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Went out to protest yesterday

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  • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

    "Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear. "
    Thomas Jefferson


    • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

      [ QUOTE ]
      Well, did they "just" start this thing you call the FCC? Not hardly bro... Stern is so full of sh!t it's pathetic, what about Mancow? Him and his black helicopters outside of his penthouse pad? Come on man, don't believe anything and everything you hear, especially from Stern! I know you're an inteligent guy...

      The part about the sencoring is simply not true, show me one place where it's been implemented at a private, subscription level? You couldn't talk abotu those things, in the manner Stern does on "any" network TV station, why would they allow it on a public radio station? It's all about Howard...

      And you guys make the comment of how Kerry wasn't a good candidate, well look how the media took the ball and almost got him elected, now that's the scary part of this country! Plain and simple.


      [/ QUOTE ]

      Let's leave Stern and Man-blow out of this. I don't want my personal choices on what I want to listen to clouding your view of my point.

      As far as censorship is concerned, the wonderful as this system of Democracy is, part of it's 'wonderful-ness' lies along the lines of the Bureaucracy that it creates. The checks and balances are somewhat in place. That is why you can say that the FCC hasn't censored anything. But what is not being seen is that same Beaurocracy being used to penalize those who look to disagree with them. Why do you think that when you hear about a "shock jock" receiving a fine, there's no mention of it going to court? It's because the FCC puts pressure on the parent company by way of dragging their feet (I.E. Bureaucracy) on approving sales, acquisitions, license renewals or applications.

      Part of the distasteful thing about it all is that there's a double standard. They want to fine for offenses, but nothing other than the "7 Dirty Words" are clearly defined. Everything else is up to the discrimination of the FCC board who only follows up on complaints of only a handful of others who want to force their morailty or their vision of family values down our throats. However, when Oprah has something equally racy on her show, the FCC doesn't even squeak. Why is that?
      Occupy JCF


      • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

        Damn, this is a great thread. I won't post anything raw... It seems that when I do, the thread gets yanked. [img]/images/graemlins/eyes.gif[/img]
        I'll just sit back and enjoy. [img]/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif[/img]

        All hail the 'King'
        R.I.P~ RLC


        • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

          If the President, any President was directly, personally responsible for a lot of the things you guys state, he would be up 24/7/365 answering phone calls, signing bills/laws and warrants, shooting people, and at the same time silencing each and every person who talks against him.

          I think it's time for a reality check.


          • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

            [ QUOTE ]
            I agree Sully, that is wrong, but I think he threw a challenge out there and someone's obviously calling him on it, do you really think it's W behind it? Come on...

            I used to listen to Stern and Mancow, Mancow when I lived in Tekkyland, but it's always the same ol crap with Stern, useless drivel...

            Ah and Mancow was simply put a moron... And a liar to boot, all fiction, all the time... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]


            [/ QUOTE ]

            Hey, trust me Pat. I'm with you on Man-blow. If I could, I'd kick him out of my town. I'd certainly like to drown him in that green river that separates our offices. But this is a debate for another thread.

            As far as W being behind some of the FCC shenannigans? I'd say there's too many coincidences to confidently say no.
            Occupy JCF


            • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

              [ QUOTE ]
              todd, i owe you twenty seven pints of guinness, and a shot of jameson to go with each one.


              [/ QUOTE ]

              I'm printing this thread and bringing it with me to NAMM.
              Occupy JCF


              • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

                But, the thing with Stern, is it's been going on since Clinton, not since W, W didn't start this, Stern did and his political, public shenanigans...

                I'm with you on the cow!!! We'll get all hammered at Maggiano's and go see the cow some night... [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]



                • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

                  I got yer back Todd, I'll take the 17 that are left, cause you can't handle the rest.... [img]/images/graemlins/poke.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]



                  • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

                    Let's get real here. The FCC is not Religiously motivated. I am sure plenty of Athiests would not want thier 8 year old exposed to naked breasts on broadcast television nor would they want every dirty word imagineable being broadcast on TV and Radio. People want the basic right to be able to block smut from thier teenagers.



                    • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

                      That was a great football game too, but no one mentions that. My team finally goes to the Super Bowl and they get upstaged by a pierced nipple!


                      • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

                        ok Skidd... sorry for the sports analogy.

                        I agree that this is about nation of people and their lives. Unfortunately there is a huge division amongst the people. I'm tired of the division between races, religion, Ford vs. Chevy, Jackson vs ESP etc. We are all different but should still be ONE, that is what people are forgetting. The lines between is getting further apart. There's too much hate against those who differ, too much anger towards people who don't think exactly like you, there is too much disrespect for those who have difference of opinions. There too much trying to change the minds or force feeding ideals against each other. For lack of a better sucks!

                        For the record I'm not a hard Republican it just so happens that I been for the candidate from the republican party since Regan era. I don't go voting for Red just because I favor the republican presidential candidates either.

                        Todd this is 2004 not 2000, Bush won the popular vote and the electoral vote [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]


                        • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

                          Damn this thread got big, and fast.


                          • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

                            Pat, say what you want but it is very clear that since Bush took office that the FCC has gotten way out of control in their selective enforcement of the obscenity laws. I'm sure that is just a coincidence though. And just so ya know, Howard Stern bores me to tears most of the time so I ain't about defending him.

                            You don't think Bush has been trying to push a bible thumping agenda? Please.

                            He's lobbied unsuccessfully (thankfully) to get prayer in school.

                            He's tried to ban gay marriage using the Constitution. This is appalling. My facts may be slightly off because I'm too lazy to look this up right now, but I believe that every ammendment to the Constitution that has revoked rights has been repealed. The Constitution is not about taking away rights! Plus, quite honestly I simply cannot understand how a President of the United State in the 21st century could possibly give a flying **** who marries who. Particularly when we have real problems. No fuckin' way is gay marriage a real problem.

                            George Bush has cited Jesus Christ as his political inspiration. I think that is pretty clearly stating that his mythology is dictating his presidency. What's next? The Easter Bunny is his military strategist? Santa Claus is his accountant?

                            Bush has been repeatedly quoted as saying God instructed him to strike Sadam. Usually when people say those sorts of things they are put under observation.

                            Heck, Bush said it was God that told him to run for President.
                            I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                            - Newc


                            • Re: Went out to protest yesterday

                              [ QUOTE ]
                              Let's get real here. The FCC is not Religiously motivated. I am sure plenty of Athiests would not want thier 8 year old exposed to naked breasts on broadcast television nor would they want every dirty word imagineable being broadcast on TV and Radio. People want the basic right to be able to block smut from thier teenagers.


                              [/ QUOTE ]

                              I agree with your basic point. The problem I have is the selective enforcement. There are so many shows out there that push the boundaries more than Stern.
                              I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                              - Newc


                              • Re: Went out to protest yesterday



