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Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

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  • #16
    Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

    Goodgod dude! Glad you are okay, Joel.
    Drivers like that really torque me off- especially when they put their own family in danger. [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]

    Yes- please get yourself checked out by your doctor (if you haven't already) today, tonight, now.
    Take care,


    • #17
      Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

      Two fuggin' accidents for me this year ....these non driven dicklicks ridin' up your bung ....ahhhhhh fukkkkk them all in the mud

      and most these nippledicks don't have ins. and no driver's license ...

      and we pay out our asses for these paristites of infested mung without insurance

      glad you're cool Joel......
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #18
        Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

        Dayam! That sucks dude!

        My little brother will NOT stay in the Goddamn seatbelt! I pulled over and wailed his ass for it earlier today, then Mom tells me it was too harsh, and now hearing this I'm beginning to think what I did was okay. I mean, I didn't leave marks on him or anything, but I let him know not to **** around in the backseat!

        It's so lame that you can't hardly spank your kids anymore. Jesus, it works best! It took only once for me to learn after Dad kicked my ass, the whole "your going in the corner as soon as we get home" doesn't work that well. Do you guys remember the phrase "When your dad gets home"? That has got to be the most fear-invoking phrase on the planet (next to "bend over" in a jail cell).

        Glad to hear that you're okay man, car accidents are never fun (except money from lawsuits and settlements).


        • #19
          Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

          Joel, Glad to hear everyone is alright!
          Keep us posted on the ins BS.. hope everything works out well for ya!!


          • #20
            Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

            Glad you're okay. You'll probably be really sore beginning tomorrow. It might be worthy visiting your family doc earley next week for a look over and maybe some x-rays like others suggested. You might benefit from some anti-inflammatories as well.

            Everbody, please wear your seatbelt! Even for just a trip down the street. My current daily commute has me on a major interstate and I pass by accidents all the time. Peple drive like they're in bumper cars or something!
            "Your work is ingenius…it’s quality work….and there are simply too many notes…that’s all, just cut a few, and it’ll be perfect."


            • #21
              Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

              Wearing a seatbelt also helps you stay in control of your vehicle better. If your car is going out of control, you can be thrown around in the seat if you don't have it on. Making it hard to regain control. The seatbelt keeps your ass planted and alot of times you can regain control...


              • #22
                Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!

                Damn, Joel. Glad to hear you're alright.
                Hail yesterday


                • #23
                  Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!

                  Glad you're ok, Joel, and sorry to hear about the accident (or rather, the deliberate endangerment of your life by the a$$hole dumb enough to put 4 people in a 2-seater).

                  And definitely go get some x-rays. You're in good physical shape, so any sort of nerve damage will take quite a few months to show up. BUT I'd personally recommend having a Chiropractor do x-rays as well, as hospital x-rays look only for tissue/organ damage and bone fractures, but they don't check your spine for slipped discs unless you are noticeably deformed. My Mom's been going to a Chiropractor for years due to a spinal injury she suffered, and it's a helluva lot better than popping pain pills all day.
                  Pain pills only deaden the nerves so you don't feel the pain, they don't correct what's causing the pain. Over a short period of time, the dosage must be increased as your body becomes immune to the pain killers, resulting in addiction.

                  Seriously, I know this like I know my own name - go to a Chiropractor and be checked out.

                  I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                  The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                  My Blog:


                  • #24
                    Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!

                    <font color="aqua">Jeezzz bro, I'm glad you're ok bro... </font>
                    Dave ->

                    "would someone answer that damn phone?!?!"


                    • #25
                      Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!


                      WOW. Glad your ok, but I agree with the people here that advise you go to the hospital and get checked over good. Just in case!! I wear my seatbelt 24/7/365. That guy having 4 people in a 2 seat car should have his license yanked and his ass kicked. Those kids dont have much of a chance with idiotic parents like that. I feel sorry for the kids. I hope everyone is OK. Cars can be replaced, people cant!!!

                      GO to the Doctor/hospital immediately and get checked out Joel. Just incase you have something wrong that doesnt show up now, your health is the most important thing in the world.

                      "clean sounds are for pussies" - Axewielder


                      • #26
                        Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                        That sucks Joel, glad you're OK.
                        Don't forget the corn. It's nutritious, delicious, and ribbed for her pleasure.


                        • #27
                          Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                          Sorry to hear that Joel, I'm glad your not hurt too bad. I bet you'll be sore today or tomorrow thow.

                          I heard somewhere that something like 1/2 the fatal traffic accidents are in the 30 MPH range. Seat belts do save lives. I wear mine all the time. I hate it when I see parents who let their kids out of their seat belts or car seats, I see it all the time too.


                          • #28
                            Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                            Phew. Glad you're OK, dude.

                            The pics were smart. Make sure you get a copy of the accident report from the PD, ASAP. There's too many losers out there who'll try to bilk you to no end, just because of the collision. Milking the insurance for whatever they can get. Which, since we pay for it, ultimately = milkin' us. Some of 'em will even stage it, or even include kids to make you feel guilty!

                            Case in point... About 12 years ago, I was in a stereotypical pedestrian accident. On a city street, a 4 year old kid ran out between two parked minivans. Chasing his ball without looking for traffic first, and ran himself right into the side of my car going by.

                            I never saw him. Only heard the "thump" and immediately feared the worst. I was already stopping to park - couldn't have been doing more than 10 or 15 mph. Other than bruising, the kid wasn't seriously hurt. Nontheless, he spent the night in the hospital for observation just in case. I checked in on the kid and sent him a teddy bear the next day.

                            ...Within days, his jobless, welfare-collecting, usually absent and always drunk dad (...not exaggerating here) was threatening to sue me for fabricated "injuries". I immediately cut off all communication and referred him to my insuance company. Thanks to good police and hospital reports citing the circumstances and clearing me, he got nothing.

                            I still feel sad for that kid and his upbringing. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] Being unsupervised and playing ball on a dangerous busy street is bad enough parenting. But to have them use the kid for their lying, insurance scam personal gain is disgusting. Kids deserve better than that! [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img]


                            • #29
                              Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                              You can't steer and hold the brake at the same time. That's how my friend got crashed into a big oak with 100 MPH.
                              Glad he made it unharmed.

                              I know this sounds a bit crazy, because those couple of seconds are the moment of trans of every driver, but pulling the handbrake and steering of mor efficient. You may stop on the middle of the road, but your car is in one piece and you shake for a about a minute or two. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                              • #30
                                Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                                Yeah, get checked out. My friend walked around for 3 day after a mild accident with a cracked neck vertebrea and went to teh doc for a neck ache, they xrayed and came out to the waiting room with a stretcher and neck restraints. scared the **** outta him, told him his neck was broke.

                                Ask Bill about broken necks...

                                As for belts, I do swear by them and use them now. But my last wreck, I'd be VERY dead had I not been ejected from the car through the t-tops when i wrapped the car sideways around a pole, glad i wasn't wearing them that night. But, that was TRULY a one in a million situation. Seat belts will most always save your ass in a head on accident.

