Good to see you in fine form Tommy..I'm still sick as a salted slug..but feeling much thru's a beautiful thing!!!
It's a funny thing ..I prayed to Satan..and I felt instanly that's one more favor I owe him..that sucks..
I was going to ask him for a pay raise..but now I'll have to waite 'till after Christmas..because he doesn't like the whole baby Jesus's birthday thing..he's mad nobody but me celebrates Satan's birthday.
Because nobody knows when it is..that's very be a famous as him and nothing on the whole calendar or anything..what bullcrap..he's so influential..hell there wouldn't be ANY metal without the inspration of the ancient one.
There should be a "Hail Satan" day..I writing Congress..I mean he runs the entire show down here man and no props, no respect...nada!!!!!
If I can get that passed..Then Satan will owe me big time..then I can ask for that pay raise and bigger penis I've been wanting..and may as well get a pair of tig ol' bitties for the wife..
Anyone want me to pray to Satan for them..he listens to me..and only me.
C'mon throw me your heart's desire..I'll see if I can push it thru and put in a good word in for ya..
Bill Z Bub
It's a funny thing ..I prayed to Satan..and I felt instanly that's one more favor I owe him..that sucks..

I was going to ask him for a pay raise..but now I'll have to waite 'till after Christmas..because he doesn't like the whole baby Jesus's birthday thing..he's mad nobody but me celebrates Satan's birthday.

Because nobody knows when it is..that's very be a famous as him and nothing on the whole calendar or anything..what bullcrap..he's so influential..hell there wouldn't be ANY metal without the inspration of the ancient one.

There should be a "Hail Satan" day..I writing Congress..I mean he runs the entire show down here man and no props, no respect...nada!!!!!

If I can get that passed..Then Satan will owe me big time..then I can ask for that pay raise and bigger penis I've been wanting..and may as well get a pair of tig ol' bitties for the wife..

Anyone want me to pray to Satan for them..he listens to me..and only me.

C'mon throw me your heart's desire..I'll see if I can push it thru and put in a good word in for ya..

Bill Z Bub