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South Korean hostage 'beheaded'

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  • South Korean hostage 'beheaded'

    after losing close friends on 9-11,
    i say press on, and press on hard.
    support the troops who are so fukkin' brave to be there.
    Not helping the situation since 1965!

  • #2
    Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

    I believe the goal of the Islamofascists is to destabilize the countries in the Middle East, in order to facilitate takeovers.

    Islamofascism isn't really about Islam--it's about political power. I have been reading a Hitler biography, and it really struck me how similar the methods and ideology of the Islamofascists are to the Nazis and Italian Fascists in the 1920's and early 30's before they came to power.

    I don't have space/time here to go into it in detail, think about this: Mussolini came to power promising to "restore" the Roman Empire, and Hitler came to power promising to "restore" some mythical Wagnerian version of the German people by getting rid of the "Jewish influence".

    In retrospect, both visions seem really stupid and ridiculous, but look at what the Islamofascists are promising--a "restoration" of Islam's glory days of the 8th-9th Centuries. Essentially, they argue that a Middle East under their rule would 'smite the infidels' (us) much as their distant ancestors did 1000 years ago. Like Hitler and Mussolini, the Islamofascists are harnessing a widespread societal 'inferiority complex' in an attempt to take power.

    I would like to believe that we are winning the war on terror, but I see the Islamofascists as still gaining ground within Middle Eastern societies. I can them controlling entire states within a decade, if we allow that to happen. Most muslims do not currently favor the Islamofascist position, but there seems to be a deep emotional sympathy toward their world view--the Islamofascists know their audience, after all.

    That is the real key to our occupation of Iraq. We are going to have boots on the ground there for a long time, much as we have in Europe, with the goal of preventing any Islamofascist state from coming into being. Even so, if the situation in the Middle East continues on its current pace, we will be hard-pressed to control events there unless we are willing to be very brutal.

    I'd love to be wrong about this.


    • #3
      Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

      They are a bunch of gutless fucks! Hearing this stuff makes me want to go back into the Marines.


      • #4
        Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

        Originally posted by pro-fusion:
        I believe the goal of the Islamofascists is to destabilize the countries in the Middle East, in order to facilitate takeovers.

        Islamofascism isn't really about Islam--it's about political power.
        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Absolutely correct on both counts. The Islamists goal is the re-establish the Islamic Caliphate starting with ground zero for their religion Saudi Arabia, than branching out through the rest of the former Islamic empire and finally moving on to the rest of the world. They believe it's their religious duty to dominate the world and they'll do anything to achieve that end. In the teachings of Islam contained in the Qur'an and the Hadith they find the ultimate tool to that end, a system which not only mandates a religion but one which uses religious devotion to completely define politics, law, government, economics, and almost every other facet of life. It's a nearly perfect totalitarian ideology because through its religious component it demand absolute and unquestioning devotion while glorifying one's own death in battle as the highest of ideals. It reminds me of pre-WW II Bushido though Islam seems even more fanatical.

        While it's primarily a political movement, don't underestimate the religious component because it will animate the Islamists long after adherants to most other ideologies would recognize that the battle was hopelessly lost. There's a very good analysis of the path Islamist terrorism may lead us down here. The sad thing is that I don't at all like his conclusion but I can't find a logical flaw in his reasoning.
        Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


        • #5
          Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

          Some Afhgan soldiers decided to fight fire with fire.

          We must!
          We must!
          We must increase the bust!
          The bigger the better!
          The tighter the sweater!
          The boys are counting on us!


          • #6
            Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

            I don't believe its all political... I work with a middle eastern guy who is muslim. He is not a member of the Taliban or any terrorist group but his fundamental beliefs are the same. He absolutely hates Jews and believes that the U.S. freeing Iraq was a bad thing. He doesn't believe they should be free. He doesn't believe in any womens rights, and thinks the U.S. freeing Iraq will influence their society so that it is more like the U.S.
            What is really fucked up is that he is total coke head and smokes weed like it's goin outta style. He won't drink alcohol though because it's against his religion.
            He absolutely hates the U.S. for what we did in Iraq but he would never leave. [img]graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


            • #7
              Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

              The Afghans understand the mindset we're dealing with; good for them!

              We should find and kill the beheaders, and if we can't find them, grab the nearest relatives we can and offer them the same terms. Surrender or your son, wife, whatever, pays for your crime.
              Harsh, but it's what they understand. Of course we Americans can't do that ourselves, but if our Afghan and Iraqi allies do it, well, we have to respect their cultural mores, right? These traditions go back thousands of years for them.
              Ron is the MAN!!!!


              • #8
                Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

                They do it because they watch CNN and they know CNN will pimp the "horrible tragedy" like it pays the fucking bills.
                I say we need to make a minor adjustment to the "Freedom of the Press" and deny them the chance to report these things, much less show the video.
                But on the relatively-plus side, it'll be like sex, drugs, and foul language on TV - after a while it'll become so commonplace that we'll say "yeah, yeah, big deal".

                And it's waaaaay past time the troops were split up into smaller platoons, thus making them harder targets. It's easy to kill 30+ people in a vehicle convoy, but you waste a rocket on only one truck carrying 10, so they'll be forced to resort to firearms, which puts them in equal striking range.

                I'd also have air-to-ground fighters and quick-bombers in the air 24/7, so when a platoon under attack calls for a strike, the plane is there in a few minutes instead of having to come from S.A.

                Baghdad airport would become US Military Airport real quick.

                I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                My Blog:


                • #9
                  Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

                  Originally posted by Soloist1:
                  Some Afhgan soldiers decided to fight fire with fire.
                  <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">As sad as it seems, that seems to be the only way to deal with it since they have no intention of negociating.

                  NewC is right about them and CNN. Since they have no intentions of letting anyone go, they do it for maximum shock value on TV. They're called terrorists because they try to create terror in people.

                  [ June 25, 2004, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: Ralph E. ]


                  • #10
                    Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

                    They never got over the Crusades. And I don't mean to be a smart-ass. When there is such a fundamental difference in beliefs, there will be war. Look at the US. The South went to war with the North, our own counrty on both sides, because of a fundamental difference of beliefs. That was a political and cultural conflict. Now, throw in religion and you have a holy war. It wasn't everyone in the South that wanted war. It's not everyone in Islam that advocates war against the West. All it takes are a few extremists to set the world on fire. What makes this situation horrible, is there can never be a reconciliation or compromise when the two sides are so diametricaly (sp) opposed. I hope my use of "Never" will be disproven.
                    I am a true ass set to this board.


                    • #11
                      Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

                      1. Islamic Terrorists don't care who they kill, as long as it gets press.
                      2. Iran is about 6 months from testing their first nuke.
                      3. Iran is the premier sponsor of terrorism on Earth.

                      Do the math.

                      NYC or D.C. (or both) are gonna get nuked within FIVE (5) FREAKING YEARS! We are not killing anywhere NEAR enough of these freaks.

                      Faster, please.

                      Look to Israel - Terrorism is WAY DOWN (about 60%) since they built their wall and started splattering the blood of their enemies' leaders every time they poke their heads up out of the holes they plot the massacres of children in.

                      Kill 10,000 today and lose a few hundred, or lose a few hundred thousand tomorrow - and kill a billion. If we get nuked, 3 or 4 Mid-East/Asian capitals will cease to be inhabitable for 75 years. Believe it. A pissed off America on a total war footing will obiterate everything before it. Nobody wants that.

                      Faster, please.

                      Step One: Retire from the U.N for a period of 5 years. Remove all military personnel from England, Germany, and Spain. Redeploy them to Iraq.

                      Step Two: Kill the Iranian mullahs. Today. Now. The people of Iran will thank us for it. Dismantle the nuclear apparatus there.

                      Step Three: Give Israel the green-light to eliminate the Syrian rulers and the Hebollah (sp?) nutjobs in Lebanons' Bekka Valley (where all the Iraqi WMD went). Give Russia the OK to eliminate Chechnya as a training ground for more lunatics.

                      Step Four: Eliminate all subsidies to any non-democratic nation. Use this money to triple the the funding for alternate energy sources. Withdraw all diplomatic personnel and eliminate all trade with any nation who trades with nations that support terrorism. Set US tariffs at 2x the tariff on US products. The US needs the world to prosper - but needs no one to survive.

                      Step Five: Take the money we currently spend on 50 ft scrap-metal sculptures, Jesus-in-a-jar-of-urine 'art', ketchup texture studies, and Botox over five years - use it to feed and educate the children of any ALLIED nation in need of such assistance. This does not include so-called 'friendly' or 'neutral' nations.
                      The longer we wait to win this, the higher the body-count. We are running out of time to save the planet from the a conflict that will make WWII seem like a police action.

                      Faster, please.
                      750xl, 88LE, AT1, Roswell Pro, SG-X, 4 others...
                      Stilletto Duece 1/2 Stack, MkIII Mini-Stack, J-Station, 12 spaces of misc rack stuff, Sonar 4, Event 20/20, misc outboard stuff...

                      Why do I still want MORE?


                      • #12
                        Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

                        Originally posted by Chameleonfong:
                        WW III... With Nuclear weapons everywhere, this could even be the beginning to end of the human race...
                        <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Nah - the bad guys don't have that kind of firepower. They will destroy a few cities, max. NYC, DC, London. Within a week of their inital strike, everything they know and love will be smouldering ash.
                        750xl, 88LE, AT1, Roswell Pro, SG-X, 4 others...
                        Stilletto Duece 1/2 Stack, MkIII Mini-Stack, J-Station, 12 spaces of misc rack stuff, Sonar 4, Event 20/20, misc outboard stuff...

                        Why do I still want MORE?


                        • #13
                          Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

                          thsi is getting out of hand.


                          • #14
                            Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

                            Originally posted by MichaelMadeja:
                            thsi is getting out of hand.
                            <font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">This thread or the situation in the world at large?
                            Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


                            • #15
                              Re: South Korean hostage \'beheaded\'

                              probably the situation at large. i like this thread, i'm gaining insight and some good opinions into this topic. Being South Korean and a born in the U.S. (damn proud to be an) American, i was shocked by this news about the decapitation of another South korean.

