In my previous post we looked at amateur guitar players. This time we ask a similar question but about people who work in guitar stores:
Why do guitar store employees tend to be such rude, arrogant, condescending jerks?
This is because most people who work in guitar stores are failed musicians who had dreams of fame on the big stage.
For reasons of lack of talent, luck or opportunity they ended up stuck working in a store that sells musical instruments.
They resent this and will use every opportunity to be condescending and mean to anyone who they think has less knowledge
and skill than them. As a customer in such a place of business the employees can quickly tell what your level of knowledge and skill
is based on the type of questions you ask, what you are looking for, and by hearing you play if you decide to test a particular amp or guitar.
They will then treat you accordingly, based on whether they think you are beneath them or above in terms of career rank.
Why do guitar store employees tend to be such rude, arrogant, condescending jerks?
This is because most people who work in guitar stores are failed musicians who had dreams of fame on the big stage.
For reasons of lack of talent, luck or opportunity they ended up stuck working in a store that sells musical instruments.
They resent this and will use every opportunity to be condescending and mean to anyone who they think has less knowledge
and skill than them. As a customer in such a place of business the employees can quickly tell what your level of knowledge and skill
is based on the type of questions you ask, what you are looking for, and by hearing you play if you decide to test a particular amp or guitar.
They will then treat you accordingly, based on whether they think you are beneath them or above in terms of career rank.