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****Board Brainfart****

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  • ****Board Brainfart****

    Some of you are noticing the asteriks in posts. It's only happening on edited posts... What seems to have happened is that the edit feature to the board seemes to be sick. (or we have a hacker in our midsts... [img]/images/graemlins/brow.gif[/img] )
    Occupy JCF

  • #2
    Re: ****Board Brainfart****

    Ahh...ok... Thanks TEKKY!


    • #3
      Re: ****Board Brainfart****

      It happened to Gregs post in efraid ..but after a minute it cleared up ..
      Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


      • #4
        ****Re****: ********Board**** ****Brainfart********

        </****font****><****blockquote****><****font**** ****class****="****small****">****Quote****:</****font****><****hr**** /><****br**** />****It**** ****happened**** ****to**** ****Gregs**** ****post**** ****in**** ****efraid**** ..****but**** ****after**** ****a**** ****minute**** ****it**** ****cleared**** ****up**** .. <****br**** /><****br**** /><****hr**** /></****blockquote****><****font**** ****class****="****post****">
        <****br**** />
        <****br**** />****Cool****..
        <****br**** />
        <****br**** />
        <****br**** />...****testing****...
        Occupy JCF


        • #5
          Re: ****Board Brainfart****

          Looks like it's still happening...
          Occupy JCF


          • #6
            Re: ****Board Brainfart****

            ****Well**** ****I****'****m**** ****Glad**** ****you**** ****ask**** ... &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****It**** ****is**** ****a**** ****two**** ****part**** ****question**** ...****The**** ****answer**** ****is**** ****absolutely**** ****NOT****!! &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****There**** ****is**** ****no**** ****such**** ****deities****...****There**** ****is**** ****No**** ****God**** ****or**** ****Gods**** ****so**** ****to**** ****speak****.. &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****BUT**** ...****BUT****!!!!! &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****The**** ****majority**** ****of**** ****this**** ****world**** ...****especially**** ****this**** ****very**** ****nation**** ****is**** ****based**** ****on**** ****Christianity**** ...****whether**** ****you**** ****believe**** ****or**** ****not**** . &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****So**** ****I**** ****insist**** ****on**** ****making**** ****this**** &lt;****br**** /&gt;"****god****" ****accountable**** ****for**** ****his**** ****actions****...****nobody**** ****has**** ****ever**** ****did**** ****that****..****Not**** ****Crowley**** ...****Not**** ****LaVey****...****Nobody****...****no**** ****Satainst**** ****thus**** ****far**** ****has**** ****ever**** ****made**** ****God**** ****be**** ****the**** ****bad**** ****guy**** ****and**** ****prooved**** ****it**** ...****in**** ****Biblical**** ****theory**** ****of**** ****course**** .. &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****it****'****s**** ****easy****. &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****But**** ****nobody**** ****ever**** ****has**** ****the**** ****balls**** ****to**** ****come**** ****forth**** ****because**** ****they**** ****are**** ****in**** ****fear**** ****of**** ****being**** ****ridiculed**** ****by**** ****the**** ****norm****..****I**** ****loathe**** ****the**** ****norm**** ...****The**** ****norm**** ****is**** ****the**** ****very**** ****reason**** ****why**** ****God**** ****exist**** ****so**** ****blindly**** ****in**** ****the**** ****first**** ****place****..****he**** ****is**** ****no**** ****more**** ****than**** ****the**** ****will**** ****of**** ****millions**** ****of**** ****one**** ****watt**** ****humans****.. &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****Hey**** ****if**** ****God**** ****has**** ****so**** ****much**** ****power**** ****in**** ****our**** ****government**** , ****our**** ****morals**** , ****and**** ****in**** ****our**** ****everday**** ****lives**** ****whether**** ****you**** ****like**** ****it**** ****or**** ****not**** ...****I**** ****think**** ****something**** ****that**** ****poweful**** ****should**** ****be**** ****held**** ****accountable**** ****for**** ****any**** ****and**** ****all**** ****BS**** ****imposed**** ****by**** ****it****. &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****I**** ****can**** ****chew**** ****the**** ****theory**** ****of**** ****God**** ****up**** ****and**** ****spit**** ****him**** ****oput**** ****so**** ****easily**** ...****it****'****s**** ****fukkin****' ****awesome****. &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****I**** ****think**** ****I****'****m**** ****the**** ****first**** ****person**** ****in**** ****existance**** ****that**** ****can**** ****do**** ****this**** ...****it****'****s**** ****no**** ****big**** ****deal**** ****really**** .. &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****all**** ****you**** ****have**** ****to**** ****do**** ****is**** ****truly**** ****read**** ****the**** ****bible**** ****without**** ****the**** ****christian**** ****goggles**** ****on****...****it****'****s**** ****that**** ****simple**** &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****It**** ****states**** ****in**** ****plain**** ****black**** ****and**** ****white**** ....****that**** ****God**** ****created**** ****everything**** ...****and**** ****that**** ****Lucifer**** ****was**** ****created**** ****by**** ****God**** ****just**** ****as**** ****he**** ****was**** ..****man**** ****was**** ****created**** ****just**** ****as**** ****we**** ****were**** ..****all**** ****our**** ****faults**** ****and**** ****all****...****this**** ****was**** ****or**** ****never**** ****will**** ****be**** ****Satan****'****s**** ****fault**** ...****he**** ****doesn****'****t**** ****have**** ****the**** ****power**** ****to**** ****control**** ****nor**** ****create****..****never**** ****had**** ...****never**** ****will**** ...****he**** ****is**** ****a**** ****victim**** ****in**** ****all**** ****God****'****s**** ****mess**** ****just**** ****as**** ****we**** ****are****.. &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****He****'****s**** ****a**** ****bigger**** ****victim**** ****than**** ****we**** ****could**** ****ever**** ****be**** ...****or**** ****that**** ****Christ**** ****could**** ****ever**** ****be**** ...****he**** ****went**** ****to**** ****bat**** ****for**** ****us**** ****and**** ****argued**** ****with**** ****God**** ****to**** ****protect**** ****us**** ****from**** ****God****'****s**** ****will**** ****of**** ****Free**** ****Agency**** ...****Lucifer**** ****with**** ****his**** ****God**** ****given**** ****knowledge**** ****prooved**** ****God**** ****wrong**** ...****look**** ****around**** ...****Free**** ****Agency**** ****does**** ****NOT**** ****work**** ****and**** ****is**** ****the**** ****very**** ****downfall**** ****of**** ****man**** ...****it**** ****will**** ****be**** ****our**** ****very**** ****demise****. &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****What**** ****did**** ****Christ**** ****loose**** ...****Nuttin****' ****he**** ****came**** ****from**** ****Heaven**** ...****died**** ****and**** ****went**** ****back**** ****there**** ...****Satan**** ****will**** ****forever**** ****be**** ****God****'****s**** ****spanking**** ****baby****....****a**** ****scapegoat**** ****for**** ****all**** ****man****'****s**** ****weakness****.. &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****God**** ****knew**** ****this**** ...****Lucifer**** ****knew**** ****this**** ...****I**** ****know**** ****this**** . &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****God**** ****kicked**** ****out**** ****Lucifer**** ****because**** ****he**** ****lost**** ****face**** ****in**** ****heaven**** ****because**** ****of**** ****this**** ...****so**** ****Lucy**** ****was**** ****bannished**** , ****turned**** ****into**** ****a**** ****beast**** , ****sent**** ****to**** ****Earth**** ****where**** ****he**** ****dwells**** ****simply**** ****has**** ****a**** ****spectator**** ...****to**** ****watch**** ****man**** ****suffer**** ****just**** ****as**** ****he**** ****suffers****...****because**** ****of**** ****God**** . &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****Satan**** ****loves**** ****to**** ****see**** ****the**** ****children**** ****of**** ****God**** ****suffer**** ****because**** ****it**** ****just**** ****prooves**** ****him**** ****right**** ...****it**** ****prooves**** ****him**** ****right**** ****every**** ****single**** ****passing**** ****moment**** ****of**** ****every**** ****single**** ****day****. &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****Just**** ****think**** ****of**** ****a**** ****simple**** ****good**** ****hearted**** ****child**** ****that**** ****was**** ****punished**** ****wrongly**** ****by**** ****his**** ****over**** ****zealous**** ****father**** ...****that**** ****child**** ****will**** ****stop**** ****at**** ****nothing**** ****to**** ****proove**** ****his**** ****father**** ****wrong****... &lt;****br**** /&gt; &lt;****br**** /&gt;****This**** ****time**** ****in**** ****Christian**** ****theory**** ****of**** ****course****..****Christianity**** ****will**** ****die**** ...****it**** ****will**** ****eventually**** ...****there**** ****is**** ****no**** ****stopping**** ****it**** ****and**** ****I**** ****hope**** ****I**** ****can**** ****contribute**** ****to**** ****it****'****
            "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
            Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

            "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


            • #7
              Re: ****Board Brainfart****

              Yeah, that was necessary. [img]/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif[/img]
              Occupy JCF


              • #8
                Re: ****Board Brainfart****

                is it still happening?
                Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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                • #9
                  Re: ****Board Brainfart****

                  It was happening with "All the lurker, say hi" thread too.


                  • #10
                    Re: ****Board Brainfart****

                    [ QUOTE ]
                    TEST It was happening with "All the lurker, say hi" thread too

                    [/ QUOTE ]


                    And again...



                    • #11
                      Re: ****Board Brainfart****

                      Tekky you make my balls a rash.. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]
                      "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                      Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                      "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.


                      • #12
                        Re: ****Board Brainfart****

                        Don't you have some black helicopters to be on the lookout for Mancow???
                        Occupy JCF


                        • #13
                          Re: ****Board Brainfart****

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          Tekky you make my balls a rash.. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          Try rubbing some bengay on them ...
                          Don't worry - I'll smack her if it comes to that. You do not sell guitars to buy shoes. You skimp on food to buy shoes! ~Mrs Tekky 06-03-08~


                          • #14
                            Re: ****Board Brainfart****

                            [ QUOTE ]
                            [ QUOTE ]
                            Tekky you make my balls a rash.. [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img]

                            [/ QUOTE ]

                            Try rubbing some bengay on them ...

                            [/ QUOTE ]

                            He's bengay for quite a long time.
                            Occupy JCF


                            • #15
                              Re: ****Board Brainfart****

                              Tekky , I do sense a blatant animosity from you ....I always have .

                              But I don't care , because I know why and I can't blame you.

                              It's just a natural human selection thing...that's all ...nothing personal..not with me anyways's on your part.

                              but you do make my balls itch ....most people like you do make my balls itch.

                              You see I don't care what you say , how you say it or who you say it to ....but when I say things care seem to care a lot always cared and showed it with great "animosity"

                              That's on you ...I really don't mind....I take it from the source and with a grain of salt...just one grain is all that's required ...two grains would be overkill.

                              Love Billy
                              "Bill, Smoke a Bowl and Crank Van Halen I, Life is better when I do that"
                              Donnie Swanstrom 01/25/06..miss ya!

                              "Well, your friend would have Bell's Palsy, which is a facial paralysis, not "Balls Pelsy" like we're joking about here." Toejam's attempt at sensitivity.

