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Pentagon 757 attack?

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  • Pentagon 757 attack?

    I got this in an email and while I know that this stuff can sometimes be way misleading, I figured you all would like to see this and then post your comments. WATCH THE FILM HERE
    Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.

  • #2
    Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

    Interesting at the least. There are a whole bunch of things about that day that we will never know. The government decides what we, as the public, can handle. I've come to accept the fact that we don't know the whole story and probably never will.


    • #3
      Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

      Just goes to show that war is certainly not an option under any circumstances... [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/sick.gif[/img]



      • #4
        Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

        Its just like a Micheal Moore movie......Pile of crap......


        • #5
          Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

          There's a lot of "facts" in the official story that don't stand up to close scrutiny. However, that's the way history will remember it, and there's f#ck-all anyone is gonna be able to do to change it!
          Now I'm gonna sit back and watch the inevitable fireworks that this sort of thread generates... [img]/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif[/img]


          • #6
            Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

            We will never know what really happened. What really matters is that we never forget about 9/11 and the people who died. God bless those who gave there life to save others and the innocent people who died in the planes and the buildings.


            • #7
              Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

              my brother-in-law was on that airplane. I should put them in touch with my sister and let them try to tell her there was no airplane. the people who made this video did not lose a family member that day. This crap makes me sick, what a waste of time and energy. Scott


              • #8
                Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

                That is very odd. Where did the plane go?


                • #9
                  Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

                  I have seen this as well. It gets a thorough debunking HERE and HERE
                  "Yes,..that's when they used to shove a red hot spike in your peehole until you screamed "yes, yes, godammit fuggin' dicks..I'm a witch..I am cocksuckers"" horns666


                  • #10
                    Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

                    The sad thing about this (and any other top conflict/political thing) is that the more you read and hear about the matter - the more open minded and objective you try to be - the more information you get - the more you ask and dig up - the more you try to grasp the big picture - the more **** up and confused you will be.

                    I hate this ****!
                    AUDIOZONE.DK - a guitar site for the Jackson and Charvel fan


                    • #11
                      Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

                      It does bring some interesting questions to light.

                      I do have no doubt the entire truth hasn't been told on this but that wont' change who and why.

                      on the same hand, where's the planes that hit the twin towers? There is video showing them hit the WTC, where are those planes?


                      • #12
                        Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

                        Actually they do have pictures of components laying on the ground outside the Pentagon. I seem to remember seeing a main gear leg. Amazingly an airplane has very few structures that could withstand that sort of impact energy when it hits a hardened structure. The only things that come to mind are the gear legs, the engine turbine shafts, and possibly sections of the wing spar. And I am sure the turbine shafts would have entered the building. Also, there is no way an RJ/Corporate sized aircraft could have caused that much damage as the film suggests. No Way.

                        I have been an aircraft mechanic for 15 years and have worked on planes as small as Beech 1900's and as large as 767-300's, including some American 757's, and in my opinion there is nothing in those pictures inconsistent with a large commercial aircraft impacting a hardened concrete structure at very high speed.

                        It's BS. [img]/images/graemlins/bs.gif[/img]


                        • #13
                          Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          my brother-in-law was on that airplane. I should put them in touch with my sister and let them try to tell her there was no airplane. the people who made this video did not lose a family member that day. This crap makes me sick, what a waste of time and energy. Scott

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          My condolences, Scott. I was going to say something along these same lines.

                          If you're going to create political attack or government conspiracy pieces like Moore's movies, that's fine. I may not agree with you, but I'll defend your right to say it. But this video is blathering conspiracy theory crapola with little basis in reality.

                          To suggest that there was no plane at all is a gross sucker punch insult to those who lost their lives that day - on the plane and off - as well as their families and loved ones. The people who put that piece together should be ashamed of themselves. It might be fun to think "what if" conspiracy BS in an abstract sense. But that day and those events were VERY REAL to those who experienced it, especially those who perished.

                          I have a very high tolerance for this type of BS, as most of it is politicial or conspiracy spin-cycle crapola that shouldn't be taken too seriously. So it takes a lot for me to get truly torqued over this kind of stuff. But the suggestions of that video - which I saw a long time ago - truly sickened me. Those events were not a "what if" boardgame of "hide and seek" with your govenment. REAL PEOPLE died that day, and that murderous act also left many holes in others' lives. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]


                          • #14
                            Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

                            I have seen those images as well long ago, I still tend to believe there was something else than an aircraft, especially the lack of given information and the more or less questionable origin of the aircraft gives me a nasty taste. on the other hand it is logical that the images of an military structure that has been hit with something big and sustained damage files under matters of "National security", but as far as I can judge, it was no plane that hit the Pentagon. I wonder, why the fuzz about whether the attack was with a plane or a missile?

                            Scott, I feel sorry for you and especially your sister, it is clear you lost a relative, and my sincereced condolancies, although it is quite some time ago, but what I really hope, is that the truth will surface about the things that happened.



                            • #15
                              Re: Pentagon 757 attack?

                              This video is slickly produced bullsh!t.

                              I live in the area (now only a mile from the Pentagon) and drove right past the point of impact as part of my commute during that period. Actually, I should have been right there had I been on time that day. As it was, I was running late for work and was about ten miles away when the plane struck. But, suffice it to say, I am very familiar with that area around the Pentagon.

                              Just to cite one error in the video, they claim that the traffic camera on I-395 should have picked up the plane "as it flew over I-395"--that's BS. Anyone familiar with the area knows that the plane's trajectory from Dulles Airport to the SW side of the Pentagon would not have carried it over I-395, which is located to the SE of the Pentagon. I think it unlikely that a traffic camera focused solely on the lanes of a highway over which the plane would not have passed would have captured a shot of the plane on its final descent. At best, the plane flew parallel to I-395 as it began its descent, since 395 goes in a NE direction toward Washington, the same direction the plane apparently flew.

                              Further, the video relies almost entirely on selective "eyewitness" accounts. But it omits accounts of other commuters on Washington Blvd. (where I should have been at that moment) right under the plane's final moment in flight who clearly stated that they saw an airliner. Further, eyewitness accounts of such events are notoriously unreliable--police always take them with a grain of salt, and prosecutors have to have additional evidence to back them up.

                              Additionally, the relative lack of surviving plane parts is easily attributable to the plane being full of fuel--planes are mostly built of aluminum, which does not do well in the heat of an explosion--further, most of the parts would have been inside the building.

                              Finally, these yutzes don't even bother to point out that all of those passengers actually DID get on to the flight at Dulles, and they DID die--many of their bodies were recovered at the Pentagon. How did they get there if the plane didn't fly into the Pentagon?

                              These sorts of tinfoil-hat conspiracy videos are popular among the fringe left, who believe that there are all these 'dark powers' within the government who sit around dreaming this stuff up. Folks, most government bureaucrats (including those at the Pentagon) are workaday folks who have enough difficulty brewing a good pot of coffee at the office, let alone being secret conspiratorial masterminds. What crap!

