Originally posted by Jimmy B
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You know, I worked with a guy in the same office with one ball..oh boy, he was very sensitive one night...he actually went off me because I think I said the word "balls" like 1,513 times ...and he couldn't take it no more..

As he was going off one of the guys laughed ..which made me kinda laugh..which made him laugh..he's was a cool as shit guy..I think he felt worse than I did..for goin' off
I said to him.."Don, I'm Italian and shit, and that word to me is like the word "what" to you"..he knew..he was just havin' a bad day or some shit..and all he heard from me was..my ass, my dick my balls for a hours..because that's how I talk, and that usually made hi laugh..but hey..what are ya gonna do..fuggit.

My dad, of all people ..who showed me how to talk is all sensitive at the dinner table now, and always slaps me in the head if I say something that strikes him stupid..I don't get it.. I said to him .."Dad, you fuggin' &$@#@ up people and shit on Christmas morn..and now this bothers you"..
