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I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

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  • I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

    Now that I have your attention, there is some truth in that statement.
    I was receiving a GMP V yesterday via Fedex, and there turned out to be a very interesting story surrounding its' arrival. I'll post pics when I can, but you've got to read this!

    OK. I started running the tracking # when I came into work at 8, and it showed as being close by, but still on the truck for delivery. Yippeee!! It'll be here any minute! Well, I ran it again around 11 o'clock and it showed as having been delivered and signed for, but there was no guitar here. Fedex had not even been by here. I went nuts! [img]graemlins/images/icons/mad.gif[/img]
    I went to a local Fedex hub and got a full printout of its' delivery schedule and get this, the name that had been used to sign for it was "P.Ness". Yep, just like it sounds. P.Ness!! Red flags went up immediately of course and I assumed this was a fictitious name and that my guitar had been stolen, wether by the driver or just some lucky, unsuspecting idiot whom it may have been accidentily delivered to.
    I called every Fedex location in town, the local police, everyone I could think of. The best I could get was,"You'll have to wait 24 hours because we can't get in touch with our drivers while they're on the road." [img]graemlins/bs.gif[/img]
    I told the girl at Fedex how much this guitar was worth and that the Police said they WANTED to get involved asap since it was Grand Theft, and it seemed to sort of light a fire under her ass. She called a regional manger who got in touch with the driver (imagine that) and he said he'd get to the bottom of it.
    Two hours and a million volitile expletives later, this chick at the Fedex place asked me if there was a music store located near my address. I told her that there was in fact. She said that the dumbass driver assumed that because it looked like a guitar box, that it must be going to that shop, but when he went to drop it off, the store was closed. So what does he do with it? He goes up and down this strip mall until he finds the only place open, a frikkin' fabric store, and this woman signs for it, not knowing what it was. He did this even though my name and address was printed clearly on the box. Are the numbers 2923 and 3035 anywhere near one another?! [img]graemlins/nono.gif[/img]
    But here's the killer. The woman's name? Patricia Ness. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Can you believe that shit?
    Anyway, I go down to the music store in question and the guitar had been dropped off by Mrs. Ness. There it was, intact. My nightmare was over. But I mean, what are the chances of that name and all, especially while the guitar was MIA!!! Luckily, the guys at the shop know me and set it aside, knowing I'd be by to get it eventually.
    Oh well, it all turned out o.k. and #576 is in my hands, but if I were Mrs. Ness, I think I'd sign my full name from now on!

  • #2
    Re: I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

    That is a horrible situation gone right. Glad you got your guitar. Not so glad that the lady is actually named P. Ness.


    • #3
      Re: I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

      i was sweatin' missiles just reading this.
      better than coffee.
      Not helping the situation since 1965!


      • #4
        Re: I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

        That driver should have his ass canned. Retard. [img]images/icons/mad.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

          Heh, good story. Did you manage to get the Fedex guy fired? If not, follow up on it [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

          AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


          • #6
            Re: I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

            Well now that it is OVER, that is funny as shit. I mean, I would have suffered the same as you, but thank Penis that it all turned out okay. In spite of the driver.

            Pics! Pics! Of the guitar, not Penis.


            ps Man, if I could drive for FedEX, I'd just go to the first stop, and unload EVERYTHING, have them sign for it, and ask 'em to take it all where it belonged! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
            The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.



            • #7
              Re: I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

              that happened to me, only a ups driver who was subbing for my usual driver delvered a neck to the wrong block and left it there or something. But it did show up as signed for. I thought it had been stolen. 6 weeks later it shows up on my had been sitting at the other house for that long and somebody finally found it. In the meantime, UPS had already paid out the claim and I just let the seller take it from there. Maybe he kept the money.


              • #8
                Re: I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

                i'll say it one last time-
                fed ex. and ups should merge and be called fed up.
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • #9
                  Re: I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

                  Originally posted by Gary Powell:
                  I know a guy that works at FedEx and he assured me that this does NOT reflect FedEx's policy on deliveries. He said the driver was definitely wrong to deliver the guitar to unknown persons rather than return it to the Hub. What a moron!
                  Glad you got your guitar!
                  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">At my old apartment, the FedEx drivers had a weird system of delivering every package to the wrong apartment.

                  And when you'd call to find out where your package was, they'd ask the driver and he or she would say something like "I remember delivering a package to such-and-such apartment", but you'd go by there and they'd have someone else's wrong package.

                  It was always crazy (I never did find out who had my package the time I had the most trouble, but about a week after I received a replacement shipment, the original shipment ended up sitting at my door).


                  • #10
                    Re: I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

                    that sounds like me with my penny saver and paper route as a kid. i used to throw it all in the woods and say i delivered everything. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
                    Not helping the situation since 1965!


                    • #11
                      Re: I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

                      I know a guy that works at FedEx and he assured me that this does NOT reflect FedEx's policy on deliveries. He said the driver was definitely wrong to deliver the guitar to unknown persons rather than return it to the Hub. What a moron!
                      Glad you got your guitar!


                      • #12
                        Re: I almost had a heart attack yesterday.

                        FedEx had a bird cage coming my way a few months ago. I paid for the "express" delivery since we needed a place to put my wifes bird. Day 1 "package out for delivery 8:00 am". At 6:00 I recheck and it says "returned to hub" (or something similar). Day 2 "package out for delivery 6:00 am". Around noon it "returned to hub". Then at 4:00 something about it being loaded on to a train. I called and freaked out on some lady in CS in Georgia. She said there was nothing she could do. Day 3 - package on its way to Columbus. Man was I pissed. Then all of a sudden it "returned to hub" later that evening. So I get a supervisor on the phone at the local hub and tell them I'm coming down there to get the package. They said they would go look in the lot where it is supposed to be. Came back and said it's not there. She said this happens all the time because they use temp drivers for express packages. Turns out the guy took my package and 3 others he was "unable to deliver" home with him. On day 4 at about 7:00 p.m. I finally got my package from a driver from the other side of town. He was pissed he had to work late but understood I guess. So, I asked for a refund since I spent an extra $15 or so dollars for the "express" service and the shot that down quick. If you can imagine this, about 3 weeks later I had a new KV-1 guessed it - FedEX ! The best part was this same exact scenario was played out again only it took them 3 days instead of 4. It's not like I live in the sticks either - I'm on a main road. Once again, no refund -- but I did get an apology this time [img]graemlins/baby.gif[/img] . I would hesitate to ship with them ever again.

