounds like the officer may have rushed to judgement especially with the way both the officer and the girlfriend were acting on video, but we didn't get to see what happened before that, so we still need more info to properly judge that one.
          The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


          • #20
            My take on both of those shootings is they should never have happened and both totally avoidable. Both didn't deserve to die but they certainly have to take some accountability for their own deaths. There is some wrong on both sides really. In Baton Rouge if the guy didn't threaten the pan handling homeless man or show his weapon 911 wouldn't have been called and he'd be alive today. If he didn't resist he'd be alive today. In MN the guy would have listened to commands properly he'd be alive today.

            People need to realize when 911 is called reporting a guy threatening with a gun or the words "I have a firearm" are spoken police get amp'd up and are on a heightened level of awareness. When you play with fire chances are you will get burned eventually. We also get too quick to assess and judge when we don't really have all the facts yet. Then you have all the far right and far left asshats making up shit that just isn't true just to spread their narrative.

            Whether you are an angel or a thug it doesn't matter due process is warranted. Not complying or resisting is the same whether a thug or a saint...they'll be treated the same at the time of the incident.


            • #21
              I've posted this before, and would like to see what you guys think. To me, the second amendment isn't impervious to interpretation, regardless of what you may hear from gun nuts or anti-gun nuts (we're all broken toys and bent in one way or another) with an axe to grind over it. It's a species of law, just like all other species of law, written in an imperfect language by imperfect humans who were competing strenuously amongst themselves and making all kind of low compromises all along the way. What it truly means at any given point in time is what the judge you are standing in front of says it means.

              *-editors note before everyone thinks i'm against them having guns, that's not the case. i say you should be able to own a tank in your backyard if thats what its gonna take to make you feel safe. but as far as every moron on this planet being able to walk around in public armed to the teeth, well that's just a powder keg waiting to explode through human error and idiots watching too much tv and movies. that is what makes me feel unsafe.
              Last edited by atomic charvel guy; 07-11-2016, 10:07 AM.
              Not helping the situation since 1965!


              • #22
                That's why if the NRA spent half as much on offering free educational training to give more people the opportunity to be safe and responsible gun handlers as they do their advertising for donations, we'd be getting somewhere.

                The problem is that half of the population think you have to be some death dealing wizard of murder to be able to either use or defend against a firearm, and the other half think they got this shit in the bag and Don't Tread On Me, Molon Labe, etc. I have tried to offer advice to help my fellow gun owners out when I see things either grossly negligent or outright dangerous, but they treat it like I just asked to fuck their wife because most can't curb their ego enough to take constructive input.

                I went to a pubic range yesterday for the first time in 8 years. Never again, I'll just go pay my dues to use a local club or shoot at the range at work when I get the time.


                • #23
                  And no, I am not an NRA member and nor will I ever be.

                  Those fucking morons got us the sporting clause and waste more money blowing hot air and fear mongering than anything else.


                  • #24
                    I support the NRA because they and a couple of other organizations are the only one's to me really holding politicians accountable for their votes, and helping get pro-gun legislation passed. Most recently the NRA worked very closely with the West Virginia Citizens Defense League (I'm a member of also) in getting state wide constitutional carry passed here in West Virginia. If I remember right, the NRA was heavily involved in McDonald Vs Chicago (NRA Vs Chicago was merged with McDonald Vs Chicago). I like how the NRA-ILA makes it easy to contact your representatives, plus I get the American Rifleman to read monthly so I think they're a good organization to support.

                    In my honest opinion, if it hadn't been for the NRA in the 60's, the Gun Control Act of 1968 would have been much worse, and yes I hate the sporter clause too. Something was going to happen then, and at the time the NRA wasn't to me anything more than a bunch of guys who liked guns getting the American Rifleman. They didn't seem as involved in politics then as they are now, and I think that getting caught with their pants down so to speak in 1968 has made them what they are now.

                    I hate going to public ranges too. There are some real idiots out there. I don't have a private range close to me, so I'm stuck going to the local ranges. Luckily I can go during the week when the idiots are elsewhere.

                    atomic Tommy - I think the 2nd Amendment is like all the others. They're black and white. To me there is no interpretation of what they say, other than what they say. If the founding fathers hadn't included "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
                    then we wouldn't be having any type of conversation. I'm one of those literal interpretation people though, and I go with what something says, I don't try to wax philosophical on a simple sentence.

                    The great majority of your law abiding Americans are like me, DRM, Xeno, and others. We're just people who want our rights, and the ability to protect our family, hearth and home. Plus, going target shooting is some real good fun too especially when you're not a great shooter like me and you can see a constant improvement.


                    • #25
                      Razely, i have nothing against people protecting their family or shooting at the range at all, hunting, or whatever, i just dont want my beautiful newport beach
                      overrun with morons packing weapons, kinda kills the whole beach vibe ya know? haa haaa
                      Not helping the situation since 1965!


                      • #26
                        You would probably (maybe not) be surprised how many people you pass every day that are both prohibited from owning firearms, but acquired and carry them illegally.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                          Razely, i have nothing against people protecting their family or shooting at the range at all, hunting, or whatever, i just dont want my beautiful newport beach
                          overrun with morons packing weapons, kinda kills the whole beach vibe ya know? haa haaa
                          It's not the law abiding citizens who choose to carry that you need to worry about. They're statistically never the ones you have to worry about.

                          I can sympathize with those who wish guns weren't around. They don't trust other people with them because they can't trust themselves or maybe most of the people they associate with.... is how that usually works.
                          The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                            Razely, i have nothing against people protecting their family or shooting at the range at all, hunting, or whatever, i just dont want my beautiful newport beach
                            overrun with morons packing weapons, kinda kills the whole beach vibe ya know? haa haaa
                            Don't worry, you will be overrun with Mexicans and Islamic Jihadists soon enough if things don't change. :P


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by lepard View Post
                              Don't worry, you will be overrun with Mexicans and Islamic Jihadists soon enough if things don't change. :P
                              there's already plenty of mexicans. i have lots of mexican friends.
                              Not helping the situation since 1965!


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by DRM View Post
                                You would probably (maybe not) be surprised how many people you pass every day that are both prohibited from owning firearms, but acquired and carry them illegally.
                                im sure if you drive 15 or 20 minutes away from where i live, absolutely, but where i live everyone is in board shorts, flip flops, no shirt, i have never seen a gun being carried in public except on a cop, its just a different place.
                                and i don't want it ruined.
                                Not helping the situation since 1965!

