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    Anyone else get like 10 of these emails a day?
    1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


    • nope. I issued all the spammers with pictures of my cock, so none of them seem to feel compelled to send me emails like that anymore. And I guess for the same reason they don't bother offering to increase my breast size either.
      Hail yesterday


      • My wife cracks up everytime I get one because I yell FEED YOUR COCK, then she checks her email and says I'll feed mine too
        1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


        • Originally posted by Fragle View Post

          what can i say? asshole!

          but well....there's always two sides to any coin. being single and consequently being able to fuck anything that's not running quick enough sure does have it's advantages. but so does being in a relationship. just the mere knowledge that there is someone that you can trust 100% no matter what, someone who's always there for you is worth a LOT.
          but then again, love is blind, and more importantly MAKES blind....makes you do a lot of dumb shit, way more than the occasional one night stand.

          it's just a matter of what you prefer. some people (like you endrik ) can't get enough of as many girls as possible, and others (good friends of mine) are married or at least in a long term relationship but wish they weren't cause the think they're missing life.
          and then there's the kind of guys who despise changes, guys that prefer steady things to the fun of the single life.
          i'm like that. i did the fuckaround so to speak (hell, i was in a touring metal band, single, and 18 years old....seriously, who would have done it any other way?!?! ), but i still missed something. i dunno, maybe because i'm not very successful at seperating feelings from the actualy sexual intercourse....which seems to be the normal thing with chicks but is a curse if you're a guy
          let me say this.... I never want to marry.... you don't need fuckin' papers to prove that you love someone. Most couples are misreable as hell and the divorce costs tons of money. I don't see the point. Ridiculous traditions.
          But marrying is ok with a foreign chick if you or she wants immigration papers

          I don't want to commit to someone because I get bored of people very quickly, I don't want to spend my time with one person 24/7. That's why I have just friends, they are cool folks and I don't have to see them in every friggin minute. It's very hard to live with me, I'm pain in the ass, I'm doing the people a favour for crying out loud... they should be happy that I don't let 'em to be close to me. And I never feel lonely, NEVER fucking ever.

          That being said, I think sex is over rated. People are making it so fucking special blah blah blah. To me it's like whiping ass or eating breakfest. I don't take it as very intimate and private thing as most people do... It's fucking silly, people are so fucking shy.
          Don't get me wrong, I like fucking... and I have to do it.... it's like a routine... you have to satisfy your needs... and well it's better than jerking off.... that's why I do it. It's nothing special or sacred to me. I don't have any deep feelings when I'm fucking some chick in da ass. Actually I'm sometimes very bored when I'm doing it. I think I've become pretty fucking lazy in the bad lately... because I just don't fucking care.... but then again I don't have any problems satisfying girls how they want.... I can do new things/positions or's not a big deal to me... or I can talk diry... hey that shit can be hilarious

          I also don't feel any romance... never... I can do romatic things for girls... hey It's not a big deal for me... but I never feel that shit inside me.

          But that doesn't mean I can't love someone. I know that I sound like a very cold person but even the coldest ones have something deep inside of 'em... but we never show it. It's a closed door wich will never open to anyone.
          I've falled in love many many times, more than most people I think... but I never make a big deal out of it... and most of those girls are the ones who don't have good personalities. I usually don't deal with them. I can forget that shit pretty quickly.

          But I have been with a couple of girls I've loved.... this shit always ends the bad way... ALWAYS.
          One situation was kinda like in the movie "Chasing Amy" I mentioned before, I fell in love with this lesbian chick and she loved me.... oh jeez you couldn't imagine all the shit that happened.... and I dont' really want to talk about it.

          Somehow I've always been close to lesbian chicks I dunno why, I just get along with them... and I know a lot of 'em....(including BI's).

          Actually here's a funny story.... A couple of years ago I went to a party with a girl who I had been dating for 4 days or something, there I saw a girl who I had been fucking around months before. We 3 started talking about all kinds of shit and everybody was so fucked because of the booze and whatnot. After the party we went to the girls place I was dating with... We were talking...and they were drunk.... and I started to makin' my moves It went smoothly over to threesome. We fucked about an hour or something... I was tired and fell in sleep. But they fucked the whole night. When I woke up in the morning they were still making out. And they aren't lesbians... they aren't even BI's. They fell in love and they've been together ever since. I swear to god man, they are the happiest couple I've EVER seen, this is real love what they have.... but they are still heterosexuals..... with one exception of course
          "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

          "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


          • Women are at the bottom of every great disaster. It is due to the extra 5% of water that they carry in their bodies which men do not. It's a fact.
            Not helping the situation since 1965!


            • so it's a tidal thing? Somehow linked to the gravitational effects of celestial bodies? Is that why women get so silly over things like horoscopes?
              Hail yesterday


              • my girlfriend likes to occaisionally munch rug, and loves porn, so I have stuck around with her cuz she's cool and let's me be myself, my real self, which is no picnic. I give her some serious credit. but even she freaks out once in a while and it's due to the extra 5% of water, I'm telling you. I am by no means claiming superiority to girls, except when it comes to partying, and I guess fighting with a knife, and throwing fireworks and baseballs,etc., but the coolest girl I've ever been with still has her "ba-gack!!!outs" but then again, look whose her boyfriend. that would be one motherfukkin' hard job being my girl, much less wife-lol
                Marriage-never, ever, ever, again, unless we're talking high 7 figures $$$$.

                I like the young girls better , they act more rational than the girls in my age group take 5 years on either side of 42. I've found that to be true. Mine is 29 now, and I'm a fossil at 42.
                Women are trouble, but a huge necessity. a must have, a can not go without. No action is not healthy for you, good 'ol unrepressed savage and utterly ridiculous sex is good for the soul, and you know as well as I do, there's nothing like being "empty" on (insert any day here) morning.
                Not helping the situation since 1965!


                • Originally posted by atomic charvel guy View Post
                  my girlfriend likes to occaisionally munch rug, and loves porn.
                  you had me at munch.
                  Tarbaby Fraser.


                  • Hey Kim Jong Il! Chinese girls have more fun!!
                    bow chicka bow bow boioioioioioioioiiiiiiing!
                    1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


                    • Originally posted by Jimmy B View Post
                      you had me at munch.
                      lol, "I already got you" (Scratch/legba from Crossroads)
                      Endy's soul is next-lol. How's it going tarbaby? you should give me a call you fag. Hope everything's cool for you , I think things are starting to calm down for people here, '07 was a rough start for a lot of us. I'm by the phone Fraser, the 714 number if ou have it.

                      oh yeah, Bill, fukk you, pal of mine!!!!
                      Not helping the situation since 1965!


                      • ok....2007....started well, became awesome, turned into devastating...whats next?
                        well, my band's new CD will be released this year (haven't played on that one though...), plus another one will be recorded later this year, so the future looks promising. somewhat.
                        still, i hate 2007.
                        2005=pure awesomeness
                        2007=even worse
                        and i didn't think it could be any worse than 2006.
                        and no....don't ask why. not right now. i just gotta write....both text documents and songs.


                        • OK , seriously guys..I have umm..big news!!

                          Over a week ago, I came out of the shower and my tool's reflection in the mirror caught my appeared larger than norm. I didn't think much of it, but this continued everday since. I brought it to my wife's attention, and as I was mentioning it..she already noticed it too..

                          So, we measured the fuggin' pud.

                          This is where it get's fuggin' plain weird, it grew almost a full inch in length ..with NO explanation.

                          I don't have more of a labido..but it does getter "harder" when I'm fully aroused..something my wife and I both noticed..

                          I don't why this is..and I'm certainly not complaining. But I MUST share news like this to my buds..hell, I'm tellin' everybody!

                          Like I said in Ron's diet is the same. I just cut out all coke and soda in genreal and drink home brewed , lightly sweetened iced tea everday..all day..

                          I also take vitamins everday..just the basics shit ..Vit C, B-12, and E. I always took that , so I don't think that has anything to do with it..

                          It's NOT weight loss because I was much heavier and lost much more weight before without this mystery..

                          I think something in my body just changed and it simply affected my pud..

                          Now, my pud sounds like a London broil when I slap it on the counter top!!

                          This is good..yes?
                          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                          • congrats
                            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                            • write a book about that shit bill, make up some silly story, throw in some techniques, you'll be a fucking billionaire in 10 years.
                              1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


                              • Thanks Brotha and my big ol' pud thank you!!

                                Great idea Buzz..but therey's going to want to see the before and after pictures..umm..I don't have any pics of lil' Billy..and plan to keep it that way..maybe.

                                Man, I can't believe "Idol" in Finland ..that totally kicks our asses here in the!!

                                We have some faggy Indian fag who thinks he's Michael Jackson instead of a guy who could"sing"..?
                                "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                                Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                                "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

