Originally posted by VitaminG
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Well, I'm certainly NOT on the market..and don't even want to "appear" to be..that's a place for my circle of friends and favorite bands..maybe I'll be promoting my band once we get this done..that's it!!
I had many girl "friends"when I worked at the airport ..ummm ..it's NEVER a real "friendship" because they always seem to have their own agenda...I don't want to fuck my entire life up to be someone's trophy for a day or three..

I had many young "pretty" girls that always offer..I discovered that it wasn't really about me..it was a game if they could get me..and a few became completely fuggin' NUTS..when I had to put the brakes on shit they percieved incorrect..
Believe me that shit bloated my Ego and I even told Val and she met most of them..I had no secrets..
I had MANY friends get burned and went thru alot of drama with their kids, divorce, finacial shit over some pussy..ain't no pussy in the fuggin' world worth that shit..unless for that rare occassion they actually met someone BETTER..I've seen that happend too!!

Val and I just had this talk last night..because her older brother is "on hold" for SIX months after 25 years of marriage..so his wife can try some new dick..and if things fall thru with her NEW dick..he gets to have her back..well ain't that fucking special..that spineless douchefag..I would tell that fat , Miss Piggy lookin' asshole to fuck off..but no, he's waiting like a dumbfuck while living at his mommy's house while she licking balls in his house..the house he pays for...WTF!!!

That dumbass is taking the ALL blame just to go back..you KNOW who's at fault when his entire familly including their three kids are mad at ONE party..that says it all!!

She's calling the shots on this one..not him...SIX months!!

I know these two for over 20 years..she's an asshole and he's a douche...so to be honest they deserve each other..My neices are going thru alot of shit over this..especially the youngest one..her mother in her 60's just dumped her boyfreind who was cool as hell for some new dick..after 25 years..she looks like a typical barfly , warhorse..now the two of them can go dick hoppin' together..Miss Piggy and Ol' Momma War Horse..NICE!!
Dudes, girls don't like whining bitches..now he even lost more respect than before..good for him..he's a bitch anywhoo..taking blame for shit he didn't do..just because some asshole at her workplace blew smoke up her ass to get in her pants..we ALL blow that smoke..we just stop when we don't have to anymore..

I give it 2 months after he uses her asshole as a sperm recepticle and kicks her fat, frumpy ass to the curb..then she'll come back..THEN they'll re-new their fuggin' vows like two assholes..I bet that's EXACTLY what's going to happen..I'm NEVER wrong when it comes to people and their stupid bullshit..!!

Nah..I pick my friends they NEVER pick me..I trust most people as far as I can throw them..gender aside..a friend is a friend..that is more valuble to me than anything...
Most people on Myspace prolly think I'm I'm a fag!!!!

I don't give a fuck!
