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"Voted off the island" - Dumped by my band

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  • "Voted off the island" - Dumped by my band

    Boo-f'n-hoo! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Just kidding.

    Seriously, my band is entering a more serious phase. Everyone else wants more frequent practices to wrap up some final tunes/sets for a lot of (expected) gigging later this summer. And they wanted a time committment from all to do this consistently.

    Well, hello? Everyone else in the band is a teacher, so they all have the rest of the summer off. Easy for them to do! [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

    I'm the "odd man out" in this group. I have a demanding time-intensive career, have a wife with a job that's just as demanding as my own, and we share raising a little one. Bottom-line: I have little spare time for my musical interests.

    It was stressful enough learning new tunes, preparing for weekly practices, and just plain trying to get the heck out of work to make it there. To the others in the group, it's already their career and the band was basically an extension their musical interests.

    This week it has finally become apparent that - with the others' now-increased expectations - I'm holding them back. So I was upfront with them, and said I can't reasonably commit to doing what they want this summer. I would love to have been able to. But, realistically, I would've been making promises I couldn't keep.

    So I gave them the choice... "I'd like to keep playing with you guys and gig, but I can't do it as intensively as you'd like. We can do this thing on terms all of the band members can meet. Or you can find another guitarist. I'm cool either way, because I don't want to be the one holding the rest of you back. And if that's what's in the band's collective interests, than so be it."

    It'll be a very amicable parting. No hurt feelings, personality clashes, or anything like that. I really do enjoy playing with them all and they're basically cool folks. Heck, I enjoy playing at all. And I would've loved gigging some this summer.

    Nonetheless, it's very disappointing. An opportunity lost, and months of work up until now somewhat wasted. It's further frustrating because I laid this very issue out in detail before we even started playing together several months ago. Everyone seemed cool and flexible with it then - before a single note was played. Now that's changed.

    Anyway, that's a long explanation that I'm bummed on the whole deal. [img]images/icons/confused.gif[/img] How do you guys deal with this? Two-fold, I mean.

    - First, the disappointment of having to bow out? (Yeah, I know. I'm not really being "dumped", per se. ...Nonetheless...)

    - Second, for those of you who are PT "hobbyist-like" musicians like me, how do you balance career, home and music?

  • #2
    Re: "Voted off the island" - Dumped by my band

    Hey Man sorry to hear that, I haven't been in a working/gigging band since 1997, just jam with friends occasionally. I hope they "Beg" you to come back on your terms when they realize what they've lost. [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img]

    I miss being in a working band, most guys my age (37) are just too busy with family or work to committ to a band full time or even part time. I'm single, work 8-4 and have tons of free time and its frustrating to be "bandless". I've made several attempts to get a 80's metal cover band together with no luck. I once found a drummer and my old vocalist from way back was available but I can't find a damn second guitarist or bassist. I come from a town where 60's, 70's classic rock/blues is king and I've done that and just want to play MY metal again. I just sit at home now and record covers and originals on the PC to get my fix. Hope everything works out for you!


    • #3
      Re: "Voted off the island" - Dumped by my band

      Originally posted by atomic charvel guy:
      i bet the next guy they get is not nearly as cool as you and they ask you back.
      that was very big of you to do what you did.
      <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">That's cool of you to say, Tommy. It was just the right thing to do, though.

      And "the next guy" will probably be cool too, as I'm guessing it's going to be a buddy of mine. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] I doubt that will work out long term, though. Although he does rock stuff too, he's very into jazz/fusion. He'll probably just be a "temporary fix" for the summer gigs. ...Great guitarist, though. Certainly better than me. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

      And, while we haven't "formally" split yet, it's all but done. There have already been hints sent my way about them wanting me to come back for some stuff. [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


      • #4
        Re: &quot;Voted off the island&quot; - Dumped by my band

        Gary - I can totally relate. I was there for several years myself, and that's exactly where I don't want to end back up.

        Before this band, I had an "occassional jam" thing going with several friends. But, like you, we could never pull it together into a full band. (No singer.) And before that? Drought-city for a long time.

        I just can't figure out how to balance that intense work & family life, while getting enough of a nucleaus of a band to stay together, enjoy it, and gig. I'm at a loss for how to balance those competing needs. [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


        • #5
          Re: &quot;Voted off the island&quot; - Dumped by my band

          Originally posted by atomic charvel guy:
          i bet the next guy they get is not nearly as cool as you and they ask you back.
          that was very big of you to do what you did.
          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">I bet the next guy is more dedicated to the cause. Probably a Red Sox fan. lol Just kidding dude. You did the right stand up thing. Except for the kid part I know exactly where you are coming from. Myself and the wife both work and hardly find time to do anything. I haven't played in a band since forever. I'm a worse player because of it. Just to much crap going on. I wish I had time to get proficient at all the things I like to do in my off time. I'm extremely proficient at drinking beer and yelling at the Sox lately. lol I hope you get to at least get the chance to do some shows with your band. Hey if they haven't decided yet you never know.
          We must!
          We must!
          We must increase the bust!
          The bigger the better!
          The tighter the sweater!
          The boys are counting on us!


          • #6
            Re: &quot;Voted off the island&quot; - Dumped by my band

            Shreddermon, that was indeed an honorable and classy way to approach the problem. [img]graemlins/toast.gif[/img] I feel for you because they basically broke their promise to you regarding this aspect of the band.
            I'm in a similar situation to Gary Powell, so I can't know all the feelings you're going through. Hopefully the guys will come to their senses.
            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #7
              Re: &quot;Voted off the island&quot; - Dumped by my band

              Thanks guys.

              Just realised my prior post about the hints for me to "come back for some stuff" might've been interpreted the wrong way. The some stuff isn't "come pick up your damned gear, will 'ya." It's "will you come back and play with us for some stuff (occassional gig, etc.)".

              ...Damn written words! Why can't I just say what I mean? [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


              • #8
                Re: &quot;Voted off the island&quot; - Dumped by my band

                It sounds like maybe they are re-considering your ouster. I hope that's the case, because you certainly handled it in a very polite and professional manner. I think maybe they'll realize that they won't be able to practice 400 hours a week and that they need to be more reasonable about their goals and how to get there. At that point, I would just about wager some money that they'll ask for you to come back.

                But like you said, you have to find a balance between the music, your family and your job. And ultimately, only you can decide what the best mix is.
                Takeoffs are optional but landings are mandatory.


                • #9
                  Re: &quot;Voted off the island&quot; - Dumped by my band

                  Nah. Let me be clear about it, guys. I am not being asked to come back in. ...Technically, I haven't even left yet. But it's pretty much a done deal.

                  I think they're mainly worried about short-term needs, and that's what the hints may be. (I'm not 100% sure, though, because that conversation needs to be fleshed out more this weekend.) Like... "Who'll play this gig or that one over the next month or two, while a new guy comes up to speed? Would I sit in temporarily to help transition?"


                  • #10
                    Re: &quot;Voted off the island&quot; - Dumped by my band

                    I remember once having to have a "temp" drummer play some shows with my old band cause our drummer was sick. Those gigs sucked big time. He could play well, but not the stuff we were doing! [img]graemlins/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]


                    • #11
                      Re: &quot;Voted off the island&quot; - Dumped by my band

                      That is a bummer Shreddermon. Sounds like they need to find another teacher who can play with them [img]images/icons/grin.gif[/img] commitment is one thing but life is another. It is just a bummer at this point especially after you previously laid it on the line and they knew of your situation.

                      Keep your head up and try to find other musicians who are in the same boat that you are. There are tons of people who have to juggle time between their musical interests, work, marriage, children and whatnot. I'm one of them but I don't play out anymore, I miss the live playing and being in a band but I'm happy getting th etime that I do get just playing what I do [img]images/icons/smile.gif[/img]


                      • #12
                        Re: &quot;Voted off the island&quot; - Dumped by my band

                        Seems to me that by the time they get a new guy in and up to speed, summer will be over and they'll be back teaching again. Sort of a big waste of time and jerking your chain for nothing, I feel.
                        Do they think they're gonna become rockstars over the summer? [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                        You're being cool about it, but I WOULD mention that they were initially cool with you not having as much time. They should have to acknowledge in some way that they've changed the deal after the fact. Teachers tend to not like admitting when they're wrong though.
                        Ron is the MAN!!!!


                        • #13
                          Re: &quot;Voted off the island&quot; - Dumped by my band

                          Originally posted by lerxstcat:
                          Do they think they're gonna become rockstars over the summer? [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                          <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">No, but they do think it'll help them make some money during those months. [img]graemlins/images/icons/wink.gif[/img]

                          Also, acknowledging that "the deal" has changed after the fact has already happened. Doesn't change the outcome, though. [img]graemlins/images/icons/tongue.gif[/img]


                          • #14
                            Re: &quot;Voted off the island&quot; - Dumped by my band

                            Well, you're a good mon, shreddermon!

                            Your bandmates? I hope they get a lot of cancellations and stiffed by some of those clubowners too. Do them good to learn the outside world isn't a schoolyard. I just think they pulled a shitty thing on you. To paraphrase Bad Religion, hooray for you and FUCK THEM!
                            Ron is the MAN!!!!


                            • #15
                              Re: &quot;Voted off the island&quot; - Dumped by my band

                              i bet the next guy they get is not nearly as cool as you and they ask you back.
                              that was very big of you to do what you did.
                              Not helping the situation since 1965!

