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what's your perfect day?

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  • #16
    Re: what\'s your perfect day?

    Not getting aggravated by an ass hole ...that happends once or twice a year...if I'm lucky.
    "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
    Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

    "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


    • #17
      Re: what\'s your perfect day?

      OK the above is the "perfect day"...but I have a pretty cool thing going..

      You will NOT believe this ...or maybe you will but it's true and it's ...unique.

      Everyday...normally, I get up when my eyes open. Time is NEVER an issue to me anymore , neither is dates or days of the week. Meaning Saturday is no different than Monday in my routine.

      Well I'm not a very "social" person ...I am very reclusive by choice. I love to stay home all the time. I made my home into something I don't want to leave ...if you see it you'd know what I mean ...

      EVERTHING I love in this life is under my roof My wife , Vinny , Pico , My music , amps , and of course my every-growing metal library....I have so much now , that it is "impossible to listen to all of I "always have something "new" to listen to..

      My house was originally a old large red brick English Double Tudor..I fell in love with my house at first sight. I bought it at a fair price and invested approx 100K into it making it from a Double to a Big single's fairly big ...not huge ...but it's look bigger than it is because. I had the upper ceilings torn out me a 27 feet high room to work with . ...I literally designed a old Gothic church-like room as my living room...nobody knows that this house has been demolished and renivated , unless I tell has the appearance of "original" ...I am going to have John post a few pics of my place when his scanner is working....he calls it "The house of Bill"..It's very dark and completely decorated with nothing but ornate antiques...I love claw-foot furniture...and anything that is old and has that haunted soul in it know like if this 250 year old table could talk....well that give's a bit of a "visual" of my place.

      OH , The outside matches the inside had spires , gargoyles , arched windows , doors...and lot's of dark wood and all Brick..360...with overgrown Boston Ivy covering it...and a lion-head door knoker on a round wood door...with a small sign in the window that says , Not Welcome please do NOT knock...go away.

      My inner window storms are black tinted to block out bright light ..and the brightest light bulb in the entire house is 25watts....the others are on dimmers.

      The reason I'm going on so much about the place is because it is my sanctuary ...I made it MY is NOT a home is NOT "cozy" in the slightest ...when people including family come over they are reluctant to touch anything...Martha Stewart would run in fright of this place..

      My home is truly my Satanic sanctuary is not a holy place...

      I stay here ..I don't ever want to leave and when I do ...I can't wait to get back home.

      So back to my routine...if I don't have to pick up my son from school ..which is about once or twice a week wife picks him up and carts him around.

      I wake up whenever my eyes open and that just depends what time I went to bed. That's usually at dawn ..when my wife gets up for work. So by eight My wife and kid are gone leaving me in gracious solitude concentrate on my little rituals.

      The first thing I do is look thru my metal and pick something I'm in the mood for . I take my pain meds if I need them or not because they relax me. Then I fire up the PC and check this site and Cleveland Metal Zone ..I respond to a few new post to my THC induced stupors just hours ago....and usually laugh my dick off. I do say some fukked up crap sometimes....always have into much touble in my school days..and everywhere else for that matter...what a surprise...

      Well I'm on the computer until I feel the urge to take a dump ...I'm pretty regular ...takes about an hour from getting up.

      Then I keep myself slighty induced to keep myself on a nice even keel..while listening to metal in the background all day. My place is pretty spotless but I go thru it everyday really quick to keep it that way..I have a HUGE case of everything MUST be in order ...or I'm outta sorts..Dishes must be put away , Laundry must be done and my floors must be clean..mopped and vacuumed daily...I do this ...because I have to....that takes the better part of an hour

      Now it's play-time. So I fire up my double Marshall Rig with the four cabs and break out my main San Dima Koa and play if I'm inspired ..if not. I turn off the amp and lay on the floor in my Church room where I have a decent sound system and I'll put on four to five discs of different genres of metal at random so you don't know what band you going to hear..while reading ...usualy HP Lovecraft , Poe or ...of course LeVay , Crowley and sometimes the Holy Bible ...that's where I get all my "Satanic" info..The Bible is the Devil's best friend ..he's a hero in that book ...which is why I love to read it so much....and why I'm a Satanist.

      I do that until my wife and kid get home , then I see what's up with them and sometimes help Vinny with his homework...which is getting pretty hard...he's in 4 th grade and sometimes it makes me feel stupid ...especially when your high...but he's an honor student so's all good.

      Then I go back and maybe cook dinner ..I love to cook while listening to metal...I make italian stuff does my wife ...but she worked all day and I just laid around that's fair.

      We like to amuse each other in my family ...because of me I guess ..I mean I don't "shelter" my kid ...He watches Southpark with me ever since he was a baby...we watch all the horror stuff and sometimes I have to cover his eyes during the booby scenes...My wife calls me everything she can and I do the same ...and we do that all day ...we call each other B I T C H when we talk to each other and laugh..

      I don't watch TV in the day time ...I'll catch a Judge Judy now and then because I like her. Jerry Springer or any of those ghetto resident worshipping shows are strictly taboo in the house of bill..

      My wife can not stand anything that remotely sounds like rap music or any one that looks like they belong to that culture...she loathes them more than I that's nice ...well she's right argument there....they are ass holes!

      She loves metal ..She's been listening to Exodus "Tempo of the damned" the point where I'm almost sick of it. [img]/images/graemlins/crazy.gif[/img]

      Then after dinner and Vinny may jam ..which sometimes I may come up with a new riff...I'm starting to like jamming with him more than my drummer...honestly...Vinny is getting damn good....just about as good as me as a "guitarist"..but he's still young and he don't have much stamina yet...but he has the heart and fire...and most important METER!

      So sometimes we'll give each other the high five if we come up with something new to present to my band...which happends.

      Then Vinny will read to me or Val comedy central with me ..then goes to bed.

      The Val takes a bath waits till he falls to sleep and then we do it!

      or sometimes she just beeges me...and I don't do anything...and then I say thanks , kiss here goodnight...and she goes to sleep usually by 11:00..

      Then it's play Time again ...this time it's BONG suicide time ...I get lit ..then I love to write crap ..either here or lyrics or ideas for a song or draw ...I love to draw...I'm pretty good at it because I love it...I'm working on our cover art and logo..

      When I venture out of The House of Bill Z Bub's to go out to dinner with my family which is not too often ..or metal cd shopping ...or to see a show..

      but shows have been a bummer for me lately because you have to stand there for hours and that puts my back and neck into painful spasms..because of my injury.

      Slayer is TONIGHT ...the whole rain in blood thing with the blood rain...I didn't go...Friday is Pizza and a movie night no matter what...I watched "elf" tonight...

      They went to sleep afterwards and now I'm here..

      This is my perfect day...all my days are the same.

      There is no need to go out to socialize with people ...I don't like people ...they seem to like me though ...but I don't want to "entertain" them all the time ...they expect I deliver the usual schtick...they get their fill then I leave..

      Oh yeah during all this my 4 lb Pico is my companion ...he sits or sleeps on my back when I'm reading.

      In the summer months ..I take my Vette out and play with that at night mostly's all black everthing so it' look greatr at up and down the neighborhood looking all cool and awesome ..

      That's it ...My perfect life ...except for some unwanted aggravation from outside sources (people) and my physical pain..sometimes it's bad ...sometimes not so bad..

      My perfect day would be do exactly what I do ...but pain free....Oh I would still take the pain pills ...they're fun!!

      I'm pretty happy with my life..other than pain and the world outside my gothic shell I wouldn't change a thing.

      Oh , I also hate the sun ...I despise it actually make me feel lethargic and ill if it's too hot (80+ degrees) ...My house is ALWAYS set to 69 degrees....In the hot days of Summer I rarely leave the house ...

      Sorry to disappoint ..No killing of babies , drinking of virgin blood , nor Satanic rituals with a nude nubile girl altar..even though that's sounds pretty awesome..

      It's a big change for the better since I left The department..

      Sometimes I write political letters to the media..I just did one...It's nothing like I post here...It's sounds "professional"..

      I'll post it...since I'm on a roll!
      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


      • #18
        Re: what\'s your perfect day?

        True to the nature of your liberal, and Mayorally dictated views of our Police Chief are as unwarranted, and unnecessary, as they are untrue. The appointments of former Safety Director Draper and Chief Lohn were, quite possibly, the only time in the Mayor's tenure to date where she has shown good sound judgment, and had the best interest of our City in mind.
        Chief Lohn, has devoted nearly his entire adult life to Law Enforcement. He is not a Park Ranger, or a career Office Person, appointed Chief of Police for purely political reasons. Our Chief is a Policeman, and has only the best interest for public safety and his Department at heart. I worked with the Chief when he was a Lieutenant in the 4th District for several years. During those years we occasionally butted heads. However, I realize now, that the then Lt. Lohn was always fair, and always open minded enough to listen to the concerns of his Officers. He did not dwell on occasional differences of opinions. We always knew what the Lieutenant expected of us, and we always knew what to expect from him. That's all you can hope for from any Supervisor, consistency.
        Because the Chief is appointed by the Mayor, he was expected to support the firing of 250 Police Officer's, and he has, without waiver. He has been beat up by City Council Member's like Zach Reed, and the beloved Fanny Lewis, on one side of the table. Then beat up again by Police Unions and Community Leaders on the other side of the table. Chief Lohn has tried to balance the ill-gotten policies of this Mayor, with common sense leadership and planning. He has reduced overtime within the Department by over 40% according to some estimates. Most of this by changing the policies in which Supervisors and Office personnel accrue overtime. These policy changes, along with firing our youngest and most energetic Police Officer's did the trick. Now, instead of hiring Police Officer's back, City Council has the extra 3 million dollars they needed to recover their lost 6% raise from last year, and probably even enough to give themselves another 6% raise in 2005. In short Sir, don't buy into the Mayor's "blame game," or City Councils "grief" over the reduction of Safety for all Cleveland residents and businesses. Chief Lohn has been balancing on a tightrope for the last year, leave him alone! Spend your time and energy chastising the Mayor and City Council for the re-creation of the "Mistake on the Lake" during their watch. NEWS FLASH! "Firing Policeman and teacher's will not attract new residents or businesses to Cleveland," and you can quote me on that.


        William Zurlo
        Retired Cleveland Police Officer

        I just wanted to show what I do sometimes in my "spare" time...sounds pretty good huh..

        see I just don't b!tch over here.. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

        Hell you guys get 1 / 1000th of what people around me get..

        Go back to your regular scheduled program.. [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
        "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
        Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

        "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


        • #19
          Re: what\'s your perfect day?

          free beer on tap.

          ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


          • #20
            Re: what\'s your perfect day?

            Waking up at 11PM, booting up the PC, start up winamp to play the playlist at random (3000+ songs) through my 6.1 surround at full blast. I'll leave that all day until I go to bed.

            Plug in and jam.
            You took too much, man. Too much. Too much.


            • #21
              Re: what\'s your perfect day?

              Hmm.... I'm more of a perfect "moment" gal rather than a perfect "day" gal. Its easier for me to shoot for the moment than the day. I have extremly bad luck, everyday I invariably have to deal with some MORON.
              So I cherish my perfect moments.

              My perfect days are far and few, but I'll share four of them with you.

              1.My wedding day
              2.The day I came home from the hospital with our daughter- it was the perfect day. The spring weather was pristine!
              3. The day I came home from the hospital with our son- another pristine spring day!

              The days I brought my babies home were seriously the most beautiful days weather-wise I have ever seen.

              4. And the day my husband came home from the war.

              Mostly I find great joy in things like the perfect cup of coffee, or the perfect day to go walking in the local gardens, or the perfect thunderstorm to curl up with a perfect book to. Or playing with my kids- they both have an awesome sense of humor.
              Or listening to some absolutely in your face whip your ass metal! AHAHAHAHA!!! [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]
              Or laughing my ass off with the Sarge - we are so damn funny together! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
              There is no one on the planet that is more fun than he is.

              Okay. So I'm a romantic. I'm also easily amused. [img]/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif[/img]



              • #22
                Re: what\'s your perfect day?

                Here's a few good things that i'd like to happen again:

                Playing in front of a crowded hall of metalheads moshing and kicking the sh*t out of each other to our music. Whilst intimidating the Headlining band.

                Going to Warner Brothers theme park in Germany, then afterwards getting drunk and having fun with friends back at the hotel.

                Seeing Children Of Bodom live

                Recieving my certificate for getting a great grade for my Music College Course

                Hanging out with an old girl friend (friend who is a girl lol) and just talking about everything and watching movies all night

                Hanging out with old school friends on a trip to New York (walking around central park in winter)

                Getting drunk with a good friend, his girlfriend and a girl i was dating.

                Valentines day with my girlfriend.

                My last Birthday.

                Fun times [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
                93 USA Soloist EDS
                USA HT6 Juggernaut
                Charvel DK24FR


                • #23
                  Re: what\'s your perfect day?

                  Mmmmmmmmmmm... Mine's not to wake up on morning... not to wake up at noon... not to wake up at evening, but not from sleeping, just being dead, my wish now... maybe not the same later. Sometimes my life sucks.


                  • #24
                    Re: what\'s your perfect day?

                    certainly not today.
                    wrecked my car.
                    glass in my face.
                    red light means stop, kids.
                    apparently no one in dallas understands that but me.

                    Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
                    Sully Guitars on Facebook
                    Sully Guitars on Google+
                    Sully Guitars on Tumblr


                    • #25
                      Re: what\'s your perfect day?

                      Damn Sully! That sucks bro! Everyone involved ok?


                      • #26
                        Re: what\'s your perfect day?

                        Hey Sully hope you're alright.


                        • #27
                          Re: what\'s your perfect day?

                          Sully roccks
                          I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue


                          • #28
                            Re: what\'s your perfect day?

                            Woah. Sully- hope you're okay.
                            Sorry to hear about your car.
                            Car accidents freak me out and so do most Dallas drivers!



                            • #29
                              Re: what\'s your perfect day?

                              Like I siad sully rocks so he'll always be alright
                              I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue


                              • #30
                                Re: what\'s your perfect day?

                                Hi everyone,

                                We're going back to the urgent care center for xrays in a few minutes. He's pretty banged up.

                                Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
                                Sully Guitars on Facebook
                                Sully Guitars on Google+
                                Sully Guitars on Tumblr

