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Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

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  • Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

    Well, let's hear em... Nothing good here yet, but the night's still young... [img]/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif[/img]


  • #2
    Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

    nothing to report other than we're all about comatose now [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Only flub I had was I put too much peanut oil in the deep dryer and when I put the turkey in it there it bubbled over.....I now have nice little oil slick on the patio [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] The Cajun fried turkey came out great tough, first time I tried doing one.


    • #3
      Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

      The waitress at the Ground Round was eyeing me with her real eye.


      • #4
        Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

        <font color="yellow"> Oh man, thanks Jim.....I haven't thought of the Ground Round for YEARS!!

        My grandfather used to take me to one in Maine. I remember that they showed cartoons all the time and offered peanuts and you just threw the shells on the floor [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]

        Man...funny how time works eh....those were good times, and he's been gone now since 1984.

        Thank you Jim for the memory.



        • #5
          Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

          I ate 2 much
          I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue


          • #6
            Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

            I went to the shop at 7:00 am to unmask a car so the infrared wouldn't bake the **** on there, came home and cooked TG din for the girls, cleaned out the gutters and put those little clippy things up there for the wifeys christmas lights, deep cleaned the garage, acid cleaned and pressure washed all the freaking pavement we just HAD to have in front of the house, gave the dog a bath, did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen, brought up the christmas tree and four fukking totes of decorations from the basement so the wife will have something to do tommorow, and now I'm on my third beer (and counting!). Yup, I have no life! [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
            I thought this was supposed to be a day of relaxation??????
            My goal in life is to be the kind of asshole my wife thinks I am.


            • #7
              Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?



              Turkey good.

              I'm out.



              • #8
                Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

                "BURP" Pardon me......
                Hope everyone had a Good one


                • #9
                  Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

                  Headed to my mother's house
                  All I could think about was the turkey!!! perfect every year-well untill this year.
                  I walk in give a big hug and she said my turkey is crap???
                  It weird all aroung the edge's (1/4 inch) was like jelly?? wtf??
                  She was crying in 40 years this is the first turkey I screwed up.
                  The best part was when my mother-n-law got there mom said no turkey it's crap.Lola asked whats wrong with it mom told her and she said I'll take it and make turkey stew [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img] yep wtf??
                  Mom told her she threw it away in the garbage so Lola complained for 10 minutes Lola talking-I can't believe you threw it away it was a perfect turkey-
                  Mom said well you can go dig it out of the garbage if you want it that bad [img]/images/graemlins/sick.gif[/img]
                  Lola got up but my stepfather stopped her-mom said under her voice garbage lady-man I about spit my food every where [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                  Sorry but I'm drinking the old gin and tonic's tonight
                  Cheer's [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img]


                  • #10
                    Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?


                    Been argueing all week with the GF about dumb stupid crap, and we managed to make up enough to go to our respective familys to save face and not look like the argumentive idiots we'd been lately.

                    Went to my parents and had a great day with them and other relatives. Ahhh, joyful and warm....

                    THEN, went to her family's house and.....

                    Was forced at pool stick point to play pool and be tormented by/with her drunken evil aunt (who has done quite a lot for the GF over the years, but is a loser drunk at times). She then eventualy got so drunk, she started berating my GF about some dumb stuff, and it blew up into a fight. She ended up smacking my girlfriend several times, and following her as we were trying to make our way out of the residence.

                    I just stood down as it would be an assault charge on me I'm sure as I'd blow up in a major sick way should I start to get involved. I'm not a nice person when I lose it and people end up going to the hospital.

                    We stopped in the upstairs apartment with her cool uncle to let her drunken aunt cool down a minute so we'd leave without a major confrontation.

                    We sat a while and talked, suddenly, they found the aunt laying on the floor in the bedroom vomiting up an overdose of Vicodin and antibiotics (nice touch). Shortly afterwards, EMS got there with Cleveland Fire as a first responder.

                    She's currently in the hospital tonight getting her stomach pumped (lotsa food and drink in her fat ass) and probably going to CPI (psych ward) for eval for a few days!

                    Holy crap... I didn't wanna go (I know they're drunken dumbasses and thye don't like me much as I'm fairly sober, upstanding, and probably a party pooper to them), but did go with a positive attitude only for the GF to try to make it a nice time for her with her family. And this crap happens!!! Friggin great! Absolutely!!!

                    Oh well. I come home, and some drunken scum friend of the neighbor is laying on my garage door and I usher him off and he's refusing to leave. I'm now threatening to arrest him for Loitering for Purpose of Drug Sales, and the guy is MFing me the whole way, I almost beat his friggin ass in the street, and he's lucky I maintained contyrol of my temper as I'm pretty irate right about now and he'd get an unreasonable amount of frustration turned on his dumb ass...

                    Wow, I really tried to make this a nice day, even hyped myself up and made a nice post about the holiday.

                    Sigh, oh well. I'm home, I'm hugging my pitbull (he's so sweet), relaxing a bit and (unfortunately) waiting to see if I have to throwdown with the scumbag if he comes back to F with me.

                    Alcohol, and Holidays... What a mix!

                    Sooo... Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!! Glad it's over!

                    Now for Christmas!



                    • #11
                      Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

                      Hey Cleve, I know it's not my place to say this, but judging from what you've said, maybe you'd be better off without said GF. No offense, and there is no accounting for love, but some people you cannot change. I hope that things go better for you in the future, but as a dude that's had my share of crappy GF's, that's my advice from one brothre to another.

                      As far as my T-Day went, I made palns with my newest cousin(by marriage) to climb Denali(Mt. McKinley to layfolk), so I am looking forward to that!!


                      • #12
                        Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

                        Yeah, I'm hearing loud and clear bro. Thanks. I'm leaning to you being right... Been in deep thought lately about it all.

                        Luckily, she isn't as bad as her family! haha... Lotsa of thought going on though about things...

                        Thanks for the input, it's assuredly taken well.


                        • #13
                          Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

                          In the end, like I said, there ain't no accounting for love, the choice is yours.


                          • #14
                            Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

                            Really, I don't know your girl, and she may be trying hard to set herself apart from her family, and if she really is nothing like them, then good for her, many good people come from sh!tty enviroments. But they ARE her family, and there is no escaping that. It's a choice that no one but you is in a position to make. You never said anything about her as aperson, only her family. But from personal experience, bad girlfriends only get worse, never better.

                            As for the douche sitting on your doorstep, I'd let Bill handle that one, from what I gather he has short enough of a temper to teach that dude a lesson, and enough brownie points with the cops to get away with it. Just my $0.02


                            • #15
                              Re: Any good Thanksgiving stories yet?

                              I had a great thanksgiving! Ate a bunch of food, drank a little bit, then went and jammed out with a friend of mine who just purchased a brand new drumkit.

