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Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

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  • Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

    I'm still shaking a little...just happened about an hour ago. I just filled the tank coming back from helping my pop's do a server migration at his work. Pulled out of the gas station and proceeded westbound in the North lane of a 4 lane road (2 lanes each dir) going about 35-40mph. There are side streets along this main road and up ahead I see a red Fiero stopped at the end of one of these streets (remember I'm doing about 35-40) I start coming up this guy pulls his Fiero out across the entire North lane I'm in right as I'm coming at him and he just STOPS! I slam my foot on the brakes and slam my right hand on the horn as my left hand is attempting to steer my Nissan Frontier off behind him into the side street or grass surrounding the area he's coming out of...but all four tires locked up and I t-boned the son of a b|tch! Both airbags popped. I couldn't believe it. Then I immediately see 2 small kids and a woman jump out of the car while the male (driver) is stuck in the Fiero. THIS IS A 2 SEATER FIERO AND THERE WERE 4 PEOPLE IN THERE!
    I immediately get my brother on the phone (this is maybe 5 minutes from my house) and he comes by with the dig. camera to take evidence shots. The cop comes by and asks if I want him cited...HELL YES I DO!
    I'm thankful for belts...I've always got mine on...I'm not in much pain or necks a little ankle I slammed the brakes with and my arm that got flown off the wheel by the airbogs hurts...but all is well.

    I still can't believe this...I just hope his ins. is good....the last thing I need is to fight with an ins. co. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

    Bros...throw your belts on!

    - Joel
    RIP Donny Swanstrom...JCF bro
    RIP Dime

  • #2
    Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!


    Sorry to hear this, but i'm real glad your ok! [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


    • #3
      Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

      WTF was he thinking with 2 kids in that car?!?!?!?!?! Sully needs to track this guy down and nutnoose the bastard!!!!! It burns me to no freaking end to see people with kids in a car not fastened into their carseat or seatbelt. Just having the kids jumping around in the backseat having a grand ole time... Glad to hear you werent hurt and the kids got out okay, but still...that fucker needs to fry for even thinking about putting the kids in danger like that. Get him good, then go back for more!!

      Mrs LPC


      • #4
        Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

        I am glad that you or anyone seemed to be seriously hurt. I can not believe that the police even had to ask if you wanted him cited. I would think that he had four people, two being kids, in a 2 passenger car would have been an automatic citation. I am surprised he was not arrested. Guess family services can look into that.

        I do have to agree with you about seat belts. They do work. They saved me from being seriously injured on a couple of occasions.

        Once again, glad you are ok.


        • #5
          Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

          That sucks. 4people in 2 seated car? WTF?
          I hope your insurance company is helpful on this case.
          And best of all, you seem ok and able to chat with us [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
          Good luck with the case!


          • #6
            Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

            Doooode, I'm glad you're ok man. What a carload of tards. Probably so distracted by the female and minions that he was rendered stupid.

            Sucks about your ride. I'm just glad you're here to write us all about it.


            • #7
              Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

              damn dude i hope you are alright.
              i hear that bout the belts, when we totaled my 97 formula firebird i didnt have mine on. i still hurt and that was 2 years ago. i wear mine now even if its just down the street.
              hope you are ok.
              MOSH ON
              "It's because the speed of light is superior to the speed of sound that so many people look shiny before they actually sound stupid"

              "All pleasure comes at someone Else's expense"

              The internet is where, The men are men, the women are men, and the children are FBI agents.


              • #8
                Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                Joel....if you haven't already been to the hospital....GO NOW!!!

                Seriously....neck/back injuries may take hours/days/weeks etc. to show up, but at least if you have some X-Rays taken and possibly an MRI done it will notice something now...rather than later.

                I'm glad you weren't seriously injured...don't get me wrong bro...but seriously, go have yourself thouroughly checked out for spinal cord damage.

                Take it easy [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]....


                • #9
                  Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                  Listen to LPC, he is correct. BTW, always wear my seat belt too.
                  Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                  • #10
                    Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                    Glad to hear you're OK.


                    • #11
                      Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                      I have a friend that was in a wreck and took a fast cash settlement from the insurance co., but had to wave any further expence issues in doing so. She did it thinking she was fine and fast money sounded good. Well, she did not get better, she is in pain everyday and is a painkiller junkie. My point, don't just settle without a lawyer so you don't get hosed in the long run.
                      ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                      • #12
                        Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                        Glad you're ok, dude.


                        • #13
                          Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                          Glad you are alright.
                          Listen to the bros. I was hit by a drunk driver in 2000 and had to be taken to the hospital
                          No lasting effects for me as I hope with you.
                          But I would go gets some xrays done soon
                          If you wait and go to court in a couple of years you will not win
                          The other attorneys will say you hurt yourself in the yard,you fell down steps,etc...
                          The insurance compamy offered a fast settlement with me for $750.00 and they said they would not pay anymore??
                          After my attorney was finish my cut was 10K


                          • #14
                            Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                            i def. agree with the fellas, and def. say, i'm so very glad you're ok, bro!


                            • #15
                              Re: Just got in a bad accident.....seatbelts rule!!

                              damn drivers man. glad all's well with you and the kids in the other car. makes ya' wonder what the hell some cats are thinkin'.

                              i was just sitting at a stop light at a four-way intersection and put my car in park [there's a turning lane on each way, i was in the one southbound] to rub my eyes for a second. within the time i opened my eyes and refocused, i see a white camry making a turn very, very slowly going west and a car with 2 people in it [a Dodge Neon] that must have been going at least 45 [in a 30] collided. debris all over the place. didn't look like anyone was immediately hurt on account of the adrenaline pumping, but no visible fractures or contusions. i swear man, people just aren't paying attention. by the way, they did the same sorta' thing you did, hit the brakes, smash the horn, all to no avail. 'eh well, once again though chief, glad ya' all right.

