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Sad day...Dimebag Darrell killed

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  • Re: RIP Dime

    In Phil's defense -I wouldn't want to say I am pro Phil- I just want to say SuperJoint Ritual's Bass player made a statement on behalf of the band. Available on blabbermouth.

    It basically says that Phil is devastated and of course those were all just words. So indirectly SJR/Phil have said something.

    I also feel that Phil is a little jacked up anyway and he probably has to get his head together enough to make a statement that reflects how he REALLY feels, knowing the things he has said in the past.

    It will not do any good to pile any extra guilt on Phil, deserving or not. Those guys were as brothers for years, and like many relationships today, that one was disolved. Until that happened, I don't think anything either of those guys did was something that couldn't be healed by time or stepping back to look at things from a distance.

    Sadly, those fences cannot be mended here on earth.

    The best that can happen now is for Phil to make a coherent and honest statement and resolve differences with Vinnie and live life remembering and honoring friends that are gone.
    When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


    • Re: RIP Dime

      This opens up some other possibilities.

      "Holycross was struck by the memory of an incident that occurred prior to the show. While standing near the tour bus around 9:30 p.m., he said, he saw Gale and another man come up and ask Brooks if they could party with the band. Holycross said Brooks responded, "They're not partying, they don't party."

      "What do you mean they don't party?" Gale responded irately, flipping off the bus as he walked away, staggering.

      Holycross said it doesn't exactly explain everything, but he wonders, was Gale drunk or on drugs? Was he looking for an opportunity to shoot Abbott earlier, or did he shoot him because he was denied the opportunity to party with him? Whatever the case, Holycross said he doesn't think it matters, "except for closure."


      • Re: RIP Dime

        Well, I guess it depends how you look at it. I was reading it from the POV of What in here might set off a lunatic on the edge?" and those few things caught my eye. Also in the interview Phil turns around the "who broke up Pantera?" issue to imply it was Darrell, not him, because Darrell and Vinnie had their assistant call to try and meet, and Phil was insulted that they didn't call directly. Over the 2 years they tried to reach him I'm sure they personally tried calling him too. That sticks in my mind since the guy yelled at Darrel because he broke up Pantera and ruined my life". Before reading the Metal Hammer interview I have never read anything that contradicted the version that Phil left and never communicated with them again, and that that was what broke up Pantera. So it was always Phil acknowledged as the breakup guy, until he told this new story to Metal Hammer, and a week later this loon kills Darrell for breaking up the band. I can see how it could be the catalyst, but who knows? Without that interview maybe the guy wouldn't have gone off, or maybe he'd have hit Phil next time SJR was in town, who knows? Phil could at least apologize for what he said, to Vinnie and the Abbott family. Saying nothing desn't make him look too good right now.
        Ron is the MAN!!!!


        • Re: RIP Dime

          I'm recording both the Fuse and The MTV Tribute on dvd from my dish. I will make copies, I will need blank DVD R'S and shipping. I'm beyond broke right now or I would do it for free. This should play on any DVD player when I'm done. R.I.P Dime.


          • Re: RIP Dime

            Rich I hear where you are coming from and I agree I just am not willing to finger Phil who I am not a fan off for this. HE has his own guilt and there is a reason they split. So be it. can't Blame Phil for Nathan Gale and if you look at some of the other stuff that s coming out about this psycho you know he is just a nutball...
            I keep the bible in a pool of blood
            So that none of its lies can affect me


            • Re: RIP Dime

              Hey Skidd, I'm in on the DVD, but how can I get them to you?



              • Re: RIP Dime

                [ QUOTE ]
                I´ve spent a while letting this sink in, and I´m listening to "Floods" as I write these words.....

                This is very tragic for all involved, Family, Friends and fans. I knew Dime a bit, had the honor of meeting him on 3 or 4 occasions. He was one of the nicest, most down to earth people I´ve ever met, period. I was really looking forward to getting the chance to see/ meet him again at NAMM on my vacation....

                Together with Satch, he´s the only person I ever considered a personal guitar hero, and he´s the one out of the two that made me want to play guitar as well (I played bass exclusively at the time). I´ve never even looked at another guitarist´s "signature" axe as a purchase, but an old Lightning-bolt ML I´ve been looking for, or I would have settled for one of Dean´s "reissues"... Yeah, I´d say he´s the reason I´m here to a good extent, and for that and the experienced I had with him I thank him from the bottom of my heart.

                I feel sorry for all involved, and wish all the best of luck. I pray that all will make it through this, for the better.

                Rest In Peace, Dime. You´ll cast a shadow, Cowboy.

                [/ QUOTE ]

                This mirrors my feelings EXACTLY man. Dime and satch, the reissue thing, everything bro. I found out recently with his return that Dime's original dean from hell was an '81. I'm an '81. I wanted an '81 dean as a tribute to him, from me for years, personal thing you know, paying respects.
                Thank **** for JCF at a time like this. Its the only place where theres people I know are feeling like me (some are worse) telling it how it is. Reassuring, definitely.

                Phil has always ran his mouth off, its obviously worse nowdays, but you cant blame him for saying that crap that was just a rant. Its not hard to make some people spurt crap thats 'great to print!', for the retaliation and continuance of a great story to push mag sales or similar.

                Dime has passed, but isnt gone, and never will be.


                • Re: RIP Dime

                  [ QUOTE ]
                  Hey Skidd, I'm in on the DVD, but how can I get them to you?


                  [/ QUOTE ]

                  When I get home I'll see how many I have left, that way I can just run them off. I figure it out tonight after work.


                  • Re: RIP Dime

                    [ QUOTE ]

                    Dime has passed, but isnt gone, and never will be.

                    [/ QUOTE ]

                    Yes indeed great comment
                    I keep the bible in a pool of blood
                    So that none of its lies can affect me


                    • Re: RIP Dime

                      [ QUOTE ]
                      It turns out that Nathan Gale had been weird about Pantera for years. He showed up at a friend's band rehersal with lyrics that he said were his own, but they were in fact Pantera lyrics. He accused them of stealing his lyrics and his identity. This was several YEARS ago, and his friends distanced themselves from him after that. I think the break-up of Pantera might have been a factor, but I don't think Phil planted the crazy seed in that low underserving of life mutherfucker's head.

                      [/ QUOTE ]

                      Ok, if that is true, then 'it sounds as tho' this guy was a 'little' sick with a psychosis/identity problem that he could actually think he was the singer of Pantera or be as Phil in another part of his psyche. Again, another speculation, but it kinda puts an angle on the insanity. I wonder if he was released from the military partly for mental illness-which is a pretty broad term.


                      • Re: RIP Dime

                        Every time I log on, I expect this thread to be gone, and to realize it was just a bad dream. It doesn't look like it's gonna happen does it?

                        I feel torn between sympathy for Dime and his family, and selfish grief because I have lost the only real hero I ever had. [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]
                        Sleep!!, That's where I'm a viking!!



                        • Re: RIP Dime

                          I believe that Phil feels really bad right now. You have to remember that Phil is an active heroin addict, and that because of that he might not be "available" for comment right now. Also he might first want to get his grieving done in private, whatver that might entail. Maybe he's talking to Vinne on the phone right now, he just hasn't made an official statement because he hasn't composed himself, or is still looking for the right words. Who knows? I don't hold Phil accountable. He shot his mouth off, but who doesn't sometimes? He knows what he said, and he'll have to live with that for the rest of his life. I wish him strength right now.


                          • Re: RIP Dime

                            OK, now Dave Buttstain has found a way to mention what an awesome guitar player he is while paying tribute to Dimebag. A$$hole.

                            From Blabbermouth:

                            Dave Mustaine of MEGADETH:

                            "I knew him by wanting to play with him. We had PANTERA open for MEGADETH in the U.S. and in Europe. When you get to the level of guitar playing that I'm at and that he was at, the air is pretty thin up there . . . Darrell was a really gentle spirit and pretty easygoing guy. Society is looking at this and saying, 'This is heavy metal.' That's not heavy metal, that's a random act."


                            • Re: RIP Dime

                              The air must be thin up there, mustaine's head is full of helium, and the bastard isn't getting enough oxygen to his brain [img]/images/graemlins/laugh.gif[/img].
                              OK OK, If that's the most self centered thing he does in the next week, that'll be a surprise.
                              I still love Dave though - I almost thinks he's says stuff just to get people on the edge of wanting to slap him. Reminds me of my father in law, always dancing around offending people just enough to be insulting, but not quite enough to be worth pounding him in the head.
                              God Bless Dave's Pointed Little Head
                              When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


                              • Re: RIP Dime

                                This is unbelievable... Ive been reading this thread for a while now, just have not posted yet.

                                I am a Pantera fan, and just love their music. Dime was a SICK guitar player, and i am really upset that i never learned more about him, and his music. But i will now, i have a date with my guitar tomorrow (which i have not picked up for quite some time now) and im learning some Pantera.

                                Wish i could have met you Dime, but your still continuing to inspire me. You have inspired me to pick UP my guitar playing again. And i thank you. I will pay tribute to you with your music, and you will live on.

                                Thanks for helping me step up to music again, i was in a hole.

                                Rest in peace, Brother...

