Evan is playing with the Ca Ca??!! He could get pink eye or ecoli and whatnot..ewwww.
I knew kiddies would be playing with their poo if they watched Mr. Hanky..I actually gave my kid a warning whenever he watched that...just for that reason. They still don't listen though.. Vinny is such a dick!!
People in stores and shit prolly think his name is Dick, because that's all I call him.
Speaking of whom..Yeah E, he's doing really good at basketball. He likes it better than wrestling..maybe he won't break one of his bones this year. He's actually the tallest on his team..that's another one I don't get..he's my height now..5' 8". He's always standing next to me to see if he got taller..he prolly will soon. Val's a midget, and I'm not that I dunno where he get's that. Both our familes are on the short side.
He's measurse his wand too..he's has a measuring tape on his nightstand..I think I caught him doing it. He looked all guity and was laughing. I asked him if he was measuring his tool..he said no..but he was...I do.

Evan is playing with the Ca Ca??!! He could get pink eye or ecoli and whatnot..ewwww.

People in stores and shit prolly think his name is Dick, because that's all I call him.
Speaking of whom..Yeah E, he's doing really good at basketball. He likes it better than wrestling..maybe he won't break one of his bones this year. He's actually the tallest on his team..that's another one I don't get..he's my height now..5' 8". He's always standing next to me to see if he got taller..he prolly will soon. Val's a midget, and I'm not that I dunno where he get's that. Both our familes are on the short side.
He's measurse his wand too..he's has a measuring tape on his nightstand..I think I caught him doing it. He looked all guity and was laughing. I asked him if he was measuring his tool..he said no..but he was...I do.
