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Need more government in your life? California now regulates cow farts!

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  • rjohnstone
    Move to AZ.
    We have constitutional carry... weed is legal for medical purposes (recreational is on the ballot in Nov), no real threat from natural disasters, housing is reasonably priced, and you can go from skiing in the mountains to sunbathing on a lake in a matter of 1 1/2 hour drive.
    A lot of Californians are making their way here, but we are fighting their desire to bring the Commiefornia laws with them.

    My favorite place in the whole world though is Pacific Grove, California.
    I want to retire there if it doesn't fall off into the ocean first. (And their asinine gun laws are changed)

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  • Razor
    Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
    one things for sure, and thats the fact that common sense in a Creation Museum does indeed evaporate 4 trillion times quicker than the most grisly cow fart
    Ok, so we're going to bring the whether or not you believe the Bible/Creation into this?

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  • atomic charvel guy
    Originally posted by Newc View Post
    Hmmm, so the digestive gasses of herbivores is an environmental issue?

    Veg-ah-teriahn - Need. more. peas!
    Veg-ah-teriahn - Depleting the ozone!

    I guess the dumbfucks in the Califorgetit legislature haven't heard, but whether you believe in Evolution or Creationism, they do agree on one point: cows have been farting in fields long before people appeared, so there's really nothing we can do about it now. What, a HEPA filter up a cow's ass?

    And what genius tracked a single cow fart in the wild to see it ascend to the ozone layer? You cannot calculate this to prove it, you have to observe it directly because of all of the known AND unknown variables.
    one things for sure, and thats the fact that common sense in a Creation Museum does indeed evaporate 4 trillion times quicker than the most grisly cow fart

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  • Razor
    Originally posted by Newc View Post
    Hmmm, so the digestive gasses of herbivores is an environmental issue?

    Veg-ah-teriahn - Need. more. peas!
    Veg-ah-teriahn - Depleting the ozone!

    I guess the dumbfucks in the Califorgetit legislature haven't heard, but whether you believe in Evolution or Creationism, they do agree on one point: cows have been farting in fields long before people appeared, so there's really nothing we can do about it now. What, a HEPA filter up a cow's ass?

    And what genius tracked a single cow fart in the wild to see it ascend to the ozone layer? You cannot calculate this to prove it, you have to observe it directly because of all of the known AND unknown variables.
    Didn't you get the memo? Australia has already done the study. They've formulated the theory, and proven it to hear them talk about it. They know those damn cows are fucking up the enviroment way more than nature is....

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  • Newc
    Hmmm, so the digestive gasses of herbivores is an environmental issue?

    Veg-ah-teriahn - Need. more. peas!
    Veg-ah-teriahn - Depleting the ozone!

    I guess the dumbfucks in the Califorgetit legislature haven't heard, but whether you believe in Evolution or Creationism, they do agree on one point: cows have been farting in fields long before people appeared, so there's really nothing we can do about it now. What, a HEPA filter up a cow's ass?

    And what genius tracked a single cow fart in the wild to see it ascend to the ozone layer? You cannot calculate this to prove it, you have to observe it directly because of all of the known AND unknown variables.

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  • Snoogans
    Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
    absolutely, but a ride to where is the question? Gary, both of us better make tracks and fast out of our respective shitholes right away or we're hucklefucked, let's opt for a place where its consistently either weenie shrinking cold and you have to stay inside half the year because it sucks balls outside......
    I've got just the place for you. The weather's usually grey and miserable, as are most of the people you're likely to meet. The womenfolk in particular lean towards the fat and profoundly unattractive. As white, heterosexual, english-speaking and employable men, you'd be held in particular contempt by the authorities. On the upside there is a really good pub just up the road!

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  • VitaminG
    to find Jay's place, look for the green mushroom cloud

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  • Jayster
    Personally I support extra cow farts! I'm working on inventing a special blend of bean feed for livestock and already have federal grants not to make it!!!! God Bless America :P

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  • VitaminG
    Originally posted by DRM View Post
    Doxycycline is your friend.

    Brother, it's one of my favorite places in the world. Between Pisgah, the Bob Marshall, and Denali, there is so much beauty to experience in America. I've spent many a night in Pisgah around a campfire, sipping Lagavulin under the stars.

    The world can be beautiful if we just let ourselves see it.
    too true. I have a two hour commute to Brisbane for work, because I enjoy my job & like working in the city, but love living in the country. Quality of life. We spend evenings in the backyard with a bottle of wine, talking & staring at the stars.

    Man, you can paint a picture. I haven't tried Lagavulin but from the descriptions, sounds similar to Laphroaig. Will have to check it out

    Originally posted by Razor View Post
    Western North Carolina reminds me a lot of West Virginia. I took a two day float trip on the Nolichucky in 2008 and it was heaven. Only saw three other people in two full days on the water. The solitude and scenery were frickin' awesome.

    I just want to live where "Big Brother" says I have to do this, can't do that, can't eat that, and can't drink that. I understand and abide by the 10 Commandments. Thankfully I do. Do I really need a government telling me my cattle are farting too much? Will they stop with cattle? Are our farts to be regulated yet? To me the regulation of cow farts is only for the politicians to say "we did something". The effects of cow farts are miniscule compared to the millions of cubic feed of natural gas, methane, and CH4 leaking from the sea bed along with crude oil in the Santa Barbara channel, but their focus is on cow farts. If I ever see a spotted owl I'm gonna kill the fucker while drinking a Big Gulp from the 7-11!
    The CSIRO here found that the original estimate was overstated & rejigged their calculations. The new estimate is down 24% from the previous, equivalent to 12.6 million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, but it seems that methane from agriculture is still generating 15% of Australia's greenhouse gas emissions. Not nearly as much as the 35% from electricity, but is still not insignificant. BTW, it's cow burps, not farts.

    This is all research so that we know what the problem is so that solutions can be developed. From what I've been able to find out, farmers aren't being punished or legislated against for the emissions of their cows. Scientists are trying to develop strategies to reduce the emissions. Dairy & beef cattle are a big industry in this country. The govt isn't going to hurt that export revenue stream by cracking down on farmers over cow flatulence

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  • Razor
    Originally posted by DRM View Post
    Doxycycline is your friend.

    Brother, it's one of my favorite places in the world. Between Pisgah, the Bob Marshall, and Denali, there is so much beauty to experience in America. I've spent many a night in Pisgah around a campfire, sipping Lagavulin under the stars.

    The world can be beautiful if we just let ourselves see it.
    Western North Carolina reminds me a lot of West Virginia. I took a two day float trip on the Nolichucky in 2008 and it was heaven. Only saw three other people in two full days on the water. The solitude and scenery were frickin' awesome.

    I just want to live where "Big Brother" says I have to do this, can't do that, can't eat that, and can't drink that. I understand and abide by the 10 Commandments. Thankfully I do. Do I really need a government telling me my cattle are farting too much? Will they stop with cattle? Are our farts to be regulated yet? To me the regulation of cow farts is only for the politicians to say "we did something". The effects of cow farts are miniscule compared to the millions of cubic feed of natural gas, methane, and CH4 leaking from the sea bed along with crude oil in the Santa Barbara channel, but their focus is on cow farts. If I ever see a spotted owl I'm gonna kill the fucker while drinking a Big Gulp from the 7-11!

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  • DRM
    Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
    We can deal with the malaria
    Doxycycline is your friend.

    Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
    sounds idyllic. Had to look up Pisgah National Forest. I could dig that. I like taverns, I like hiking, I like forests. Ticks all the boxes
    Brother, it's one of my favorite places in the world. Between Pisgah, the Bob Marshall, and Denali, there is so much beauty to experience in America. I've spent many a night in Pisgah around a campfire, sipping Lagavulin under the stars.

    The world can be beautiful if we just let ourselves see it.

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  • VitaminG
    Originally posted by DRM View Post
    California is a gorgeous state, but unfortunately San Francisco and LA are all anyone associates with it. Even more unfortunate is that they make up the majority of the voting population of the state, so they basically drive the politics of CA.

    I would definitely rather live most anywhere in California before I'd ever set foot in Detroit or Chicago again. San Diego is fucking awesome.

    Cali's got a lot going for it. My job requires that I live where I live, but if I had the choice: I'd move to Asheville and live my life running a tavern, backpacking the AT, and hiking through Pisgah National Forest in my off time.
    sounds idyllic. Had to look up Pisgah National Forest. I could dig that. I like taverns, I like hiking, I like forests. Ticks all the boxes

    I spend a bit of time in Sydney for work. Love it, but don't know how the locals afford to live there. Who could work in a pizza shop and earn enough to pay rent? It's crazy expensive.

    Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
    absolutely, but a ride to where is the question? Gary, both of us better make tracks and fast out of our respective shitholes right away or we're hucklefucked, let's opt for a place where its consistently either weenie shrinking cold and you have to stay inside half the year because it sucks balls outside, or else its overbearingly hot with grisly gunky sticky foul greasy mosquito ridden air.
    you and I pal, lets seek out malaria together.
    that's a tough one, T. We might have to put it to popular vote, make sure it meets the JCF's approval. Somewhere away from the designated "hope it falls into the ocean/let's turn it all into glass" zones though. Don't need that aggravation. We can deal with the malaria

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  • atomic charvel guy
    Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
    that will be unfortunate for all the Californian JCFers. Tommy, you're always posting pics by the marina - reckon you could bum a ride?
    absolutely, but a ride to where is the question? Gary, both of us better make tracks and fast out of our respective shitholes right away or we're hucklefucked, let's opt for a place where its consistently either weenie shrinking cold and you have to stay inside half the year because it sucks balls outside, or else its overbearingly hot with grisly gunky sticky foul greasy mosquito ridden air.
    you and I pal, lets seek out malaria together.

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  • DRM
    Originally posted by VitaminG View Post
    man, who'd want to live there? It must be awful

    I trained in Australia for a few weeks with the 2nd Commando Regiment when I was still in the Army. Had an absolute blast and loved Sydney. Plus, the women were very hospitable to American Soldiers.

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  • DRM
    California is a gorgeous state, but unfortunately San Francisco and LA are all anyone associates with it. Even more unfortunate is that they make up the majority of the voting population of the state, so they basically drive the politics of CA.

    I would definitely rather live most anywhere in California before I'd ever set foot in Detroit or Chicago again. San Diego is fucking awesome.

    Cali's got a lot going for it. My job requires that I live where I live, but if I had the choice: I'd move to Asheville and live my life running a tavern, backpacking the AT, and hiking through Pisgah National Forest in my off time.
    Last edited by DRM; 09-21-2016, 12:56 PM.

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