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Sad day...Dimebag Darrell killed

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  • Re: James D. Niggemeyer is a hero

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    no prob, shawn. it's pretty much the only thing i have of his to listen to, other than pantera's cover of cat scratch fever.

    i met him at namm and we compared ace frehley tattoos. he was funny as hell, and just really really nice guy.


    [/ QUOTE ] Sully can you put up that cover? I am not sure if I have heard it before.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    sure, here's both of them (so others don't have to go back a few pages to hear the fractured mirror cover.

    fractured mirror

    cat scratch fever

    Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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    • Re: James D. Niggemeyer is a hero

      Wow. Heard this on the radio this morning, and still don't know what to say about it other than it's pretty **** up.

      RIP Dime and the other victims.


      • RIP Dimebag

        One of my all-time favorite guitarists... Saw Pantera live in a small venue in mid-80's in Phoenix/Tempe.

        I will miss him deeply.



        • Dime


          • Re: James D. Niggemeyer is a hero

            Thanks Sully. Both of those are very cool.
            Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


            • Re: James D. Niggemeyer is a hero

              Holy hell. This is sad sad news. At least he was playing music, like he loved to do. What kind of a sick son-of-a-bitch does something like this?

              It's a sad day.


              • Re: Dime

                [ QUOTE ]

                [/ QUOTE ]

                That is crazy.... flat out crazy if that really happened 5 shots point blank in the head? Shooting for 5 mnutes (well even if it was two it would have felt like 5 but still that long) Man oh man that is insane
                I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                So that none of its lies can affect me


                • Re: James D. Niggemeyer is a hero

                  RIP Dime.

                  Sully, I have that Fractured Mirror cover too on the Spacewalk: A tribute to Ace Frehley disk. I love how he stayed pretty true to the original, but definitely put a bit of his own thing into it. Very nice.


                  • Re: James D. Niggemeyer is a hero

                    Wow,coming from Texas and seeing Pantera play 9-10 times over the years...what a shock! [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img] The shows always got out of control but I don't think anyone would imagine this happening.I feel some changes coming all across the music community where security is concerned.
                    It has nothing to do with guns or gun laws as someone could have easily (more so) gotten a knife in and stabbed him....
                    This brings up a memory of when we were playing in a club in South Texas with a crowd of about 1000+ people and the band who played after us (metal/hardcore) got on stage and started the first song when all of a sudden from the side of the stage one of the singers old bandmates jumped him and pounded him to the floor.The crowd (not security!) had to pull the guy out and he was ejected.
                    Well I was directly behind the stage helping my best friend who was the drummer in case he dropped a stick or something when out of the corner of my eye I see the same guy flying over the back of the stage....this time he had a bottle and meant serious business. No security,no nothing,just me....he got on stage right before I could grab him but luckily a couple of people in the crowd once again saw him coming and rushed the stage.
                    Insanity ensued,as most of the crowd rushed the stage to get this guy,the drumset was destroyed and they knocked the stacks down and everything just came crashing down off the stage.Needless to say the guy with the bottle got jacked up pretty good.
                    But the whole point always made me think how weak security is if anyone can rush through the back door and jump someone.I REALLY hope this opens alot of eyes and club owners start beefing up security at all entrances.This should have never happened and would be unacceptable if it ever happens again! I mean how are you supposed to play music if you have to worry about someone gunning you down on stage? Unreal..... RIP [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]


                    • Re: James D. Niggemeyer is a hero

                      Paul Gilbert's website is down too, only with a memorial to Dimebag.




                      • Re: Sad day...Dimebag Darrell killed

                        [ QUOTE ]
                        RIP Dimebag, I only just woke up and read this news. Im absolutely shocked.Unpopular thing to say, but yet another reason to ban the ease at which people can get guns in America. Things like this shit shouldnt happen.

                        [/ QUOTE ]And when you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns. The guy snuck in through the back. He could've gotten a gun whether they were legal or not; as long as machine shops exist guns will be easily available. If he hadn't had a gun he could've gone in with a butcher knife and done the same thing. You go down just as quick with a knife in your heart, or your jugular or carotid severed.If not that, a carpenter's hammer will do it; one punch in the forehead with a hammerhead and you're gone. People kill people; guns are one tool, but there are plenty, and you can't ban 'em all.
                        Ron is the MAN!!!!


                        • Re: James D. Niggemeyer is a hero

                          I woke up this morning and still feeling like sick knowing what happened last night....
                          Thanks Sully for posting the clips!


                          • Re: James D. Niggemeyer is a hero

                            It's still unbelievable to me. My sympathies the the victims and families.


                            • Re: James D. Niggemeyer is a hero

                              i only hope Dime shreds now in heaven with his hero Randy.


                              • Re: James D. Niggemeyer is a hero

                                Well I've finally slept a bit after the news last night and assembled some of my thoughts. Last Monday, Nov 29th was my b-day and my great friend Richard Christy took me to see the Haunted, Damagplan, Shadows Fall tour. Sadly though I spent most of the night backstage drinking because my ex dumped me 4 days earlier. After Damamgplan played Dime, Vinnie, Pat were all back there at the bar and even toasted my b-day with some whiskey.

                                Now I feel like shit considering I spent my b-day not celebrating but feeling bad and now Dime's gone. I can still see him lifting his glass to me.
                                I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine. - Ayn Rand

