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Obama last ditch effort for gun control

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  • Obama last ditch effort for gun control

    He is planning to push thru a gun control law where if you are on social security or on SSDI you lose your right to own a firearm.
    So many senior citizens are going to lose their right to keep and bear arms because they are on social security.
    Ex military people getting gov assistance/benefits will be unable to own firearms.
    No due process of law you lose and you have no say in the matter.
    This is so wrong and we can't let this happen.
    Go to the National Assoc Of Gun Rights website and sign the no petition.
    This effects me too because I need to file for my social security I really could use the extra little bit of income just to get by every month.
    Retirement pension I get doesn't cover all my bills so SS would be nice.
    Hell I paid into for 40+ years so its mine but if I sign up and start getting SS I lose my right to own a gun.
    Go sign the petition not for me but for yourself.
    It will go into effect January 17th 2017 so next month is D day for all gun owners on SS or SSDI or any kind of gov assistance.
    Please go sign the petition.
    Last edited by straycat; 12-23-2016, 01:55 AM.
    Really? well screw Mark Twain.

  • #2
    I could see being prevented from buying more if you are on some form of social assistance, but it does seem semi-draconic to try and take away what you already have.
    GTWGITS! - RacerX


    • #3
      Alt-right bullshit "news". And an old one, at that. As usual, a big blatant lie wrapped around a very small kernel of truth.

      President Obama is reportedly pushing to bar some Social Security recipients from owning guns if they lack the mental capacity to manage their own affairs.

      Sorry, guys, but they're not coming for your guns. Especially a lame-duck President who's about to be replaced in a few weeks.
      Last edited by shreddermon; 12-23-2016, 05:39 PM.


      • #4
        I don't have much trust in snopes either and they are only good for half truths
        I don't trust the powers that be so if they could do one last attempt at some form of gun control they would do it and you know it.
        By saying alt right you are implying right wing nut jobs right? Excuse me but who was right about all the democrat funny business that has been going on?
        Last edited by straycat; 12-23-2016, 08:43 PM.
        Really? well screw Mark Twain.


        • #5
          Nevermind, not looking to start a political argument. There's too much of that already. We are one nation, indivisible. Hopefully, my friends.


          • #6
            I don't give a flying fark what that Socialist Commiecrat in the White House does over the next 4 weeks. Trump can kill it all on day 1. Trump has our backs.


            • #7
              Hopefully Congress can present Trump with Hearing Protection Act... that needs to be signed... and I don't expect NFA or FOPA reform immediately but with a good mid-term election I hope they railroad it through. Imagine if new MGs can be added to the transferable registry. That would be amazing.
              The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


              • #8
                I don't see much of the NFA changing other than the suppressors moving to a 4473 form and no tax stamp needed which it should be.
                New MG's I don't see that happening but I would like to see it. It would kill the value of the pre 86 MG's tho'.
                I just hate to see Obama screw things up for me and a lot of other people on his way out.
                He is just enough of an ass hole to do it.
                Really? well screw Mark Twain.


                • #9
                  There have been a few repeal FOPA or NFA bills in the past that never got out of committee, but with a good midterm in 18, if they can get 60 seats in the Senate, railroading some FOPA and GCA reform becomes a real possibility.

                  SBR and SBS should really just be abandoned at this point, as convoluted as ATF opinion letters have become... All the new Sig Brace and shotshell "firearms" just make the distinctions irrelevant... NFA transfers need to be moved online and that whole system overhauled. Taking up to a year to process a transfer is just ridiculous for paperwork delays.

                  Trump doesn't owe a whole bunch of favors, but he does owe the NRA a lot for their very early support. If he can get 2 Justices, stuff like FOPA, GCA and NFA could just die in the courts instead. But that's trickle down shit that won't matter for years.
                  The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.

