It's time to revisit frustration. So there's a new one. You think you escaped the red room? Well you did, but are just now finding out 4 months later, you are now stuck in a dam green room [img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] You want to face more hardships!
Eh for anyone who missed the glory, the thread of frustration is a good laff. I gotta good laff just re-reading. Original Red Room thread here
So ha, here we go again. And Ralph, may you forgive me in advance
<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">[img]graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
AND NO GIVING AWAY CLUES! Let your fellow JCFers suffer! LOL
Looks like a slow loader but hey, just adds to the madness.
Eh for anyone who missed the glory, the thread of frustration is a good laff. I gotta good laff just re-reading. Original Red Room thread here
So ha, here we go again. And Ralph, may you forgive me in advance
Next guy to post a "Takagism" gets banned on site!
AND NO GIVING AWAY CLUES! Let your fellow JCFers suffer! LOL
Looks like a slow loader but hey, just adds to the madness.