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Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

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  • #46
    Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

    I'm with Ace and LPC on this issue.


    • #47
      Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

      Sam, a perfect "voice of reason" post! You rock!
      Occupy JCF


      • #48
        Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

        Anyone who decides to prejudge this guy needs to take a step back. I can tell you from firsthand experience that in a combat situation, the stress level is beyond anything you can imagine. A wounded enemy is at his or her most dangerous when they are wounded. These people are regualrly conducting suicide missions. They would have no qualms about detonating themselves right when Johnny Marine goes up to pat them down or handcuff them. Maybe the guy moved abruptly and rather than get himself killed along with members of his entry team, he opted for a split seconmd decision and shot the guy. That is the way it happens.
        He MIGHT have made a mistake, but I'm fairly confident that when you wonder daily whether you will be the next one that gets disemboweled by shrapnel, you tend to take everything as a threat. And rightfully so. In less time than it takes for you to read one word of this post, he had to decide whether to shoot or not to shoot. He HAD to err on the side of caution. Indecision will get people killed, likely your own people.


        • #49
          Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

          [ QUOTE ]

          Of those who have, how many actually saw ground combat?

          [/ QUOTE ]
          Ground combat no. Arial combat yes.
          I have had Russian Migs try and force us into the sea. The Chinese Navy shot at us while in international waters. In the Gulf War we had to evade hand held SAMs (Surface to Air Missiles). I commented on the fact that the news will basically have the liberals calling for this Marines head. Right or wrong when the Marines have their board of inquiry I bet this kid loses in the end, for the Corps to save face with the public. The Marine and the Corps would not have placed in this predicament if t wasn't for the press.
          Also we served so that right or wrong everyone here can post their opinions. Whether we like them or not.


          • #50
            Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

            [ QUOTE ]
            Instead of saving his own life, this boot lieutenant probably sent 500 more Muslims to pick up arms against the U.S. troops. This is not what you call "winning the hearts and minds of the Iraqui people".

            [/ QUOTE ]

            Maybe but at least a few Iraqis don't agree (from Power Line):

            Our reader Haider Ajina phoned his father in Baghdad for an update on Iraqi sentiment concerning the Marine killing. Haider sends us the following message:


            I just got of the phone with my father in Baghdad. I asked him what is the reaction of the Marine killing the injured Iraqi in the Mosque in Felujah. His first words were "Good riddance."

            People are not giving it a second thought. Any terrorist who attacks soldiers from Mosques has no sanctuary. Any terrorists who fake death to kill in a mosque deserve no mercy. He says Iraqis (including Sunnis) are fed up with the terrorists and want them eliminated.

            There was much uproar about the brutal kidnapping killing of Mrs. Margaret Hassan. Iraqis are upset outraged and disgusted with her brutal abduction & killing. She helped us, helped the poor & needy and this what the terrorist do to her and her family.

            He says we must stay strong, united and relentless in the pursuit of the terrorist. Baghdad had relative calm over the last few days. People are even going out in the street till 9:30pm now.

            Please spread the message, let America Know that the Iraqis are with us, grateful and want us to stay strong and get stronger so that we can all defeat terrorism.


            Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


            • #51
              Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

              Awesome posts guys ..Sam you hit many of my points as a cop on the head in your own thoughts and words..awesome.

              Pat ...when I said "Investigation" ...I meant more of an internal - in-house investigation (sweep sweep) know what I mean..I want whats best for them....I think Abu Graib should have never sufaced and it's a shame that it did!

              Bottomline..ANYONE who second guess our guys over there and not support them .. can line up and kiss my fukkin' as.

              Get the fukkin' cameras off the FUKKIN" battlefield already...and let them fight this battle how they see every other war we ever won

              I'm sure during the next war ..soldiers will have to wear mandatory helmet cams to make sure we are being nice .

              Death to liberal media!
              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


              • #52
                Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                LesPaulCustom has made a great point. It's so easy to kick back in your living room and pass judgment on someone, but it's much harder to put yourself in their shoes. I'm ex-military, but never saw combat. That's the reason that I refuse to form an opinion on what happened with the Marine.

                We seem to have two opposing schools of thought here:

                1. The Marine had been shot the day before and he also knew that no enemy could be trusted. He had every right to do what he did out of self-preservation. That guy on the floor could have very well been faking an injury in an effort to lure the Marine closer.

                2. The Marine shot an unarmed man out of sheer spite, vengeance, or a power trip. The only thing this will accomplish is to further piss of the Arabic world and cause more terrorism.

                There's an old saying that goes, "the truth lies somewhere in the middle." I think that probably applies here. We don't know what was going on in his mind. We weren't there to see circumstantial events happening at the time. We don't know what happened before he approached the man on the floor.

                In short, my jury is still out on this one.
                Member - National Sarcasm Society

                "Oh, sure. Like we need your support."


                • #53
                  Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                  Signed it proudly.
                  "told you guys that spandex, hairspray and makeup on guys was a bad idea, and now look what happened - you all turned into women." - Newc


                  • #54
                    Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    Awesome posts guys ..Sam you hit many of my points as a cop on the head in your own thoughts and words..awesome.

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    <font color="yellow">**GULP** Ummm, errrr, I'm scared now [img]/images/graemlins/eek.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/help.gif[/img]

                    I think I've been befriended by the legendary Bill Z Bubb [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]

                    Seriously...thanks Bill [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]

                    I've calmed down a bit....MHalsey sent me a e-mail to chill me out a bit [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

                    We are NOT MURDERERS! We have to take the high-road. If we don't, we are as bad as the human scum inhabitating Fallujah and in essence, they have won when that happens.

                    This was never and never will be a quick fix war, and it isn't going to be like our previous 2 World Wars.

                    Like somebody said, I will die for the right of freedom and youre right to express yourself, no problem [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] </font>


                    • #55
                      Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                      Awesome , it's easy to get all bent about this subject..

                      I'm the dude NEVER takes anything seriously ...but what's goin down in Iraq with our kids there is DAMN serious!

                      I'm done with this thread...

                      I support our guys over there whole heartedly...even when they make mistakes of course...I think not one single American soldier there should eat any of the ridiculous crap..or get in any trouble that Abu Graib BS...I really don't!

                      I will go on record to say I have no need for liberals or their ridiculous self destructive left wing agendas...I'm not saying that republicans are "perfect" because they are not..

                      But I'm done with this ...because most of you people see it the way I do ...the right way..

                      it's the few that sicken me swinging from the balls of the likes of that pathetic self serving phony swine like Michael Moore...oink oink.

                      I wish someone put a bullet in that dweeb's from K-Mart...the irony! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                      I don't have too much of a problem about these guys protesting the war BUT when you second guess and talk crap about those who are over crossed my personal line.

                      and when that happends ...I let them know ...I let everyone know.

                      Have a great weekend dudes and ladies..

                      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                      • #56
                        Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                        The truth is that these things happen in war. They've happened in every war since we were groups of apes throwing sh!t at eachother. They happened in the last Gulf War. Does what this Marine did measure up in any way to the Holocaust, or the rape of Nanking, or any of the other enormous atrocities committed in the last century? No. But he was caught, plain and simple. By running around here talking about how all Iraqi people should be shot, and all this bullsh!t, we are paving the way for ourselves to justify genocide. What ever happened to "liberating Iraq" or "Locating Weapons of Mass Destruction"? Has our mission over there really gotten to the point of "Kill 'em all, let Allah sort 'em out"? I would NEVER serve in a military that was taking part in a genocide, and you people talking about that here really sickens me to my very soul. We must remember what sets us apart as a nation leading the rest of the world towards a better tomorrow. We are not Germany and Iraq is not Poland, but when people in this country openly advocate genocide, how do you think that makes us look to the rest of the world. Stop and think about what you are saying. How would you feel if the US Army kicked in every door in your town, rounded everyone you know up and shot them or buried them alive? That is certainly not even close to what is happening in Iraq right now, but that is what some of you idiots are advocating.


                        • #57
                          Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                          The wish of the terrorists is to wipe out all nonmuslims. They have been brainwashed into this thought pattern. The people to blame for their entire existance are the muslims who wont point out the terrorists and turn them in. Instead they let them hide amongst them. If the cancer has spread that deeply, its time to kill the patient............


                          • #58
                            Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                            I depends on what "all" means. IF it means all the Iraqi people, I don't think anyone REALLY wants that. They might make these remarks in the anger of thinking this Marine might get railroaded. He may well have made a mistake, but the person accountable should be the officer who let him back into the field 1 day after being wounded and knowing comrades had been killed by booby-trapped bodies or wounded. If "all" means all the insurgents and terrorists, I am more in favor of that. I don't believe these fighters are dedicated Muslims; I think they are dedicated to the same kind of thuggish dictatorship that Saddam ran, with themselves as ground-floor thugs who'd prosper as top muscle in a new regime, torturing its opponents. These people will probably never be rehabilitated, and taking them prisoner is life-threatening for our troops. So yeah, I say as long as they're faking surrenders and using IEDs planted on bodies, we should not take prisoners and detonate all bodies from a safe distance with our own explosives. You say this is unfair by the Geneva Convention, but it was unfair for us to shoot British officers from behind trees while they stood in the open on a horse. The fact is, if we hadn't done just that we'd have lost that war,and if we don't fight fire with fire we'll lose this one. If we make terrorism unattractive enough, they'll stop joining up. Once it's known that to join is CERTAIN - not possible - death, recruiting will fall off. Since this war will probably last through most of this century,I think the sooner this idea embeds itself into the Islamic mind, the better.
                            Ron is the MAN!!!!


                            • #59
                              Re: Petition supporting US Marine in Fallujah

                              I agree with Ace, and Sam brings up a good point too: the petition seems this:

                              Do E-petitions work?
                              "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)

