So last Sunday my car won't start. When the key is turned, the starter clicked once, but it didn't engage to start the engine.
some would say, Dead battery.
OK, I take the battery out and take it to get tested, It is good. 13 volts strong and giving 800 cranking amps when it's only rated at 650.
Ah, it must be the starter.
OK, I know that the starter on this car is easy to get to, or so I think.
Well, there's no way to get it out from under the hood, no big deal, I'll just jak it up and pull it out.
NO, there's the transmission cooling lines and the bastards who put on the aftermarked exhaust put the pipe in the only location that the starter could possibly be pulled out.
Well, after three days under the car, in the mud, because my car won't break down when it's not raining. ( no garage, either ), I get the starter out.
I go to NAPA and get another starter, not too bad, 50 bucks for a rebuild with 3 year warranty.
I ho0ok up the new one put it all back together, and CLICK, the same damn thing.
I jack up the car again and take the starter out to have it tested thinking napa sold me a defective starter, but no, it works fine.
I put the starter back in the car and am ready to have the car towed to a real mechanic, when a friend of mine tightens up the connector on the battery cable, and then starts the car up instantly!!!!!
6 days and 100 dollars in various parts, (I redid the wiring from the keyswitch to the starter and the ground wires too) and all it needed was tightened up on the battery!
It wasn't the part where the battery is connected to the battery cable, but rather the connector that is attached to the cable has two bolts/nuts holding it to the cable. I had already tightened the connector to the battery, but it was the connector to the cable!!!!!
Anybody have any good ones like this to share?
some would say, Dead battery.
OK, I take the battery out and take it to get tested, It is good. 13 volts strong and giving 800 cranking amps when it's only rated at 650.
Ah, it must be the starter.
OK, I know that the starter on this car is easy to get to, or so I think.
Well, there's no way to get it out from under the hood, no big deal, I'll just jak it up and pull it out.
NO, there's the transmission cooling lines and the bastards who put on the aftermarked exhaust put the pipe in the only location that the starter could possibly be pulled out.
Well, after three days under the car, in the mud, because my car won't break down when it's not raining. ( no garage, either ), I get the starter out.
I go to NAPA and get another starter, not too bad, 50 bucks for a rebuild with 3 year warranty.
I ho0ok up the new one put it all back together, and CLICK, the same damn thing.
I jack up the car again and take the starter out to have it tested thinking napa sold me a defective starter, but no, it works fine.
I put the starter back in the car and am ready to have the car towed to a real mechanic, when a friend of mine tightens up the connector on the battery cable, and then starts the car up instantly!!!!!
6 days and 100 dollars in various parts, (I redid the wiring from the keyswitch to the starter and the ground wires too) and all it needed was tightened up on the battery!
It wasn't the part where the battery is connected to the battery cable, but rather the connector that is attached to the cable has two bolts/nuts holding it to the cable. I had already tightened the connector to the battery, but it was the connector to the cable!!!!!
Anybody have any good ones like this to share?