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Children of the 80s......

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  • Children of the 80s......

    I know this has been posted more than once, but this seems to be a little more "updated" so to speak....admins, if ya feel the need to pull it because, well its....stupid, no hard feelings...Im bored, and now, I realize I was totally STUPID in the 80's. Im guilty of at least 97% of this...

    1. Your first date took you to the roller rink and you held hands for "Couples Only" skate.
    2. You wore a banana clip at some point in your youth.
    3. You carried a big colored comb in your back pocket.
    4. You know what "Push Up" ice cream is.
    5. You know the profound meaning of "Wax on. Wax off".
    6. You know who Tina Youthers is.
    7. You wanted to be a Goonie.
    8. You know who Max Headroom is.
    9. You ever wore fluorescent or neon clothing.
    10. You could breakdance or wish you could.
    11. You wanted to dress like the Hulk or She-Ra at Halloween.
    12. You believed the "By the power of Greyskull," you had the power.
    13. Partying "like it was 1999" seemed sooo far away.
    14. You thought that Transformers were more than meets the eye.
    15. You wanted to be on Star Search.
    16. You remember Michael Jackson when he was still black.
    17. Your first Walkman weighed about as much as a brick.
    18. You owned a doll with "Xavier Roberts" signed on its butt, or knew someone who did.
    19. You knew what Willis was "talkin' 'bout".
    20. You HAD to have your MTV.
    21. You hold a special place in your heart for "Back to the Future."
    22. You know where to go if you "wanna go where everybody knows your name."
    23. You thought Molly Ringwald was REALLY cool.
    24. You actually thought "Dirty Dancing" was a REALLY good movie.
    25. You have heard of the "Garbage Pail Kids" and possibly owned and traded them with friends.
    26. You got a Little Professor calculator for Christmas.
    27. You knew "The Artist", when he was humbly called "Prince".
    28. You stared a SLAM book or wrote in one.
    29. You remember when ATARI was a state of the art video game.
    30. You own any cassettes or records.
    31. You were led to believe that in the year 2000 we'd all be living on the moon.
    32. You remember and/or owned any of the CareBear glass collections from Pizza Hut.
    33. Poltergeist freaked you out.
    34. You carried your lunch to school in a Gremlins or an ET lunchbox.
    35. You have ever pondered why Smurfette was the ONLY female Smurf.
    36. You wore biker shorts underneath a short skirt and felt stylish, or know someone who did.
    37. You ever had a Swatch Watch, and a Swatch Guard for it.
    38. You had a crush on one of the Corey's (Haim or Feldman).
    39. You had to stay after class to scrub your desk because your silver Outliner pen leaked through.
    40. You remember when Saturday Night Live was funny.
    41. You were in Cub Scouts or Girl Scouts but now you have no idea what all the badges you got were for.
    42. You know what a "Whammee" is.
    43. You had a crush on Jon Bon Jovi, or know someone who did.
    44. You thought eating Reeses Pieces would attract your own alien.
    45. Your name is Jennifer or Jason.
    46. You have ever called 867-5309.
    47. You had a poster of Rob Lowe, Kirk Cameron, Michael J. Fox or Don Johnson on your wall.
    48. You held the top score on PacMan.
    49. You had MALL Hair.
    50. You owned a T-shirt that said, "I shot J. R. " or know someone who did.
    51. If you ever said "I pity the fool".
    52. Your dream car was either: the A-team van, KITT or The General Lee.
    53. You knew who Max's boss Jonathan Hart was.
    54. You were sad when the "Where's the Beef" lady died.
    55. You remember when Ricky Martin was a member of Menudo.
    56. You wore a feather roach clip in your hair from the local carnival because you didn’t know what it really was.
    57. You remember when cellular phones weighed 15 lbs. and had to be carried over your shoulder.
    58. You had to come in the house when the street lights came on.
    59. You still know the Big Mac song. "Two all beef patties, special sauce…"
    60. You own a real Rubik’s Cube
    61. You think there should be a Kids Incorporated original cast reunion.
    62. You used to own a Snoopy Sno Cone Machine.
    63. You have a tendency to turn the collar up on your Polo shirts.
    64. You know what the "P" in Alex P. Keaton stands for.
    65. You remember exactly where you were when you heard the space shuttle had exploded.
    66. You know all of the words to at least one of the Schoolhouse Rock songs.
    67. You could go through a case of Aqua Net hairspray in a week.
    68. Your first computer was a Commodore 64 or an Atari 800.
    69. You thought being a latch key kid was completely normal.
    70. You were disappointed when an episode of 3-2-1 Contact didn’t include a Bloodhound Gang segment.
    71. There were days that the homework just had to wait until the ABC Afterschool Special was over.
    72. You know what movie the phrase, "Number 5 is alive!" is from.
    73. You remember when Molly Ringwald was on Facts of Life.
    74. You tried a can of clear Pepsi but hated it like everyone else did.
    75. You wore the little bootie socks with the colored balls on the back.
    76. You wrote your boyfriends name on the side of your canvas Keds.
    77. You just had to have a Trapper Keeper to stay organized at school.
    78. You remember when McDonald’s served their burgers in styrofoam boxes.
    79. You remember when you could buy half cans of soda (great for field trip days!).
    80. You like the guy who played Freddy Kruger better as Willie on "V".
    81. You hid out behind the gym during recess to read "Are you there God, it’s me Margaret?" with your friends.
    82. Four-square was THE playground game.
    83. You were afraid of the Sleestacks on Land of The Lost.
    84. You know who Derek Wildstar, Mark Venture, Captain Avatar, Nova and Desslock are.
    85. You chewed Dr. Pepper bubble gum.
    86. You remember Dirk Benedict as Starbuck long before he played Face.
    87. You know who played Uncle Ned, Elyse’s brother, on Family Ties.
    88. You skipped school on the day Luke and Laura got married on General Hospital.
    89. You never thought they’d be able to top the special effects in TRON.
    90. You freaked out a little when you realized you fall into the "26-50" category of most surveys.
    91. You played with Lego’s when they were just blocks of various sizes, not any of the special little parts.
    92. You made Star Wars shrinky dinks in your oven.
    93. You know who Spuds McKenzie, The Noid, and Joe Isuzu are.
    94. The TV movie "The Day After" still scares the heck out of you.
    95. Pierce Brosnon will always be Remington Steele, not James Bond.
    96. You owned at least one Choose Your Own Adventure book.
    97. You watched Mary Lou Retton win the gold.
    98. The Dark Crystal is still one of your favorite movies.
    99. In many of your childhood photos you are wearing something plaid.
    100. You still love to play Pong!

    The following entries came from an e-mail I received from a friend entitled "Girl of the 70's". A lot of these apply as well so I thought I would add them to the list.

    1. You owned a bicyle with a banana seat and a basket.
    2. Your roller skates had metal wheels.
    3. You begged Santa for the electronic game Simon.
    4. You had homemade ribbon barrettes in every imaginable color.
    5. You wore the Little House on the Prairie inspired high neck, ruffled, plaid shirt in at least one school picture.
    6. You can sing at least one song from "Annie" by heart.
    7. You would tape songs off the radio by holding your portable tape player up to the speaker.
    8. You wore friendship pins on your tennis shoes.
    9. You had the shoelaces with the rainbow or heart designs.
    10. You wanted to be a Solid Gold dancer.

    Mrs LPC [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

  • #2
    Re: Children of the 80s......

    How about "You still are traumatized knowing the Maytag repairman molested Arnolds friend Dudley on "Diff'rent Strokes".


    • #3
      Re: Children of the 80s......

      [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Classic!

      "74. You tried a can of clear Pepsi but hated it like everyone else did." The first version was actually good, the second version sucked. [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
      I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


      • #4
        Re: Children of the 80s......

        Wasn't clear Pepsi brought around 1992-3ish?


        • #5
          Re: Children of the 80s......

          Theres 2 that make me spew Pepsi (the kind you buy NOW) I was laughing soooo hard....

          56. You wore a feather roach clip in your hair from the local carnival because you didn’t know what it really was.
          I would get sooooooo pissed when I went to the fair and won 5748925720 of those things and had NO CLUE what they were for...but my mom and aunt Tammy seemed to really like them.....

          67. You could go through a case of Aqua Net hairspray in a week

          I can still remember the smell of Aqua Net....and it was a hundred times worse when it school you KNEW who was using Aqua Net....


          • #6
            Re: Children of the 80s......

            I thought the clear Pepsi was 88 or 89ish....

            I remember when pop cans had the pull tab ring thingy....if I had a dime for everytime I stepped on one of those at the lil store down the road where daddy played basketball....Id be rich....its a wonder I didnt get tetnus...its amazing how kids then could amuse themselves....


            • #7
              Re: Children of the 80s......

              That is too funny!!!


              • #8
                Re: Children of the 80s......

                What happened to... you wore leg warmers, even in the summer?!? [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                • #9
                  Re: Children of the 80s......

                  OMFG YES I WORE LEG WARMERS!!!

                  I can remember it like it was freaking yesterday....5th grade, I had on jeans, PINK MOTHER FREAKING LEG WARMERS!!, cowboy boots with about a 3 inch heel (I wasnt supposed to wear, but I wanted to look all grown up) and some kinda **** blue oxford shirt....oh oh oh and a white bandana tied around my the guy from Loverboy used to wear....****, whats his name??? Mike something other.....

                  I would KILL to have a picture of THAT!!!

                  Mrs LPC


                  • #10
                    Re: Children of the 80s......

                    I had a plaid suit for my kindergarten graduation. I can still remember seeing that pic... not sure where it is now, though. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                    I feel my soul go cold... only the dead are smiling.


                    • #11
                      Re: Children of the 80s......

                      [ QUOTE ]

                      21. You hold a special place in your heart for "Back to the Future."

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      I was born in 1983 and I still love that movie to this day. In fact, I just caught it again a couple of weeks ago on TBS, as well as #3. I haven't seen #2 in YEARS though. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


                      • #12
                        Re: Children of the 80s......

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        I thought the clear Pepsi was 88 or 89ish....

                        I remember when pop cans had the pull tab ring thingy....if I had a dime for everytime I stepped on one of those at the lil store down the road where daddy played basketball....Id be rich....its a wonder I didnt get tetnus...its amazing how kids then could amuse themselves....

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        I too remember pull tabs. They were all over the place.

                        The reason I seem to think clear Pepsi was later is I had moved up here in '91. I had heard about clear Pepsi coming out well after I moved here and several months later (maybe 9 months) it finally showed up. I remember asking my neighbor what he thought if it and he said "It tastes like pool water". Seeing he didn't live next to me until maybe very early 1992, I am thinking it was released in 92 or 93.


                        • #13
                          Re: Children of the 80s......

                          It might have been...its all a blur to me..except for the leg warmers


                          • #14
                            Re: Children of the 80s......

                            Okay, here is some info I found from another site:

                            During the 1980's, Madison Avenue advertisers created one of our societies most bizarre phenomena yet, the pinnacle of a century of pop culture and advertising prowess: The Cola Wars. In our over-technological, media-driven, consumer-happy, product driven culture, selling soda has become perhaps the biggest of American pastimes. Coca-Cola and Pepsi squared off for years and years of advertising coups trying to sell more soda to the already gas-filled, tooth rotted American public. A seemingly easy goal, but these companies have tried everything from pop-stars to bold challenges to the Americans persons.

                            In the early 90s, this trend continued. Among many new advertising campaigns, many soda companies tried introducing flashy new products that would catch as much media attention as possible. Crystal Pepsi was born in test markets on April 13th, 1992. (The guinea pig cities were my home of Providence, and also Denver & Dallas.) The cola was created by Pepsi Cola as a 'Clear Alternative,' a variant cola was formulated to lack any coloring, clear as water. Most clear sodas were lemon or lime flavored, but this would supposedly retain the cola's flavor. An American phenomenon was born.

                            Crystal Pepsi sailed through the approval process. Focus groups loved the stuff, and test marketing was stupendous. Crystal Pepsi went national in 1993 with a full scale media campaign featuring Van Halen's 'Right Now.' In the ad blitz that followed, sales were impressive...And then it flopped.Perhaps the American culture wasn't too easily fooled when it came to taking a familiar product and putting a new spin on it. Maybe the flavor difference was just too distracting. Maybe the Gods are fickle and Crystal Pepsi wronged them in some way. Crystal Pepsi, much like New Coke or the Titanic, remains as a reminder of man's hubris, our stubborn pride in creating something that just doesn't work and letting ourselves enough rope to hang ourselves. Or is it too complicated to read such big themes into such a mundane phenomenon? The massive ad campaign was impressive. The soda's splash on the market was highlighted by being the focus of a Saturday Night Live parody for 'Crystal Gravy' featuring Kevin Nealon & Julia Sweeney dipping turkey drumsticks into a clear, gel-like replacement for everyday gravy.


                            • #15
                              Re: Children of the 80s......

                              That settles was in the 90s

