Re: Yankees vs. Red Sox
no problem kev, you can have the regular season series.
i want the one that matters. you know the one i'm talkin' about kevvy mee boy!!!!
the god honest truth is this-
after schilling, the sox' staff is currently not all there.
the yankees staff has not been there all year, so why change now, we're going with jenny mccarthy-lol
the twins have johan santabanana, after him, radke scares me about as much as my sister. overrated are the twins.
the angels have a strong bullpen,solid middle relief and closer. but their starting staff is quite beatable. you'll see. washburn is hittable, colon is a greasy, sweaty fajita
headed elephant, and the yanks own sele. and let's not start talking about john lackey. the jcf team could knock him out of the box early. in other words, HE'S A BUSHER!!!
if it's not yanks-sox, who cares?
no problem kev, you can have the regular season series.
i want the one that matters. you know the one i'm talkin' about kevvy mee boy!!!!
the god honest truth is this-
after schilling, the sox' staff is currently not all there.
the yankees staff has not been there all year, so why change now, we're going with jenny mccarthy-lol
the twins have johan santabanana, after him, radke scares me about as much as my sister. overrated are the twins.
the angels have a strong bullpen,solid middle relief and closer. but their starting staff is quite beatable. you'll see. washburn is hittable, colon is a greasy, sweaty fajita
headed elephant, and the yanks own sele. and let's not start talking about john lackey. the jcf team could knock him out of the box early. in other words, HE'S A BUSHER!!!
if it's not yanks-sox, who cares?