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Where's that Ace's postelection post and his TV?

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  • #46
    Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T

    mmmmm, wet pussy....
    "Yes,..that's when they used to shove a red hot spike in your peehole until you screamed "yes, yes, godammit fuggin' dicks..I'm a witch..I am cocksuckers"" horns666


    • #47
      Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T

      Hehehe... Niiice.


      • #48
        Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T

        [ QUOTE ]
        Nice Lerx! And to add to that. remember after 9-11, the "entire" country pulled together, dems and rep's alike, first time in history that we came together so strongly. What happened to that? Bush had an 87% approval rate by the end of 01 and then it trickled slowly and slowly as the campaigns started, I blame a lot of the seperation of this country on lies, lies and more lies. It's sickening to see a campaign executed the way it was...

        Disturbing and saddening...


        Taking my daughter to see Sharktales shortly, so I'm sure this thread will vanish yet again, oh well, maybe someday it can be different...

        [/ QUOTE ]

        because we were all pissed about the same thing. Will it happen again? maybe..but it'll take another nun bus bombing to do it, and we probably won't be behind the prez like that again. We'll just all be pissed about the same thing again.


        • #49
          Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T

          [ QUOTE ]
          [ QUOTE ]
          I'm not on campus now. I'm teaching a high school band. and observing the end of the world as Bush appoints new judges to the supreme court.

          [/ QUOTE ]Hey, high schools have campuses too! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] Relax, the world is not gonna end. I thought the same thing when I was your age and Reagan was first elected; figured the ICBMs would fly shortly thereafter. I came to realize I couldn't have been more wrong about him, though I didn't agree with his trickle-down theory and his throwing all the insane people out of the asylums. Still, he made some hard choices that turned out to be for the nation's good. There are more hard choices ahead, and someday you may realize that Kerry wasn't the man to make hard choices and stand by them. He would always take the path of least resistance for a particular moment, I feel.Now if he had won, I wouldn't be happy, but I would say let's try to work together, Dems and Reps, for the good of the nation. The worst thing about this nation is that the major parties are always so much at each others' throats, rarely working together, always demonizing the other side. That's bad no matter who's in power.

          [/ QUOTE ]

          I'm willing to work with othe rpeople so long as it doesn't mean REGRESSION. As long as I don't start seeing prayer forced in schools, blacks seperated from whites and atheists and muslims being forced to where pieces of flair. I think I'll survive.

          [ QUOTE ]
          Karl Rove, a senior advisor for George W. Bush, told The Daily Texan (March 19, 2001) "As people do better, they start voting like Republicans - unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing"

          [/ QUOTE ]


          • #50
            Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T

            excuse my poor spelling. I've been worn a little thin. I've actually just been thrown into the spotlight with these high school kids, teachign band all day long as opposed to being under the wing of a licensed teacher, whom has had to go to the hospital for reasons unknown to me.


            • #51
              Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T

              Regardless of that, the fact is that whichever party you back, sometimes that party will be out of power. You shrug it off and life goes on. Frankly they spend so much time cancelling each other out that it doesn't make that much difference who is in power to the common person.

              At least if another attack comes and we're all pissed, we have a President who won't hesitate
              to punish those responsible. That's an occasion for action, not talk. I still think we should drop daisy cutters on Fallujah, now that the civilians have all left especially.
              We would be killing only rebels now, and maybe seeing that whole city go up will scare the fukk out of these insurgents.
              Ron is the MAN!!!!


              • #52
                Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T

                That's the problem...they aren't canceling eachother out now. Rep. has control of the senate, president...and he gets to appoint new judges.

                It's too far right. and that is wrong. It needs to be balanced, and it's not at all.


                • #53
                  Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T

                  Well, the reason for that is that a majority of people are voting Republican at this time.
                  It's the will of the majority that prevails, for now. It's something that swings back and forth over time, and just as those liberal judges served for a generation, now it's the turn of conservatives for awhile to come. Don't worry, abortion won't be outlawed, it just won't become easier either. If you can't wear a rubber or a diaphragm, bear the consequences for 9 months and put the baby up for adoption.

                  Life will go on much as it always has. If people get tired of the GOP they'll vote 'em out. If the GOP Supreme Court justices are too draconian, someone will shoot 'em. We only take so much crap in the USA.

                  Here's the thing; Democrats, Republicans and independents are all human. No demons amongst
                  'em, just humans who disagree. When your side wins, ride the rainbow. When it loses, hunker down for awhile. Life here still beats the hell out of life almost anywhere else, otherwise why would everyone worldwide still be trying to move here?

                  If your will opposes that of the majority, you just have to deal with it.
                  Ron is the MAN!!!!


                  • #54
                    Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T



                    • #55
                      Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T

                      [ QUOTE ]

                      [/ QUOTE ]
                      *punch* Wake the f*ck up! [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]


                      • #56
                        Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T

                        that's the same mantra that won ken salazar his senate seat and people bought it. you do realize that dems controlled senate, house, and presidency for most of the 20th century right?

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        That's the problem...they aren't canceling eachother out now. Rep. has control of the senate, president...and he gets to appoint new judges.

                        It's too far right. and that is wrong. It needs to be balanced, and it's not at all.

                        [/ QUOTE ]
                        1+2 = McGuirk, 2+4 = She's hot, 6-4 = Happy McGuirk


                        • #57
                          Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T

                          Get a new boob tube yet?


                          • #58
                            Re: Where\'s that Ace\'s postelection post and his T

                            Nope, you giving one away? I need something to watch my VHS horror movies and National Geographic documentaries on.

