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What kind of man is our prez?

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  • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

    I wish those sorts of threads could stay civil enough to last a while. There's a lot of diverse opinion here, most of it very interesting.
    Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


    • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

      Once in a while people just have a bad fucking day ...whether it the woman , job , music , money , bills , bullshit or just fucking stupid people in general ..

      I think a lot of people just "vent"'s easy and convenient to do here .

      It's like lashing out at your family or whoever...they just happen to be around or co exist with you when your feelin' just fucking peachy..

      I had my Vette hit yesterday . My fucking black baby for the last 13 years dad had it before me ..and my already fucked up neck is fucked up would you like to live with me right now .. [img]graemlins/refuse.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/nono.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/refuse.gif[/img]

      and here we are talking about the one worst single thing goin' on.."The War" ..people are frustrated , they see and hear about every little detail. We probably are just as "informed" as the Prez himself...or close to it.

      We have all our emotions right at our fingertips ...and it's safe to use them...for the most part ..emotions bruise easily.

      I'm so guilty of this crapola myself. But what's the point . State your case , agree or disagree , then move on..

      I'm doing this for now on ..of course in my own usual fucked up way.

      But it is amusing to see a nice "Go Fuck yourself " explosion once in a while a retarded and pathetic way.. [img]graemlins/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

        Facts, This is what I'm saying. They speak for themselves. Granted, I don't like Bush, but it's not about the war, it's because IN MY opinion as an AMERICAN, I'm allowed that right, and my vote counts to change it.

        Don't tell me to leave, fuck you, I live here too, and my voice counts.
        Here goes the shit list,

        In the eight years before George W. Bush became president, the American economy added 21 million jobs. During President Bush’s first three years in office, America has lost roughly 3 million jobs.

        In 2000, the year before Bush took office, the federal government posted a $127 billion surplus. In just three years, that surplus has been erased, and it's projected that the federal deficit in 2003 will reach $401 billion -- the largest deficit in American history.

        Roughly 3 million jobs have been lost since George W. Bush took office.That’s the worst job loss record of any president since Herbert Hoover was in the White House during the Great Depression.

        The unemployment rate has risen from 4% to 5.7% under President Bush -- a 43% increase.Fewer than 6 million Americans were unemployed at the beginning of George W. Bush's term. By December 2003, almost 8.5 million Americans were looking for work,And the number of Americans suffering long-term unemployment of 27 weeks or more has risen from 660,000 to 2 million, an increase of 197%.

        An additional 433,000 "discouraged workers"--people not counted in the unemployment statistic--are out of work and not looking because they believe they will not find anything. They have "dropped out" of the labor market.

        The president’s massive tax cuts for corporations and the rich are likely responsible for the nation’s “jobless recovery.” A study by the nonpartisan group OMB Watch says President Bush's "tax and budget policy are likely to blame" for the economy's failure to create new jobs. Because the Bush tax cuts are skewed so heavily to the rich -- who are more likely to save rather than spend the tax cuts they receive -- they are not pumping money into the economy. In contrast, tax and stimulus packages directed toward working families -- who are more likely to spend what they receive -- are more effective at spurring economic activity and creating new jobs.

        The Bush tax cuts provide little or no relief for working families – but they’re a windfall for the wealthy. Citizens for Tax Justice analyzed the federal tax cuts President Bush has enacted so far and determined that:

        In 2004, 47 percent of taxpayers will receive $100 or less. 63.4 million taxpayers will receive an average of $19.

        In 48 of the 50 states, jobs in higher-paying industries have given way to jobs in lower-paying industries since the recession ended in November 2001. Nationwide, industries that are gaining jobs relative to industries that are losing jobs pay 21% less annually. For the 30 states that have lost jobs since the recession purportedly ended, not only have jobs been lost, but in 29 of them the losses have been concentrated in higher paying sectors. And for 19 of the 20 states that have seen some small gain in jobs since the end of the recession, the jobs gained have been disproportionately in lower-paying sectors.

        Sources for the above info.

        Not enough to hate him? Read on,

        How’s that for priorities? While President Bush gives the richest Americans almost $100,000 in tax cuts over the next four years, he’s also using the power of the veto to effectively give 8 million workers a pay cut.Senator Tom Harkin has called the proposed rules nothing less than a “stealth attack on the 40-hour workweek” that Bush is pushing through without a single public hearing. Senator Harkin also points out that Republican and Democratic Presidents alike have protected overtime pay and the 40-hour week since the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed in 1938.

        If the rules go into effect, clerical, technical, and professional employees such as nurses and other health care professionals, office workers, paralegals, , social workers, engineers, and firefighters will lose overtime protections. Overtime pay makes up almost 25% of the total income of Americans who work more than 40 hours per week.

        The effects are more than money, they are of personal time, that is already taken away from our families.

        You still like the man? Why? He went into Iraq, and got some piece of shit out of there? Good, I'm glad the guy is gone, but to me, he was no threat to the American people.

        We're in South Korea, I have friends in the military that tell me, the younger south koreans HATE the Americans..., and we're the ones trying to help! It looks to me, kind of like...Oh I don't know, when Hitler's socialist views appealed to the youth of Germany.

        When people look at Bush, they say, he don't want dem der faggots together! Yay! He goes to war, yay! Or the rich people say, he keeps making me richer! People don't understand the ploy of money and politics, how directly inter-related they are.

        I know I'm going to get flamed, but I don't much like Bush, then again, I don't like any dickhead that is running right now. America is going to be in shambles for another 4 years, with whoever we get. I don't care if gays have same sex benifits. The war does not bother me as much as some people, granted I don't like being over there, but we're there, get it done, and get the hell out, but make sure the job is done right.

        I look at what affects the homefront. This guy you people adore, he does nothing for me. Don't tell me to leave America, because I've no intent on it. I hate our current government, however, it's the best in the world right now. It's a little bit too corrupt to make clean, so there's really not too much to do there.

        Everything Bush has done, has been to appeal to the rich people, from going to NASCAR events (They've proven, NASCAR is a rich mans sport, as much as people think it's a redneck game), to sending jobs overseas to help large cooperations make money.

        If looking at someones picture when they make a caring face gets your vote, I could be the fucking president with a fake ass look, in which I'm pretending to care.

        In all reality, GWB, doesn't care about you, I, or that damn girl he is hugging.


        • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

          Excellent review of our current and past economic stats..serioulsy , I bet they are pretty accurate .


          We are at war.
          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

            eh fuck it. not gonna argue about it
            1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


            • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

              Yes God is all knowing showed the Good way to his angels, Lucifer wanted a differnet way, or thought he was God Like and could choose, and he revolted and became evil.

              I don't really see how your idea makes sense.


              • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

                Horns, the war does not bother me, and in all actuallity the war should help the economy with a surplus of jobs. *think what hitler did for Germany*

                I'm all for the war, if it was up to me, we would have bombed them, taken their oil, and made it our own A LONG FUCKING TIME AGO!

                The president does NOT bother me on the topic of the war, and it's the ONLY thing I don't think he's a bastard about. I think our reasons for going over are bad, however, we're there, do the fucking job right, get it done, and get the fuck out and get our boys home!

                I'm against the idea of the USA being the police of the world. If we go over to a place, and break it, we should fix it, and keep it as our own, not give it back to them to fuck up again.


                • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

                  what's to argue really ..

                  we did have it really good ...

                  then on sept. 11th , 2001 ...America got a good hard assfuckin'. None like we never seen before.

                  Stating our economic wounds is like pissin' on a dying raped whore.

                  Not only are we at war with parts of the world ...we at at war with ourselves...if that really happends ....They Win .
                  "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                  Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                  "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                  • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

                    The day God intervenes and shows himself as a caring loving being is a day none of us are ever going to see.


                    • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

                      Bill's estranged from God because of the evil he saw for years as a policeman on the mean streets of Cleveland. He was raised Catholic and his wife and son are still Catholic.
                      Ron is the MAN!!!!


                      • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

                        Any economist can tell you that economies
                        expand and contract in cyclical ways that
                        Presidents have limited power to affect.
                        The 90s were growth run wild, but it had to end, and the 9/11 attacks put the coup de grace on the downturn.

                        Corporations would be sending jobs to India and China whatever President was in office, with whatever policies. It makes economic sense for them, unfortunately for us, and you almost cannot enact strong enough incentives to keep those jobs here. It'd take socialist-style market controls for that, which would kill the economy anyway.
                        Ron is the MAN!!!!


                        • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

                          Originally posted by the_drip:
                          The day God intervenes and shows himself as a caring loving being is a day none of us are ever going to see.
                          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">You're wrong. He's intervened for me more than once. I hope He does the same for you when you need it most.
                          Ron is the MAN!!!!


                          • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

                            It's not me that needs divine intervention.

                            it's mankind. IT doesn't take much more than a simple observation of the world to realize that things are seriously wrong. Most everything is wrong.

                            disassociate yourself and look at things from a more detached. opinion free perspective.

                            It will make you ask the question Why...and there won't be an answer. Just a bunch of spiritual nonsense, that helps no one in any way.


                            • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

                              Originally posted by lerxstcat:
                              Corporations would be sending jobs to India and China whatever President was in office, with whatever policies. It makes economic sense for them, unfortunately for us, and you almost cannot enact strong enough incentives to keep those jobs here. It'd take socialist-style market controls for that, which would kill the economy anyway.
                              <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I don't think anything as draconian as complete market controls would be required. It's a complicated problem but it seems that if we could establish parity in the level of trade inflows and outflows with each specific nation we'd go a long way towards preserving jobs here. I say that because, in our current situation, inflow of goods & services would have to be limited and/or outflow of goods & services increased. Either (or a combination) of those would lead to more indigenously produced goods which would lead to more jobs. Problem is that to do so would require broad (and steep) tariffs across the board on imports to reduce their attractiveness in our free markets to the point where domestic products could compete. But due to our many international trade treaties we can't randomly slap tariffs onto imported goods to protect domestic industries.
                              Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


                              • Re: What kind of man is our prez?

                                Deneb: FWIW, the economy and the market were going down the tubes long before Bush was elected. No matter who would've won, those things were going down and unemployment was going up. The Trade center attacks finished putting it all in the dumper and we were hosed for a while. Again, it wouldn't have mattered who was in office. Clinton had policies that cut jobs too (mostly military installation closures). The President is more of a figure head than people realize. I think people give them way too much credit for the power they truly hold.

                                I'm against the idea of the USA being the police of the world. If we go over to a place, and break it, we should fix it, and keep it as our own, not give it back to them to fuck up again.
                                <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I'm with ya on that one. [img]images/icons/cool.gif[/img]

