I have been in the past, and still am a fan of BC Rich guitars (the good ones anyway), so I still visit the BC Rich forums once in a while. Every time I do, I swear I will never go back. Is it just me, or are 90% of the people over there either semi-retarded, or just 12 years old? I try to help out by answering people's tech questions, as soon as I offer correct advice, you get 10 complete idiots who don't know rat sh1t from rice crispies respond, and contradict everything I say. I'm not claiming to know everything, and only answer when I really know what I'm talking about. Is it that weird shaped guitars attract juvenile morons, or is it that BC Rich guitars have become so cheap and crappy that only retarded people are stupid enough to waste their money on them. I'm really baffled by the black hole of intellect over there. I honestly feel stupider every time I visit. I would post examples, but I'm not sure I'm allowed to quote other forums.
That is all.
That is all.