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PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!!

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  • #16
    Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!

    nonamemx, are you in texas? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] i've never seen more red lights ran in my life before i moved down to dallas. they even have signs near many intersections that say "there were 5240 red light traffic violations in 2003. DON'T BE NEXT!" no, i'm not kidding. they drive like psychos down here.

    i'm sure you'll be okay, but yeah, go back to the intersection, and be careful, eh?

    Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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    • #17
      Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!

      i paid $6200 to get my license back. 3 failure to appears,
      7 speeding tickets, 3 from the same cop!!! i kept driving anyway, but i am a child. an idiot-lol
      if they want my license, they're gonna have to come and get it from me this time-lol
      the cameras are all over the place now in southern cal,so i stopped bustin' reds a while ago. hope you're alright.
      Not helping the situation since 1965!


      • #18
        Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!

        [ QUOTE ]
        I was just tired and wanted to be home,

        [/ QUOTE ]

        Not to bust yer bells man. But, is that what you would tell the family of someone you killed because you were careless?

        I'm sure that wouldn't make them feel much better.

        Watch yourself man, this is serious stuff. I have personally watched several people die in the aftermath of car crashes and I take this seriously. One young Canadian tourist here died while trapped in a car after an accident caused by a young kid racing. He holding my hand at the time he died, with me telling him he was gonna be ok and that his two buddies (who were trapped as well AND already very dead) were ok.

        Cars are serious man, and death happens because of people being careless. Watch your arse man.


        • #19
          Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!

          [ QUOTE ]
          nonamemx, are you in texas? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] i've never seen more red lights ran in my life before i moved down to dallas. they even have signs near many intersections that say "there were 5240 red light traffic violations in 2003. DON'T BE NEXT!" no, i'm not kidding. they drive like psychos down here.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          That's no lie. I've drive about everywhere in the states except L.A., and Dallas is the weirdest. Miami is the worst. But even the lawlessness in Miami has rules: in Dallas, I think it's just chaos. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

          Probation for a stoplight, eh? I'm happy for you that you didn't slam into a minivan with a family of four, and/or break your spine and spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair.

          Whatever happens, things can always get worse.

          The JCF-er Formerly Known as axtogrind.


          • #20
            Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!

            "thats when I realized what happened, paniced, freaked out, and slammed hard on the brakes."

            Oh terrific. There's a lesson you don't want to hear, but that's just tough **** kid. You suck as a driver and I hope they DO take your license for a while. You need to learn and grow up.
            This is NOT how you drive, moron. What if someone was right behind you checking his mirror while you pulled THAT brain-dead stunt?
            WTF, dude. Go to attention...LEARN something, will ya please? It's only a matter of time at this rate.

            "I am an excellent driver..."

            Yeah, apparently there Rainman. Keep telling yourself that.


            • #21
              Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!

              [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Rainman [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


              • #22
                Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!!

                Amazing, absolutely amazing. You guys bust his chops over this, yet when someone came here a while back and said they had a DUI, everybody had a "yeah, you should fight it, everyone makes mistakes. That's OK." attitude. I don't see the difference. If anything, the DUI is worse. Both are a menace and really shouldn't be on the road, if that's the way they are. Both are very lucky they didn't kill someone and if they did, I think they deserve more than what they'll receive.
                Noname: A photo camera should be the least of your worries. Be glad you didn't kill anyone (including yourself) and learn from this. If you get a ticket, Oh well. You do deserve it after all, do you not? You did run a red light and put other people in jeopardy. I'm sorry if I sound like I'm being harsh, but I think people should own up to their actions more and accept a little more responsibility. Driving is a privilege, not a right. If you abuse that privilege, then be prepared to give it up. Good luck.


                • #23
                  Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!!

                  For the record Hotrod, I busted this kids chops the hardest and NOT ONCE did I or would I EVER condone driving drunk.

                  Let's be careful where your aiming your sweeping generalities.


                  • #24
                    Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!!

                    He was lost in thought while driving....nobody here can say they havent done that one time or another...luckily he didnt hit anyone, no harm was done. At least he did admit he ran a red light and it was an accident. At least he wasnt having a blonde moment and sat still for a green and went on red (Ive dont that before)

                    Mrs LPC


                    • #25
                      Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!!

                      That's exactly the point. At his age and skill level, the last thing in the world he needs to be doing is driving along with his head up his ass, assuming he's a "really good driver". Then when he woke up he freaked and slammed on the brakes! That **** gets people killed.
                      I had a good friend killed recently that way. He was sitting at a stoplight on his Harley and the moron that ran him down said he "just didn't notice the light".

                      No excuses.


                      • #26
                        Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!!

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        That's exactly the point. At his age and skill level, the last thing in the world he needs to be doing is driving along with his head up his ass, assuming he's a "really good driver". Then when he woke up he freaked and slammed on the brakes! That **** gets people killed.
                        I had a good friend killed recently that way. He was sitting at a stoplight on his Harley and the moron that ran him down said he "just didn't notice the light".

                        No excuses.

                        [/ QUOTE ]Didn't notice the light and <font color="white"> never saw the bike and rider I bet! <font color="#666666">was that here in Az. Chuck? </font>
                        This coincides with my response to DRS's bike thread


                        • #27
                          Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!!



                          • #28
                            Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!

                            [ QUOTE ]
                            nonamemx, are you in texas? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] i've never seen more red lights ran in my life before i moved down to dallas. they even have signs near many intersections that say "there were 5240 red light traffic violations in 2003. DON'T BE NEXT!" no, i'm not kidding. they drive like psychos down here.

                            i'm sure you'll be okay, but yeah, go back to the intersection, and be careful, eh?


                            [/ QUOTE ]

                            North Dallas. You know, Royal Lane, going east over the tollroad? yeah, thats the one.

                            I know that I was very fortunate, Im not a dumb ****. I realize that I could have hit someone, that a ticket wasn't the least of my worries. If I was a real ****, I would have said "Score! didn't get caught! and would have never even thought about it again." It has gotten me all shook up.

                            I went back. There doesnt seem to be any photo cameras at that intersection, thankfully.

                            [ QUOTE ]
                            He was lost in thought while driving....nobody here can say they havent done that one time or another...luckily he didnt hit anyone, no harm was done. At least he did admit he ran a red light and it was an accident. At least he wasnt having a blonde moment and sat still for a green and went on red (Ive dont that before)

                            Mrs LPC

                            [/ QUOTE ]

                            Thank you.


                            • #29
                              Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!

                              tell ya' what guy, come to NY and you'll fit in perfectly. just make sure you either have a yellow car with a lighted box on top, blonde hair, tinted windows or well, a combo would do just fine really. no point in scolding ya' for it, i'm not ya' parent, you didn't hit anyone, no one was around [what hour within the 24 by the way?] that was harmed, 'eh, a flaw, an accident. make sure the **** doesn't happen again.

                              plain and fuckin' simple right there. make sure that if you're ass is behind that magnificent circle, that you're the one in control who's worryin' about all of the other dipshits on the road, not the other way around, capiche? slamming on ya' breaks after goin' through? stupid move. immediate reaction that you really should rectify? oh goddamned hell yes. switch it up, learn from it, and for the record... remember that feeling right after goin' through.

                              i'm with the Mrs. on this one. hell, you know how many times i got these goddamned humps in their fuckin' F250s or their Dodge Rams or hell, a precious little Cabrio, ridin' my ass like one of ya' damned mechanical steers only to come within inches of hittin' me when i hit the brakes because guess what? people up ahead have a tendency to stop because they got a bit of sun in their eyes.... how cute. if you got hit for slammin' the brakes, albeit you were wrong, you woulda' gotten a ticket for runnin' the light. nada mas. [at least over here] whoever was behind shouldn't have been on ya' rear. that being said, i've said my peace. i stick with the phrase my father's always said to me, in conjunction with a severe tugging on my ear...

                              "Remember how you feel. Never forget this. Breathe it in and don't you dare exhale. Learn from it. You don't want to feel like this again right? Don't do something so goddamned stupid again then."


                              • #30
                                Re: PLEASE READ! I need to know about stoplights!!

                                Dude, I dont speak "New York".

