I sent in an order for a CMP 1911 and was pleasantly surprised to get the call for one last week. I picked up my CMP service grade Remington Rand yesterday morning at my FFL. Frame and slide are Remington Rand and it looks to me like it's the original finish. Looks to me like it has a replacement barrel that matches the finish really well.
Sorry about the crappy cell phone pictures but I couldn't wait to post it. To say I'm happy with it is an understatement. Yes, I feel like I hit the jackpot!
I've never seen a USGI 1911 or 1911A1 in the wild that wasn't priced at 1500 bucks or higher so yeah I feel like I got my money's worth at the CMP's price of $1,050.00!

Sorry about the crappy cell phone pictures but I couldn't wait to post it. To say I'm happy with it is an understatement. Yes, I feel like I hit the jackpot!
I've never seen a USGI 1911 or 1911A1 in the wild that wasn't priced at 1500 bucks or higher so yeah I feel like I got my money's worth at the CMP's price of $1,050.00!
