One of the best pranks I have ever pulled was when I was in the Navy. We had a newbie Inflight Technician assigned to train with us. After 10 hours in the air you get a little stir crazy. He fell asleep, my crews assigned Inflight tech and I carefully placed taped over the trainees glasses. The entire crew except the pilot put our helmets and parachutes on. We turned out all of the planes interior lights and depressurized the plane. As I was opening the the lower segment of the aircraft door the crew started shouting BAILOUT WE ARE GONNA CRASH. Our pilot started yanking the plane around about the time I got the lower door open, the roar of the wind rushing in was tremendous. The kid jumped up realized he couldn't see and started screaming for someone to help him. He pissed his pants. When he found out that we had set him up he was furious. When we made it back to the base he told the Command Master Chief and the Commanding Officer, both former flyers. My crew was called in to meet with both of them and we all had a good laugh. They had done similar things earlier in their careers.
By the way for those of you who have never seen a Lockheed P-3 sub hunter here is a pic of one of my sqaudrons planes flying by Mt. Fuji.
By the way for those of you who have never seen a Lockheed P-3 sub hunter here is a pic of one of my sqaudrons planes flying by Mt. Fuji.
