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Bill's New Home

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  • Re: Bill\'s New Home



    • ****Re****: ****Bill****\'****s**** ****New**** ****Home****

      ****Well**** ****I****'****m**** ****Glad**** ****you**** ****ask**** ...
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****It**** ****is**** ****a**** ****two**** ****part**** ****question**** ...****The**** ****answer**** ****is**** ****absolutely**** ****NOT****!!
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****There**** ****is**** ****no**** ****such**** ****deities****...****There**** ****is**** ****No**** ****God**** ****or**** ****Gods**** ****so**** ****to**** ****speak****..
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****BUT**** ...****BUT****!!!!!
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****The**** ****majority**** ****of**** ****this**** ****world**** ...****especially**** ****this**** ****very**** ****nation**** ****is**** ****based**** ****on**** ****Christianity**** ...****whether**** ****you**** ****believe**** ****or**** ****not**** .
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****So**** ****I**** ****insist**** ****on**** ****making**** ****this****
      <****br**** />"****god****" ****accountable**** ****for**** ****his**** ****actions****...****nobody**** ****has**** ****ever**** ****did**** ****that****..****Not**** ****Crowley**** ...****Not**** ****LaVey****...****Nobody****...****no**** ****Satainst**** ****thus**** ****far**** ****has**** ****ever**** ****made**** ****God**** ****be**** ****the**** ****bad**** ****guy**** ****and**** ****prooved**** ****it**** ...****in**** ****Biblical**** ****theory**** ****of**** ****course**** ..
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****it****'****s**** ****easy****.
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****But**** ****nobody**** ****ever**** ****has**** ****the**** ****balls**** ****to**** ****come**** ****forth**** ****because**** ****they**** ****are**** ****in**** ****fear**** ****of**** ****being**** ****ridiculed**** ****by**** ****the**** ****norm****..****I**** ****loathe**** ****the**** ****norm**** ...****The**** ****norm**** ****is**** ****the**** ****very**** ****reason**** ****why**** ****God**** ****exist**** ****so**** ****blindly**** ****in**** ****the**** ****first**** ****place****..****he**** ****is**** ****no**** ****more**** ****than**** ****the**** ****will**** ****of**** ****millions**** ****of**** ****one**** ****watt**** ****humans****..
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****Hey**** ****if**** ****God**** ****has**** ****so**** ****much**** ****power**** ****in**** ****our**** ****government**** , ****our**** ****morals**** , ****and**** ****in**** ****our**** ****everday**** ****lives**** ****whether**** ****you**** ****like**** ****it**** ****or**** ****not**** ...****I**** ****think**** ****something**** ****that**** ****poweful**** ****should**** ****be**** ****held**** ****accountable**** ****for**** ****any**** ****and**** ****all**** ****BS**** ****imposed**** ****by**** ****it****.
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****I**** ****can**** ****chew**** ****the**** ****theory**** ****of**** ****God**** ****up**** ****and**** ****spit**** ****him**** ****oput**** ****so**** ****easily**** ...****it****'****s**** ****fukkin****' ****awesome****.
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****I**** ****think**** ****I****'****m**** ****the**** ****first**** ****person**** ****in**** ****existance**** ****that**** ****can**** ****do**** ****this**** ...****it****'****s**** ****no**** ****big**** ****deal**** ****really**** ..
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****all**** ****you**** ****have**** ****to**** ****do**** ****is**** ****truly**** ****read**** ****the**** ****bible**** ****without**** ****the**** ****christian**** ****goggles**** ****on****...****it****'****s**** ****that**** ****simple****
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****It**** ****states**** ****in**** ****plain**** ****black**** ****and**** ****white**** ....****that**** ****God**** ****created**** ****everything**** ...****and**** ****that**** ****Lucifer**** ****was**** ****created**** ****by**** ****God**** ****just**** ****as**** ****he**** ****was**** ..****man**** ****was**** ****created**** ****just**** ****as**** ****we**** ****were**** ..****all**** ****our**** ****faults**** ****and**** ****all****...****this**** ****was**** ****or**** ****never**** ****will**** ****be**** ****Satan****'****s**** ****fault**** ...****he**** ****doesn****'****t**** ****have**** ****the**** ****power**** ****to**** ****control**** ****nor**** ****create****..****never**** ****had**** ...****never**** ****will**** ...****he**** ****is**** ****a**** ****victim**** ****in**** ****all**** ****God****'****s**** ****mess**** ****just**** ****as**** ****we**** ****are****..
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****He****'****s**** ****a**** ****bigger**** ****victim**** ****than**** ****we**** ****could**** ****ever**** ****be**** ...****or**** ****that**** ****Christ**** ****could**** ****ever**** ****be**** ...****he**** ****went**** ****to**** ****bat**** ****for**** ****us**** ****and**** ****argued**** ****with**** ****God**** ****to**** ****protect**** ****us**** ****from**** ****God****'****s**** ****will**** ****of**** ****Free**** ****Agency**** ...****Lucifer**** ****with**** ****his**** ****God**** ****given**** ****knowledge**** ****prooved**** ****God**** ****wrong**** ...****look**** ****around**** ...****Free**** ****Agency**** ****does**** ****NOT**** ****work**** ****and**** ****is**** ****the**** ****very**** ****downfall**** ****of**** ****man**** ...****it**** ****will**** ****be**** ****our**** ****very**** ****demise****.
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****What**** ****did**** ****Christ**** ****loose**** ...****Nuttin****' ****he**** ****came**** ****from**** ****Heaven**** ...****died**** ****and**** ****went**** ****back**** ****there**** ...****Satan**** ****will**** ****forever**** ****be**** ****God****'****s**** ****spanking**** ****baby****....****a**** ****scapegoat**** ****for**** ****all**** ****man****'****s**** ****weakness****..
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****God**** ****knew**** ****this**** ...****Lucifer**** ****knew**** ****this**** ...****I**** ****know**** ****this**** .
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****God**** ****kicked**** ****out**** ****Lucifer**** ****because**** ****he**** ****lost**** ****face**** ****in**** ****heaven**** ****because**** ****of**** ****this**** ...****so**** ****Lucy**** ****was**** ****bannished**** , ****turned**** ****into**** ****a**** ****beast**** , ****sent**** ****to**** ****Earth**** ****where**** ****he**** ****dwells**** ****simply**** ****has**** ****a**** ****spectator**** ...****to**** ****watch**** ****man**** ****suffer**** ****just**** ****as**** ****he**** ****suffers****...****because**** ****of**** ****God**** .
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****Satan**** ****loves**** ****to**** ****see**** ****the**** ****children**** ****of**** ****God**** ****suffer**** ****because**** ****it**** ****just**** ****prooves**** ****him**** ****right**** ...****it**** ****prooves**** ****him**** ****right**** ****every**** ****single**** ****passing**** ****moment**** ****of**** ****every**** ****single**** ****day****.
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****Just**** ****think**** ****of**** ****a**** ****simple**** ****good**** ****hearted**** ****child**** ****that**** ****was**** ****punished**** ****wrongly**** ****by**** ****his**** ****over**** ****zealous**** ****father**** ...****that**** ****child**** ****will**** ****stop**** ****at**** ****nothing**** ****to**** ****proove**** ****his**** ****father**** ****wrong****...
      <****br**** />
      <****br**** />****This**** ****time**** ****in**** ****Christian**** ****theory**** ****of**** ****course****..****Christianity**** ****will**** ****die**** ...****it**** ****will**** ****eventually**** ...****there**** ****is**** ****no**** ****stopping**** ****it**** ****and**** ****I**** ****hope**** ****I**** ****can**** ****contribute**** ****to**** ****it****'****s**** ****very**** ****death****..
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • Re: ********Re********: ********Bill********\'********s******** ********New******** ********Home********

        What in the plain simple fukking hell just fukking happend..???!!!

        This looks awesome... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


        • Re:What the fukk?????

          you ask ...

          It is a two part question ...The answer is absolutely NOT!!

          There is no such deities...There is No God or Gods so to speak..

          BUT ...BUT!!!!!

          The majority of this world ...especially this very nation is based on Christianity ...whether you believe or not .

          So I insist on making this
          "god" accountable for his actions...nobody has ever did that..Not Crowley ...Not Satainst thus far has ever made God be the bad guy and prooved it Biblical theory of course ..

          it's easy.

          But nobody ever has the balls to come forth because they are in fear of being ridiculed by the norm..I loathe the norm ...The norm is the very reason why God exist so blindly in the first place..he is no more than the will of millions of one watt humans..

          Hey if God has so much power in our government , our morals , and in our everday lives whether you like it or not ...I think something that poweful should be held accountable for any and all BS imposed by it.

          I can chew the theory of God up and spit him oput so easily's fukkin' awesome.

          I think I'm the first person in existance that can do this's no big deal really ..

          all you have to do is truly read the bible without the christian goggles's that simple

          It states in plain black and white ....that God created everything ...and that Lucifer was created by God just as he was was created just as we were ..all our faults and all...this was or never will be Satan's fault ...he doesn't have the power to control nor create..never had ...never will ...he is a victim in all God's mess just as we are..

          He's a bigger victim than we could ever be ...or that Christ could ever be ...he went to bat for us and argued with God to protect us from God's will of Free Agency ...Lucifer with his God given knowledge prooved God wrong ...look around ...Free Agency does NOT work and is the very downfall of man will be our very demise.

          What did Christ loose ...Nuttin' he came from Heaven ...died and went back there ...Satan will forever be God's spanking baby....a scapegoat for all man's weakness..

          God knew this ...Lucifer knew this ...I know this .

          God kicked out Lucifer because he lost face in heaven because of this Lucy was bannished , turned into a beast , sent to Earth where he dwells simply has a spectator watch man suffer just as he suffers...because of God .

          Satan loves to see the children of God suffer because it just prooves him right prooves him right every single passing moment of every single day.

          Just think of a simple good hearted child that was punished wrongly by his over zealous father ...that child will stop at nothing to proove his father wrong...

          This time in Christian theory of course..Christianity will die will eventually ...there is no stopping it and I hope I can contribute ..

          Do you see how od just tried to screw up my words ...he doesn't want me to continue exposing his true self.. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
          "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
          Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

          "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


          • Re: ********Re********: ********Bill********\'*****

            That took me a long time to read.


            • ****Re****: ************Re************: ************Bill************\'*****

              ****It**** ****took**** ****me**** ****a**** ****minute**** ****to**** ****write**** ****but**** ****did**** ****you**** ****see**** ****what**** ****they**** ****hell**** ****happend**** ****the**** ****first**** ****time**** ****I**** ****tried**** ****to**** ****post**** ****it****...****wow****.
              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


              • Re: ****Re****: ************Re************: ************Bill************\'*****

                What in tarnation is going on over here???


                • Re: ****Re****: ************Re************: ************Bill************\'*****

                  OK now what the fukk is going on here ...can somebody explain what the fukk this is suppose to be ...

                  I blame God myself...

                  Hey God ...hey no fukk you ...I can ******* **** I can fukk this up ********* without you help***********

                  Hey God ...%$&amp;* you!!! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                  "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                  Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                  "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                  • Re: ****Re****: ************Re************: ************Bill************\'*****

                    Wow!....someone is fukkin' with Bill's posts BIGTIME! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                    • Re: ****Re****: ************Re************: ************Bill************\'*****

                      God is messin' with me because I'm exposing the truth and he's sticking his PP in my ass with all this ******** now...

                      hey ...I think your a dick God you hear me God ...I think you're a big plump and limp DICK!!!!!! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                      • Re: ****Re****: ************Re************: ************Bill************\'*****

                        Oh.. and while we are on the subject.

                        Good and Evil are subjective in my opinion.
                        There is both and neither is bigger or better than the other.

                        JC may very well have walked this earth, but he is no different in my opinion from any other "great" man or woman.

                        I believe there are higher powers, yes. But I don't believe in any certain God. I also don't believe in any certain Satan.

                        Anyway, just in case y'all were wondering what I think. Which you probably aren't. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                        • Re: ****Re****: ************Re************: ************Bill************\'*****

                          Bill....thoughts on "Centinex"?

                          Have you heard them?....and if not...a new recommendation has just been made!
                          If you love At The Gates....this breathes new life into where they left off.


                          • Re: ****Re****: ************Re************: ************Bill************\'*****

                            "Good" are the things you like ...."Evil" is the things you don't like ..

                            Of course this is very subjective ...depending on the individual.

                            There is no God least not of any we know of ...and if there was such a diety ...there is nothing at all that supports that that deity still exists.

                            So do I believe in a higher power....well I call the higher power "inspiration" ...I get my inspiration "Symbolically thru Satan ...because Satan to me is the true God of man ....God of this world ...who too was a suject of God's wrath ...just as we are.

                            Satan represents everything what man truly is ...he is the beast in man ..

                            Man is a beast more less...a beast with a shot of smarts ...but not enough smarts to see the big picture....just enough to keep us greedy and hungry ...sins basically ...BUT if it weren't for these so called Sins would NEVER evolve nor exist.
                            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                            • Re: ****Re****: ************Re************: ************Bill************\'*****

                              Centinex kicks ass ...of course I love 'em...I love At the Gates or anything that sounds close to them ...That Bed Of Nail's song that was posted "High Speed Death Roll" was my personal nod to At The Gates.. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

                              See my text is OK now ...I think God was fukkin' with me ...he always doin' that to me... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                              • Re: ****Re****: ************Re************: ************Bill************\'*****

                                Well I just discovered them .....killer sh1t!

                                Good listening for a while....gotta invest in some of their back catalog and I see at their website, that a new cd is in the recording stages, due out early 2005

