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Need more government in your life? California now regulates cow farts!

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  • atomic charvel guy
    thanks guys, we'll be alright. the funny part is i used to kook out and run around like a scared cat during earthquakes as i moved out here in '89, but over time ive become like the natives when they happen now, its no big deal, but a 7.0 is actually quite sizey, and im on the top floor of my building, ill crash down right into the water.
    look out below!!
    my girlfriend tried to get out of coming over last night because of it, and wante me to go to her house 20 minutes down the road. i said not a chance! if i'm gonna croak its gonna be while we're boning each others lights out, and that id have to take her down with me. she came over. i took an extra high powered cialis and assailed her virtue like a champ for her being a good sport

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  • DRM
    Stay safe, brother.

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  • Razor
    Stay safe Tommy. I saw on the news about the earthquake alert. If you could just sacrifice the insane progressives to the earthquake god, maybe California would be cool to visit someday.

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  • atomic charvel guy
    hey some of you may get your wish, California is on high earthquake alert and is expecting a 7.0 anytime from saturday, 2 days ago, through tomorrow, so if i die in it allow me to issue one last fuck you to you whammy throwing motherfuckers.
    i must say, this is my favorite time of the year, the tourists are gone, beaches are wide open, 72 and cool as a cucumber at night, fuck you need a blanket at night in july and august where i live, cozy as can be.

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  • VitaminG
    unexceptional weekend in my shithole. band practice on Saturday followed by a trip to an excellent Indian restaurant with the family for dinner. Lazy Sunday morning before taking the boy into town for some clothes shopping and movies on the couch with the fam in the afternoon. And to cap the day off, after a few wines the missus jumped me on the couch once the kid headed off to bed. Just an awful weekend all round

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  • DRM
    Well, I got to skydive twice on Saturday and saw Gojira on Sunday. Great weekend for this guy.

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  • atomic charvel guy
    i had an exceptional weekend in my shithole, how about you guys?

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  • Razor
    Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
    But the real bad guys are scientists and researchers looking to get PAID. You see all these scientists with their flashy coats & expensive rides, livin' gangsta on their 8 figure salaries
    Ok, now that was funny as hell.

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  • VitaminG
    Originally posted by Nightbat View Post
    The environment is big business

    You won't make any money or receive subsidies telling the higher ups the planet is doing fine
    You just mention there may be a larger methane pollution than was already established (by scientific means), but need more funds to 'thoroughly' study the effects and watch the $$$ pour in
    scientists aren't getting rich from this. Govts are cutting investment in scientific research. Big business would prefer not to have to adapt their processes to consider environmental impacts. Hence all the lobbying to discredit climate change.

    If we could ditch all those environmental protections & pesky legislation, we could save a bunch on our production lines & pump widgets out for even less money. That's going to increase profits and give us CEOs a nice little bump in our annual bonuses. Actually, we could further reduce costs by sending all production overseas to countries where they have no protections for workers either.

    But the real bad guys are scientists and researchers looking to get PAID. You see all these scientists with their flashy coats & expensive rides, livin' gangsta on their 8 figure salaries

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  • VitaminG
    Originally posted by Razor View Post
    Dude, you're taking this a little too personal. I think regulating cow farts is nothing but stupid government over reach. It would be just as easy to find a scientist who qualifies this as it would be to find one who refutes it. Science and statistics have always been, and will always be manipulated to fit the agenda of whomever and whatever. I treat scientists and statisticians on the same level as preachers and lawyers which is just a tad higher than mud.

    I wonder how many cow farts this natural gas leak in California equalled to? What is the Californian government really focusing on? What they can control, or what they want to control? I still say they're trying to build a vegan society by regulating cow farts, but that's just my opinion.

    A leaking natural gas well in southern California vented almost 100,000 tonnes of methane into the atmosphere before it was plugged.

    I'm having fun with the absurdity of this more than anything. Nothing the California government does surprises me anymore. Regulating cow farts, who'da thunk it? Interesting Australian article below by the way.
    I'm not taking any of this personally. Assume that anything I write has tongue planted in cheek. Those links were some interesting reading. The ABC news article talks about some of the volumes they're looking at. As I said before, emissions aren't as high as coal production, but still pretty significant. But the Australian govt doesn't appear to be legislating cow farts, despite the earlier assertion that "Australia did this too". Scientists are studying ways that emissions might be reduced, the govt isn't punishing farmers for having farty cows

    Originally posted by Newc View Post
    Given the fact that "Science" makes "new discoveries" every day, and must refine, edit, or completely rewrite what they previously stated on any given subject based on data they were not aware of the previous go-round, I'd say unless someone tracked even a warehoused herd's fart cloud all the way up to the ozone layer, then it's just a theory, and not fact, and we should act on facts, not theories.
    Gravity is also a theory. Feel free to ignore it.

    Read the article that Razor linked. They tracked emissions from a thousand cows in beef & dairy industries (so on different diets) and in a range of climate zones to consider environmental factors. They found there wasn't a lot of difference considering all those factors. But their test sample was a bit more than following one cow fart into the atmosphere

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  • Nightbat
    The environment is big business

    You won't make any money or receive subsidies telling the higher ups the planet is doing fine
    You just mention there may be a larger methane pollution than was already established (by scientific means), but need more funds to 'thoroughly' study the effects and watch the $$$ pour in

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  • Newc
    Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
    Ah, so you've looked into their methodology? Reading can make one's head hurt, but it can help to understand how the scientists gathered their data.
    Originally posted by Razor View Post
    Science and statistics have always been, and will always be manipulated to fit the agenda of whomever and whatever.

    Given the fact that "Science" makes "new discoveries" every day, and must refine, edit, or completely rewrite what they previously stated on any given subject based on data they were not aware of the previous go-round, I'd say unless someone tracked even a warehoused herd's fart cloud all the way up to the ozone layer, then it's just a theory, and not fact, and we should act on facts, not theories.

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  • atomic charvel guy
    it would have to exist before it can evaporate[/QUOTE]

    woops, holiest of all smokers you're right, my bad, good call sir

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  • Razor
    Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
    Ah, so you've looked into their methodology? Reading can make one's head hurt, but it can help to understand how the scientists gathered their data.

    Cow's may have been farting since they were dropped on the planet by our alien overlords, but human farming of cows means there are a helluva lot more of them here to produce gas now.

    I don't believe it was a concerted effort by the whole country. Nobody asked me to help out. But a team of scientists have done the study. They're not the sole study and I don't know if their results were even considered by US legislators. Scientists are looking into the issue in other countries. I just looked up the outcome of the Australian study since someone else brought it up. Since we're the test bed for NWO/Illuminati bullshit agenda. Or something

    But you know those scientists, looking at facts & figures. They don't give enough credence to feels and notions

    it would have to exist before it can evaporate
    Dude, you're taking this a little too personal. I think regulating cow farts is nothing but stupid government over reach. It would be just as easy to find a scientist who qualifies this as it would be to find one who refutes it. Science and statistics have always been, and will always be manipulated to fit the agenda of whomever and whatever. I treat scientists and statisticians on the same level as preachers and lawyers which is just a tad higher than mud.

    I wonder how many cow farts this natural gas leak in California equalled to? What is the Californian government really focusing on? What they can control, or what they want to control? I still say they're trying to build a vegan society by regulating cow farts, but that's just my opinion.

    A leaking natural gas well in southern California vented almost 100,000 tonnes of methane into the atmosphere before it was plugged.

    I'm having fun with the absurdity of this more than anything. Nothing the California government does surprises me anymore. Regulating cow farts, who'da thunk it? Interesting Australian article below by the way.

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  • VitaminG
    Originally posted by Newc View Post
    I guess the dumbfucks in the Califorgetit legislature haven't heard, but whether you believe in Evolution or Creationism, they do agree on one point: cows have been farting in fields long before people appeared, so there's really nothing we can do about it now. What, a HEPA filter up a cow's ass?

    And what genius tracked a single cow fart in the wild to see it ascend to the ozone layer? You cannot calculate this to prove it, you have to observe it directly because of all of the known AND unknown variables.
    Ah, so you've looked into their methodology? Reading can make one's head hurt, but it can help to understand how the scientists gathered their data.

    Cow's may have been farting since they were dropped on the planet by our alien overlords, but human farming of cows means there are a helluva lot more of them here to produce gas now.

    Originally posted by Razor View Post
    Didn't you get the memo? Australia has already done the study. They've formulated the theory, and proven it to hear them talk about it. They know those damn cows are fucking up the enviroment way more than nature is....
    I don't believe it was a concerted effort by the whole country. Nobody asked me to help out. But a team of scientists have done the study. They're not the sole study and I don't know if their results were even considered by US legislators. Scientists are looking into the issue in other countries. I just looked up the outcome of the Australian study since someone else brought it up. Since we're the test bed for NWO/Illuminati bullshit agenda. Or something

    But you know those scientists, looking at facts & figures. They don't give enough credence to feels and notions

    Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
    one things for sure, and thats the fact that common sense in a Creation Museum does indeed evaporate 4 trillion times quicker than the most grisly cow fart
    it would have to exist before it can evaporate

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