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Velvet Revolver on nightline

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  • Velvet Revolver on nightline

    I wish I'd seen that footage, I did see the "making of" their video for Slither. I love that song!

    They did a cover of "Money" from Pink Floyd but I never like the song to begin with. I hope the rest of the songs on the cd are as good as Slither and not just filler crap.

  • #2
    Re: Velvet Revolver on nightline

    Yeah, I saw that. It was Frontline actually.
    The episode was called "The Way the Music Died".
    It touched on a lot of interesting subjects regarding the current state of the music industry.
    It started out with David Crosby talking about how things used to be in the "good ole days",
    lots of record companies, all trying to find and develop the next big thing. But now you
    get "acts like Britney Spears who are about as deep as a bird bath."

    I was disappointed that it didn't really follow it up by explaining how there were literally
    thousands of record labels back in the '60s and '70s, but now there are just the big five
    mega labels.

    One statitistic that was surprising was that the mega chains like Wal-mart, Target, and
    Best Buy account for 60% of all record sales. And these places only have a limited number
    displays. Compare the display rack at Wal-mart with someplace like Tower. Of the 30,000
    new releases each year, Wal-mart only carries a couple hundred titles.

    The episode featured two "up and coming" acts, Velvet Revolver and Sarah Hudson. It was
    really cool to see Duff McKagen talking about life in G'n'R and the outlook for VR. It didn't
    look too encouraging for Sarah Hudson though, despite her musical lineage. I got the impression
    that her dad was some hot shot producer. That and the fact that he is Goldie Hawn's brother.
    Which would make Sarah Kate Hudson's (yum) cousin. It was kinda confussing, lots of name

    I realize that the show was only an hour long, but judging by the title of the episode, there
    was so much more that could have been discussed.
    It was still quite interesing to watch though.


    • #3
      Re: Velvet Revolver on nightline

      And Frontline is on PBS by the way (for those who forgot about PBS after they stopped
      watching Big Bird.) I try and catch it when I can. They do an excellent job discussing a
      story, usually current events. And they do it without bias or dramatic background music.
      Sorta like the anti-Dateline. I hate all news channels, each one leans a certain way or has
      it's own agenda to push. But Frontline is the only show I look forward to watching (well
      that and The Simpsons and South Park.) I was floored when it started out showing VR.
      How often do you see Slash on PBS??


      • #4
        Re: Velvet Revolver on nightline

        Thanx for the clarification Archtop [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]
        It was a good show was it not. After that I surfed the channells and found a story on another station about porn stars and aids, I know if I kept looking I could have easily found a drug story or two as well!!!
        What's going on it must be our time of influence

        SEX DRUGS AND ROCK AND ROLL [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: Velvet Revolver on nightline

          I'm actually going to a Velvet Revolver show next saturday. I'm soooo stoked! I can't wait to see Slash - he's been one of my idols forever [img]graemlins/band.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Velvet Revolver on nightline

            Anybody catch the very interesting episode on Nightline last night.I believe the title was "The day the music buisness died". A great story and they seemed to get the facts right. They had quite a few producers and artists giving their comments as well.I missed the first half hour which I think centered mostly on this new female artist Sarah something whom they were trying to break into the market.The part that really caught my attention was about Velvet Revolver and how they were trying to market themselves.They showed some performance footage and I thought they sounded great!
            One of the Music execs at the end of the show said they really didn't blame the kids for downloading music off the net because the Corps.were basically making crap cd's with only one good tune on them and cd's are too expensive too justify that. They feel they have gotten away from the goal of presenting an art and are too centered on profit.... Maybe there is hope for the industry yet [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

            Velvet Revolver rocked!! Songs with hooks melodies fills and solo's and they had a contemporary sound as opposed to relying on their past. [img]graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

