I recently inherited my Grandparent's farm. Today I was checking on the house, and decided to check the storage building over the cellar. I found my Grandpa's World War 2 duffel bag he brought home from Europe in it. He's the big reason I'm such a big fan of history, and of old battle rifles.
I spent a lot of time on my Grandparent's farm when I was a kid, and lived with them when I was a teenager. Gramps worked hard to instill some of his best traits in me. Be a man of your word, help your friends and neighbors, and above all to have a good work ethic and make your own way by the sweat of your brow, because in the end you'll appreciate it that much more. He was a hell of a man, and an awesome Grandpa.
It just came out of the washing machine, and will be going on to permanent display in my man cave.

I spent a lot of time on my Grandparent's farm when I was a kid, and lived with them when I was a teenager. Gramps worked hard to instill some of his best traits in me. Be a man of your word, help your friends and neighbors, and above all to have a good work ethic and make your own way by the sweat of your brow, because in the end you'll appreciate it that much more. He was a hell of a man, and an awesome Grandpa.
It just came out of the washing machine, and will be going on to permanent display in my man cave.
