OK, now this is on my nerves. I have this neighbor that has a bunch of cars. One is a real p.o.s. that I think is some kind of project?? Anyway for some reason they seem to think that MY house is part of their driveway. They park two cars at their house and one on their side of my front yard. Their house has room for one more car but it's closer to walk from my front yard. This has been pissing me off for some time now but today really pissed me off. Yesterday I raked leaves into the gutter for the city to come pick up. I park my work van in front of my house and it's the only car out there that's mine. so I leave a little pile in front and one behind my van. The pile in the rear is where the POS is usually parked. So today I come home from work and the damn leaves are moved to the spot where MY van is always parked and the back is clear. SOoo My neighbor clearly moved the leaves to park thier car and left them where I put my van!!!
Should this really piss me off so much? Am I just being a jerk? I think it is very rude to park in in front of someone's house all the time especially if you have stiil got space to put your car in front of your own house. [img]/images/graemlins/rant.gif[/img]
Should this really piss me off so much? Am I just being a jerk? I think it is very rude to park in in front of someone's house all the time especially if you have stiil got space to put your car in front of your own house. [img]/images/graemlins/rant.gif[/img]