Hey you silly fuckers!!
I been busy as a fuckstick here at the homestead..
Vin's operation went VERY well..Satan assured me everything was going to be OK..I'm glad to have him on my side..
I also gave props to Lucifer for inspring of cooking and basting the slendid 24 lb Butterball turkey with all the lavish whatnots spread across my insanley large and bountiful table..Satan...the sin of Gluttony was in full force in your honor..and I didn't even get a bellyache..
I am thankful that I am so awesome and the only GOD in my world and good and wholsome to all that depend and need me..for I am truly loved!!
Oops..I must go purge now..I have about 5 lbs of gluttony to make in toilet..
I'll be back whith much tales to tell..I have the wife and kid home..so I must entertain them..so that they will continue to worship me..we have plenty of food and I'm thinkin' the movie Wedding Crashers..after I burn some mistel toe(sp) ..
The Baby Jesus has nothing on me..I rule!!:ROTF:
Bill Z Bub

I been busy as a fuckstick here at the homestead..
Vin's operation went VERY well..Satan assured me everything was going to be OK..I'm glad to have him on my side..

I also gave props to Lucifer for inspring of cooking and basting the slendid 24 lb Butterball turkey with all the lavish whatnots spread across my insanley large and bountiful table..Satan...the sin of Gluttony was in full force in your honor..and I didn't even get a bellyache..

I am thankful that I am so awesome and the only GOD in my world and good and wholsome to all that depend and need me..for I am truly loved!!

Oops..I must go purge now..I have about 5 lbs of gluttony to make in toilet..

I'll be back whith much tales to tell..I have the wife and kid home..so I must entertain them..so that they will continue to worship me..we have plenty of food and I'm thinkin' the movie Wedding Crashers..after I burn some mistel toe(sp) ..
The Baby Jesus has nothing on me..I rule!!:ROTF:
Bill Z Bub