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Enuff Z'Nuff guitarist Derek Frigo RIP

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  • #16
    Re: Enuff Z\'Nuff guitarist Derek Frigo RIP

    Having a stressful day, Mark? [img]images/icons/shocked.gif[/img] [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
    "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


    • #17
      Re: Enuff Z\'Nuff guitarist Derek Frigo RIP

      i may be confused with what you're upset about, is it the implication that an overdose did him in? if that's it, i guess i can understand, as the cause of death hasn't been released. however, i have first hand experience and can definitely say that derek had a horrendous drug problem.


      edit: i just reread your post, and i'm guessing you're speaking on a high-level, in that most people associate all rock musicians as drug addled freaks....?
      Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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      • #18
        Re: Enuff Z\'Nuff guitarist Derek Frigo RIP

        Mark, I realize you're upset, but most rockers ARE into drugs. I was, for 25 years, and almost everybody I ever played with were either current or recovering users.

        We know Derek had a drug problem, and one of the people who was with him when he died posted that he OD'ed and they tried reviving him before the paramedics came.
        You have Cobain, Staley who died, Page, Richards, and a multitude of other heavy druggers who're still alive somehow.

        I'd say MAYBE 20% of rock musicians are not either current or former users, and I think that's probably a high number. You have to be realistic about it, even though it hurts to see a particular guy go. The stereotype exists because it's primarily true, and has been since the jazz days.
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • #19
          Re: Enuff Z\'Nuff guitarist Derek Frigo RIP

          Sullys edit hit it on the nose. It's the stereotype I hate, and everytime I read something like that it just pisses me off.
          Rich, I'm not sure about your 20% figure, but you may be close. Just remember that there's a huge difference in a "drug addled freak", and a guy that likes to have a few beers and smoke a little weed. I think the biggest problem is that most people can't differentiate between the two. I guess its the generalization of "drugs" that upsets me too. The majority of "serious" musicians I've been associated with over the last 25 years have not been into heavy drugs. Maybe I've just been lucky!
          My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


          • #20
            Re: Enuff Z\'Nuff guitarist Derek Frigo RIP

            Originally posted by mm2002:
            Sullys edit hit it on the nose. It's the stereotype I hate, and everytime I read something like that it just pisses me off.
            Rich, I'm not sure about your 20% figure, but you may be close. Just remember that there's a huge difference in a "drug addled freak", and a guy that likes to have a few beers and smoke a little weed. I think the biggest problem is that most people can't differentiate between the two. I guess its the generalization of "drugs" that upsets me too. The majority of "serious" musicians I've been associated with over the last 25 years have not been into heavy drugs. Maybe I've just been lucky!
            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Well it is true, Rock and Roll leads to beer, which leads to weed, which leads to heroin and then death. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


            • #21
              Re: Enuff Z\'Nuff guitarist Derek Frigo RIP

              I've been smokin' weed all my life ...except when I was a cop ...I'll never do heroine ... [img]graemlins/refuse.gif[/img]

              just pain pills prescribed by my pusher.....ahhhhh I mean doctor. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]
              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


              • #22
                Re: Enuff Z\'Nuff guitarist Derek Frigo RIP

                heh...shawn, you're not too far off! but i streamlined and went straight from beer to enough painkillers and downers to make brian wilson say "dude....slow down!" [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                here's a bit more info on derek's passing, from

                Former ENUFF Z'NUFF guitarist Derek Frigo is believed to have died of a drug overdose, according to unconfirmed reports. Frigo, who has been battling drug addiction for over a decade, passed away Friday (May 28) at the age of 36.

                A friend of Derek's longtime girlfriend posted the following message regarding Frigo's passing:

                "Derek F. died today, well technically yesterday but things have been a bit...

                "He was a guitar player (ENUFF Z NUFF?), my friend's boyfriend and a dope fiend! The thing is she loved him madly, no matter how far he dragged her down into the cesspool his life was becoming.

                "When I first met him I was skeptical, but has long as she was into him I would smile, be cordial and try and enjoy his company. After he relapsed and took her out with him I was less tolerant. I ended up throwing him out of her place and thought that was the end of it.

                "The life we lead can take dramatic turns with serious consequences. And [Friday] was that day. I was thrust into the middle of their drug misery and has I tried to do the things that would protect my friend, I ended up with another friend Shawn trying to pump life back into Derek's lungs as snot spewed from his nose and he shit himself. He looked like the poster child for incomprehensible demoralization. He clutched his phone tightly in his hand and dialed 90. He was probably trying to dial 911 because the dope felt so fucking great and then it was that moment where you know you are going, going, gone. And you will try to grab for life even if you have to call for help with a pocket full of drugs and works.

                "The point is how does life bring a person down so far, that one of the last people they talked to on that phone and the one person who is trying to pump some life back into their decrepit body does not like them or care for them. Where were his so-called friends? And those who cared for him? How could they miss the signs, he looked so bad???? Doesn't friendship require that we take an interest in each other's lives, that we are there for each other and make an effort to care?!?!?!? Where were these people who cared for him????

                "Is it so simple: that shooting dope is so sexy and feels so fantastic that you do not realize you have just ended up alone and dead with snot all over your face and you defecated in front of people who do not care for you. Or maybe you drive people so far away that the only ones who mind do not like you but came from where you are at this moment.... What a strange trip hard drugs can be..."
                Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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                • #23
                  Re: Enuff Z\'Nuff guitarist Derek Frigo RIP

                  "The point is how does life bring a person down so far, that one of the last people they talked to on that phone and the one person who is trying to pump some life back into their decrepit body does not like them or care for them. Where were his so-called friends? And those who cared for him? How could they miss the signs, he looked so bad???? Doesn't friendship require that we take an interest in each other's lives, that we are there for each other and make an effort to care?!?!?!? Where were these people who cared for him????

                  All I can say is I had a very good friend and bandmate go down the very same road, we did talk to him, yell at him, take his drugs etc. If someone is not ready no amount of this will help. Road trips drove me nuts, I had to watch him, keep out of trouble etc. Never again.Thank god he got over it and is doing well. My guess is his friends did the same, maybe they just gave up or in. That is why this hit so close to home with me.
                  Maybe now he can rest.

