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Bill's New Home

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  • Re: Bill\'s New Home

    Well, I'll stand up. I hate Bush. Didn't vote for him the first time. Now, having said that, I don't like Kerry either. Honestly I don't know what I'm going to do come election time. I'll either vote for Kerry or not at all. Which makes me feel bad that this country has given me these two people to choose from.

    By the way, I voted 5 stars for ya a while back, Bill. Keep spreading the word, the gospel according to Bill.


    • Re: Bill\'s New Home

      well, that is the problem with politics. The good, honest, ethical people; the real leaders with the best interests of the constituency at heart & the knowledge & ability to do the job right; the REAL public servants who want the job to make a difference & not just for the payola & their parliamentary pension (don't know the US equivalent); don't lie about what they are able to do once they're in power, or resort to smear campaigns against their opponents & therefore never offer an attractive enough package to sway the voters their way. Maybe some good independents are still standing, but alone without the massive party machines behind them, and you get the feeling that a vote for them will be pretty much throwing your vote away. So in the end, you've got a choice to make between the two big party-backed bullshit artists, who promise they'll make your country safer, cut your taxes, increase your income, lower interest rates, lower unemployment, increase assistance to the needy, not provide sufficient proof that they can actually afford to do all this without driving the budget into recession, all the while stating that there is NO WAY that the other party (who is offering basically the same thing, with a few tweaks) can afford to deliver the package THEY are offering.

      And then, when the lying scum who promised the world to the voters gets in and can't (or won't & no doubt never intended to) deliver on their election promises, the voting public get to whinge again about how all politicians are lying scum & none of them can be trusted.

      Of course, in 3 or 4 years time, the whole process starts over and the honest politicians get overlooked early because they'll say they'll do the best job they can with the resources available to the them, whle the underhanded weasels who'll end up in power will attempt to divert the voters gaze with more shiny baubles.
      Hail yesterday


      • Re: Bill\'s New Home

        Bill, I threw my 5-star rating in at the beginning of this thread. Sorry the puss-like
        dweeb polluted the raing, but it'll return to 5 stars, or we know it's 5-star no matter what
        some miss that lived does to bring it down.

        G, you're somewhat right about politics. I cringe at the resources wasted by each side just to make sure the other can't accomplish anything, just so they ca have a shot next time.

        I am not a Bush nutswinger either, and don't like the curtailments of our freedoms happening right now. The problem is, the terrorist threat really DOES require security
        measures be tightened; that's inescapable fact. Bush I do feel has risen to the needs of the country in the terror war arena, and though I don't like his domestic agenda, right now the war is the most important thing. Hey,
        I voted for Gore in 2000, but I can admit that
        I was wrong and that a President Gore ater 9/11 would have been a disaster for the USA.
        Kerry is another Gore who's just better at talking bullsh1t. He says some things that sound good but he says everything to everyone,
        throwing sh1t up on the wall to see what will stick. If he had strongly-held positions that I disagreed with, I would at least respect that.
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • Re: Bill\'s New Home

          I hate all the scare tactics the liberals seems to throw out so willingly and not giving a crap how anyone feels including our military..

          Now how does one justify all this bs to our military , allies or minorities for that matter.

          this is a big part of the problem ...not the solution.

          I haven't heard one thing from Kerry other than slammin' the president. Not ONE single thing about what he would do to improve or fix Jack Squat.. nuthin'..zilch....nada..

          Nothing but saying "I this" and "I that".."I am John Kerry and I think America can do better"

          OK , we know what your name is "John Kerry" lets' hear it...let's here "something" .. [img]/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif[/img]
          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • Re: Bill\'s New Home

            In Europe almost everyone hates USA and Bush. It's a shame 'cuz those candyass mothaphukkers don't care about terrorism, they care about US getting ass kicked.
            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


            • Re: Bill\'s New Home

              If Europe hates the United States of America so much, they can defend their own damn soil and feed their own people and deal with their own fukkin terrorists. [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]

              The thing is, someone has to be the grown-up in the world and the USA steps up nicely to the plate waving the bullshit flag. [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img] Because no one else has the balls enough to call the bullshit what it is. Bush has the balls to do it, and he did. Our military has the balls to back him up- and we do. We don't want any of that candyass bullshit on our soil- when it infects our country you can be sure as hell we'll go after the source so it can't infect again.
              Everyone always hates and rebels against the grown-up. They just want to be stupid punk kids. But how amazing that people still want to come live here for some reason? [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]


              • Re: Bill\'s New Home

                I agree Em. 100%.


                • Re: Bill\'s New Home

                  Let me just say something else about the good ol' USofA...
                  Our military husbands and wives, fathers and mothers and brothers and sisters risk their lives for the benefit of all people because we believe that all people are equal in rights and deserve a good home and freedom.
                  My husband leaves maybe never ever to come home just so that someone I don't know and will never know can be free to live in this world. So that the tyrannical beasts that are out there feeding upon the misery of others and inflicting pain in their so called 'religious' beliefs don't come to our country (where we are free to believe how we will) and do the same. They can try- but they will taste the fury of the States if they do because our freedom is precious to us and we don't take bullcrap from anyone. And we would protect any country that holds these values- wiping out anyone who would threaten that for them.
                  We have a President today that believes in the values of our founding fathers- the values that make our country good and safe and free. Does anyone really think that America gives a sh!t as to what anyone thinks? No- we don't.


                  • Re: Bill\'s New Home

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    I agree Em. 100%.

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] Cheers JB!


                    • Re: Bill\'s New Home

                      Yeah US got the balls. And the funny thing is, if US does something then Jacques Chirac starts talking **** about your country. What the heck, who the fukk helped them in WWII [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img] It is very funny that everyone here picks up US pop-culture attitude/manners/customs and other stuff but same time they hate that. Who is stupid now [img]/images/graemlins/baby.gif[/img]

                      EM you wrote "Does anyone really think that America gives a sh!t as to what anyone thinks? No- we don't. "
                      That is the only thing that really irritates me and a lot of other people about US. I have this feeling that your people are kinda self-centered and narrow-minded. Maybe I'm wrong (I hope so) but I have seen many interviews where your people don't know absolutely nothing what is going on outside US and they don't give a sh1t. Once one journalist had a map and he went to NY streets and asked people to show him where Iraq is. 1 of 10 only knew. On dude pointed his finger to Norway and said " This is Iraq, this evil place should be destrouyed" blahblah blah. I really hope I'm wrong about your people at this point (maybe I have seen only some clowns on TV and newspaper or baybe it is Chirac's conspiracy [img]/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif[/img] )
                      "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                      "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                      • Re: Bill\'s New Home

                        I live in Canada.


                        • Re: Bill\'s New Home

                          [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                          That is too funny, Endrik!
                          The journalists know absolutely jack squat about anything. And this is true for every country. They are all talk and fluff and full of bullsh!t.
                          Yeah- a lot of Americans are self-centered- but not so self-centered that we would kill people in other countries for the glory of a God who promises them wealth in return.
                          Not so self-centered that we would kill people of a certain race or religion for whatever lame-ass reason.
                          People in this country and other countries that listen to journalists without taking what they say "with a grain of salt" so to speak, then they are morons. Journalists and the papers and television networks they work for are only out for ratings. They bastardize the truth.
                          You want to know what's really going on- go join the military. Go live with these people that are being dominated and persecuted.
                          And as far as America being narrowminded- that is really interesting considering we welcome every race and religion, men, women and children to our shores. [img]/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]

                          Cheers [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]



                          • Re: Bill\'s New Home

                            I hear ya EM. Jurnalists care only who is dating with Britney and when Eminem dumps some chick. I think it is a crime if some asswipe makes people stupid in front of the whole world.
                            "There is nothing more fearful than imagination without taste" - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

                            "To be stupid, selfish and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost" - Gustave Flaubert


                            • Re: Bill\'s New Home

                              Endrik, you seem open-minded about the USA which I appreciate. We may seem selfish and arrogant, but it's because we have found a better way to live, we feel. Look at Europe's history - has there ever been a period of more than 10 or 20 years without a war between some of your countries? Up until we came in in WWII and then stationed our troops between the Soviets and Western Europe, no. It's sad that
                              your own country was dominated by Russia or Germany for most of its history too. We were not in a position to help your country when the Soviets had twice as many troops, tanks and nuclear weapons as we did, but I'm still sorry we couldn't do so. Ultimately, by outspending them militarily until their empire collapsd, that's how we helped your nation become free, but it took 45 years.

                              We have a history where we don't make war on someone unless they started it. This Iraq war really arose out of Saddam violating the cease fire of the original Gulf War, which he started by invading Kuwait, and to a small extent Saudi Arabia. So the UN didn't go in with us this time because its chairman's son was making dirty money cheating on the oil for food program with Saddam. So we were not going to let the cheating of the UN, France and Germany keep us from doing what was right.
                              WMDs were not found, but everybody thought Iraq had them, even France and Germany did, before the war. We still haven't dug up every sand dune in 120,000 square miles of Iraq, so not finding them isn't quite the same as saying they didn't exist. And Saddam, if he had gotten rid of them, could have stayed in power by simply letting us inspect as we saw fit. He didn't do that, now he's out.

                              Anyway, we're proud of the good thing we have in our country, and want to share that free type of government with other nations, bcause we know all nations get along better if they have free governments. It's why we are close to ritain, even though we were a colony who had to fight to be free. They are still most like us of other nations. We argue about who will be President, but our worst choice is still better than the dictatorships of the world, because if we elect someone and he's an idiot, pow! We throw him out in 4 years. If he REALLY fukks up we can impeach him and throw him out sooner.

                              We believe al people have a right to freedom and control of their own destiny. Of course that doesn't mean that if your interests conflict with ours that we won't do our best to get our way. Doesn't everybody do that?
                              Ron is the MAN!!!!


                              • Re: Bill\'s New Home

                                I want to ask you Yanks a question. In this Presidential election are you actually able to vote for Bush, Kerry, whomever? What I mean is, can you "check" their name, or are you stuck voting for some local underling with even less clues and brains? (like we have to do in Canada) I'd think that being able to pull the trigger, so to speak, on your candidate of choice is a much truer indicator of what you country is looking for. Here, if I want candidate "x" to be our Prime Minister, I have to vote for a local dik within the same political party - whether he represents what I'm looking for or not. Doesn't make much sense to me.
                                Tarbaby Fraser.

