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Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

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  • #31
    Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

    If the journalist with those Marines was an American with any sense of loyalty, he would have destroyed that tape. I'm sure he has hours and hours of tape showing our brave Marines performing heroic acts. That's what I want to see. I'm sure our guys do stuff all the time that you don't want to hear about or imagine. But you know what, I trust them to do the job over there so we don't have to do it over here.

    I never thought I'd say this...Horns666, Amen Brother.


    • #32
      Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

      [ QUOTE ]
      If the journalist with those Marines was an American with any sense of loyalty, he would have destroyed that tape.

      [/ QUOTE ]

      The photographer's name is Kevin Sites and you can find out a bit more about him on his blog. Loyal or not he certainly strikes me as a pompous ass:

      So in some ways, embedded in this unit, I begin to feel I’ve betrayed the people that depend on me to be skeptical; to question the dominant powers and institutions of my nation and the actions it undertakes in the name of its citizens. I am not a military or American cheerleader, not a mouthpiece signed on to some institutional agenda whether I believe in it or not. I am here to ask the hard questions of the people who make the hardest decisions; ones that result in people dying or people being killed. I must remember as one journalist advised, “write in your notepad every day ‘I am not one of them.’”</blockquote>
      Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


      • #33
        Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

        [ QUOTE ]
        The dude was simply scared ...scared to lose his life by these sneaky rotten sonsabitches ...

        [/ QUOTE ]

        The marine didn't sound to scared when he spouted off "he's dead now." Look, even though this is a war, times have changed drastically. The military has to realize that everything they do is being monitored by the press and the world. If this Marine did anything wrong, it's that he forgot a reporter was in the group and he forgot to keep his big yap shut. He may have been scared deep down inside, but his tone on the tape screams vengeance.


        • #34
          Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

          Yet Al Jazeera has a tape of that Iraqi/British woman beng shot in the head BEFORE the Marine shot the quite-possibly-booby-trapped Iraqi, and they won't show it because it shows a Muslim killing a woman, and because they can play up the Marine's action as "typical American".
          I say Holy War, and plenty of it. The Geneva Convention and Codes of Conduct and Rules of Engagement and all that nice pretty sissy stuff should be burned and pissed on, because the ones who abide by it are dying because of it. It's like stepping into the boxing ring with nothing but standard issue gloves and the other guy has a knife, a gun, and a basebal bat with nails through the end of it, and YOU are being told to fight fair, no cheap shots, no hitting below the belt. Who is going to win? The guy with the bat, in one shot.
          You CANNOT "play fair" in war. War is about killing the enemy, not being a nice guy and gentlemanly and polite. You do not "fight" a war, you either win or lose, and with the media riding around in our soldiers' hip pockets broadcasting the "war is hell" part of it, WE will lose the war.

          Why are we in Iraq? Ask CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, MSNBC, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and the Associated Press: THEY asked Bush during his 2000 campaign "What are you going to do about Saddam?"
          They asked him after he was elected to his first term "What are YOU going to do about Saddam?"
          They asked him after 9-11-01 "What are YOU going to do about Saddam?"
          When we went into Afghanistan to find Bin Laden and his bunch, they asked him "What are you going to do about Saddam?"
          So we went into Iraq to get Saddam.
          Then they asked "Why are we in Iraq?"

          Don't believe me? Look up the transcripts to every press conference with Bush from 2000 until the day we went into Iraq.

          I fully support the indiscriminate killing of seemingly unarmed and seemingly wounded insurgents. The guy could have already been dead, just laying on a button on a bomb, so that when you roll the guy over, the bomb goes boom. That's an armed enemy. Whether he put the bomb under himself before he died, or whether it was placed there by someone else AFTER he died is of no consequence - he was potentially armed and therefore a real threat, and should have been shot in the head.

          It is not the duty of the United States Armed Forces to rush toward their own death at every opportunity. It is the duty of the United States Armed Forces to survive the life-threatening situations they are thrust into, without regard for public opinion, the United Nations' mandates, the Geneva Convention, or the other such Art Of Gentlemanly Combat doctrines. Kill or be killed, do or die, look out for #1, and give everyone all the #2 you can.

          The Iraqi people are not protected under the laws of the United States Constitution, because they are not Americans. They stand against America, and are neither bound nor protected by the laws of America.

          I want to see cold hard evidence that simply following the Geneva Convention and being "a nice guy" and "doing the right thing" as you people keep screaming has not resulted in the loss of one American soldier's life, or that the enemy respected our troops for being such Gentlemen that they surrendered without incident.
          Show me the documented evidence that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that giving the insurgents "proper human respect" has instilled in their brothers a sense of honor and kinship with the American forces.
          Show me the indisputable evidence that proves killing the enemy is wrong.

          You can't, because it doesn't exist.

          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

          My Blog:


          • #35
            Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

            I am in for Sure.... Too much going on not to be able to make the first move....


            • #36
              Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

              What happened to Bert?

              [ QUOTE ]
              until they do a full investigation and make a fair ruling.

              [/ QUOTE ]

              Bill, while I agree with you on a lot of things, I don't believe there should be an investigation, period.

              As for the liberal media, they are the biggest source that has seperated this country in recent months/years, period. Look what they did to this past election, look what they're doing now? Look at KatyFukkinCouric wearing black the day after the death of a high profile leader as if she's mourning the death of a known fukking terrorist, if that isn't just wacked, I don't know what is...

              How many of our guys are going to die now that the media wants to prosecute/execute that Marine for what he did to save his life? These guys are going to think twice and probably more before shooting the next one, and that's just wrong, they shouldn't have to, but there will be some who will and undoubtedly lose their life over it. Will the press be there to report that? Hell no they won't... OR they will and proceed to turn it around that more of our guys are dying and twist it around according to their (liberal) agenda, I'm not going to finish that statement as it will just turn in to another political issue, but you get the picture and I'm sure you can see where my point is going...

              Anyway, if we keep policing this war, more will die, far too many will die, hopefully our boys are smarter than that and walk away from this war at any cost, if it means shooting more of the same, so be it. Get er done...



              • #37
                Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                [ QUOTE ]
                So in some ways, embedded in this unit, I begin to feel I’ve betrayed the people that depend on me to be skeptical; to question the dominant powers and institutions of my nation and the actions it undertakes in the name of its citizens. I am not a military or American cheerleader, not a mouthpiece signed on to some institutional agenda whether I believe in it or not. I am here to ask the hard questions of the people who make the hardest decisions; ones that result in people dying or people being killed. I must remember as one journalist advised, “write in your notepad every day ‘I am not one of them.’”

                [/ QUOTE ]

                You know what, it's obviously not your job as a journalist to ask the hard questions. If that was your job you would have journalists asking John Kerry why he negotiated with the North Vietnamese. If that was your job, you would be asking France what they did with all the kick backs from the oil for food program. If that was your job, you would be asking Germany why they were so far up France's A$$ over the whole Iraq deal.

                If you're not "one of them" (a US soldier or supporter), then who are you? As President Bush said, if you're not against the terrorists, you're with the terrorists.

                F!@# the left wing media and their socialist agenda. Bunch of wimpy peace'nics. They are gonna end up getting us all killed because of their "higher cause" better than you beliefs and agenda.

                Don't they freakin' get it. If they don't fight the terrorists over there, then we are gonna end up fighting them over here.


                • #38
                  Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                  Here we go again. [img]/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif[/img]
                  I want REAL change. I want dead bodies littering the capitol.

                  - Newc


                  • #39
                    Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                    I signed it. Give this guy a medal. One less piece of sh1t on this earth. I say, get the fukking media out of there. Fukk the Geneva Convention. We are the only ones who abide by it anyway. Fight fire with fire. The media kills me. If they had their way they would have let OUR medics patch this piece of sh1t up so he could live to fight another day.

                    Bill, I hear ya loud and clear bro!
                    Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                    • #40
                      Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      Don't they freakin' get it. If they don't fight the terrorists over there, then we are gonna end up fighting them over here.

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      This is Historical Fact. No one fought the Nazis in Germany, so we fought them in France, Italy, and Africa, and THEN we fought them in Germany.

                      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

                      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

                      My Blog:


                      • #41
                        Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                        [ QUOTE ]

                        Military service is based upon a lot of things, but discipline has to be at the top of the list. If you don't have discipline, you have a non-cohesive mob...and that is dangerous on many levels. Killing is a part of our job sometimes, it is not nice, not pretty, dehumanizing and totally mind altering, but we have laws governing us and our conduct which MUST be adhered to. This is NOT negotioble. Murder is murder...regardless of how you want to paint it if in fact that is what happened.

                        [/ QUOTE ]

                        This is well said, Sam.

                        I also understand the argument that when dealing with terrorists that following codes of conduct isn't necessarily the best way. True.
                        How do you follow conduct when you're dealing with mad people?
                        It's a thinline, definitely.

                        But the discipline and training our armed forces have is what they have to survive on and it brings more of them home. It is what separates us from terrorists and chaos.

                        I would like to think that this Marine had very valid reasons (I can't honestly think of why he wouldn't, though). Fortunately in our country he remains innocent until proven otherwise.



                        • #42
                          Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                          Kill em all, let Allah sort them out.............


                          • #43
                            Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                            I see and hear every day people that take our freedom for granted.People that have already forgotten about 9/11.People that have blinders on to the fact that American Soldiers are being killed to protect those freedoms.But since its not in their backyard,they are oblivious to it.It personally makes me sick.The irony is that we,as in US military,or United States of America, in general,conduct ourselves in a manner that favors world opinion.What if we went down to the local 7/11,took the 9 or 10 ragheads that own it hostage,then one by one cut THERE heads off!Whooeee! Would it hit the fan or what? Terrorisim is here and until people quit letting the media lull them into being lambs led to the slaughter,it can do nothing but get worse.....
                            Straightjacket Memories.Sedative Highs...........


                            • #44
                              Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                              <font color="yellow">OK...lets add another reality to this post that most of you aren't getting the concept or reality of this situation.

                              How many of you have served in any branch of the Armed Services?

                              Of those who have, how many actually saw ground combat??

                              How many of you select few in the Police Departments have ever had to draw your weapon in a real situation??

                              It is very easy to sit here and talk about "what should have been done" or "well, I would have" unless you have experienced this reality that I have in the past and the other servicemen who are currently in harms way, and not just Iraq/Afghanistan.

                              It is a really strange feeling pointing a weapon at another human being knowing that you may have to pull the trigger and either injure or quite possibly kill. A million thoughts go through your mind in a split second, and if you pull the trigger the sight is not pretty. Seeing a human riddled with bullet holes is horrific. Seeing the impacts, seeing the red mist and body matter which a few short seconds ago was a living/breathing human is intense.

                              You can use the argument, "well, he/she signed on the dotted line" is BS. This is a reality which can't be comprehended until it happens, and even with the training and discipline instilled/taught in us, it is still a horrific experience which will change you forever if you have a pulse and any type of intellect/compassion.

                              I'm not saying what the Marine did was right or wrong, and the facts are not all in yet, at least as reported to us, and every story has 2 sides.

                              I'm done...I'm too upset to really rationally express my feelings on this right now....all I can say honestly is I hope you are never in that situation in which you have to kill to protect yourself or others. </font>


                              • #45
                                Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                                [ QUOTE ]
                                <font color="yellow">OK...lets add another reality to this post that most of you aren't getting the concept or reality of this situation.

                                How many of you have served in any branch of the Armed Services?

                                Of those who have, how many actually saw ground combat??

                                How many of you select few in the Police Departments have ever had to draw your weapon in a real situation??

                                It is very easy to sit here and talk about "what should have been done" or "well, I would have" unless you have experienced this reality that I have in the past and the other servicemen who are currently in harms way, and not just Iraq/Afghanistan.

                                It is a really strange feeling pointing a weapon at another human being knowing that you may have to pull the trigger and either injure or quite possibly kill. A million thoughts go through your mind in a split second, and if you pull the trigger the sight is not pretty. Seeing a human riddled with bullet holes is horrific. Seeing the impacts, seeing the red mist and body matter which a few short seconds ago was a living/breathing human is intense.

                                You can use the argument, "well, he/she signed on the dotted line" is BS. This is a reality which can't be comprehended until it happens, and even with the training and discipline instilled/taught in us, it is still a horrific experience which will change you forever if you have a pulse and any type of intellect/compassion.

                                I'm not saying what the Marine did was right or wrong, and the facts are not all in yet, at least as reported to us, and every story has 2 sides.

                                I'm done...I'm too upset to really rationally express my feelings on this right now....all I can say honestly is I hope you are never in that situation in which you have to kill to protect yourself or others. </font>

                                [/ QUOTE ]

                                I don't need to say anything after this Sam. [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/notworthy.gif[/img]
                                My future band shall be known as "One Samich Short Of A Picnic"!

