First off let me say to any JCF'ers in the gulf area your in my prayers. For the thrid straight time a hurricane rolled into Va to die. Ivan rolled in last night dropping some spotty rain showers and thats about it. Today around lunch Ivan decided that Va needed more than just light flooding. 35 miles south of me just outside of Martinsville yes the Nascar martinsville 2 tornadoes touched down destroying a business and damaging several homes. While watching that on the local news the weartherman says if you live in the Vinton(my hometown) area take cover. Less than 2 miles away another tornado touches down, does a 360 around the elementary school that my sis-in-law works at, never touching the school. Then storms over the farm house of my wifes friend from high school. Luckily no one was hurt. 2 more touched down further to the east but very sketchy reports on those. Va does have a few tornadoes per year but it is not exactly tornado ally by any means this was a record setting day. Today was a growing experience for me. I don't rattle very easy. I have survived some very interesting flights during my naval service, but this time I had to think about the triplets. I had just put them down for their nap, when we were told to take cover at first I passed it off. But as I looked out at the sky it had that strange greenish look to it. You guys in the midwest know what I am talking about. Something that I have only seen once while driving through Kansas on my way to Ca. Saw my first and I hoped last tornado that day. I did get the kids to the basement and thankfully it missed us. But for the first time I had to look out for someone othr than myself and it shook me to my bones. Welcome to fatherhood I guess.
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Way to close for comfort