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DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

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  • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

    sorry, i updated this thread with some more detailed info...

    Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
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    • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

      Hey Pat, I for one am appreciative of the efforts you have put forth. I'm also impressed with the efforts the members have made. Like I said, the JCF is only one of many places involved in raisng funds. Our local music community (Shreveport/Bossier City) had a huge benefit concert and the turnout was quite impressive. What I'm tryng to say is that we should look at the overall picture, not just the wallets of 100 or so active JCF Members. Last time I checked, we averaged about $15 per participating member. That's pretty damned good.



      • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

        if i was the man i used to be i would have tossed in 500-to a grand. thank god for pat who was kind enough to get me on the list.
        Not helping the situation since 1965!


        • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

          There's absolutely no doubt in my mind we've all done well with what we have in the pot, no doubt. And I agree that there aren't 4000 "active" members, but there are those I'm sure that haven't even seen this thread, I guarantee it. Not to mention the number of lurkers someone pointed out, I believe it was Ken?

          Also, I'm happy with the outcome as it stands now, makes everyone involved happy as well I'm sure. [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] (again)

          Anyway, it's all good, I would like to know other sites tho and how and how much, etc, just to see how we compare is all and perhpas some ideas for future needs, God Forbid.

          Pat ( Who's off to start X-Mas shopping today, I haven't gotten anyone anything yet... [img]/images/graemlins/what.gif[/img] )


          • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

            My last paycheck came today, paid down a cc-card a little .. so, donation sent. If whoever should have a problem processing it (which you shouldn't, but just in case), please pm me.


            • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

              Funds Sent.



              • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

                Just sent mine. Unemployed and basically broke, but did what I could.


                • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

                  Updated... ( Members anyway )



                  • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

                    Just donated [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
                    93 USA Soloist EDS
                    USA HT6 Juggernaut
                    Charvel DK24FR


                    • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

                      Sorry I was late guys, money sent.

                      This is a wonderful thing bro.



                      • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

                        just donated...sorry for the delay


                        • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

                          List and total updated this morning. Including the classified items from Illumina and Mr Graphic.

                          If anyone is not on the donated list and has donated, let me know pls. Email or PM is fine. Send me your email address used for PayPal if you're not on the list and that's how you donated.

                          Here's the link again for the donated list

                          Thanx again all!


                          • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

                            I sent my funds today via MO! You should have it this week! [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]


                            • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

                              Got it bro!!! ( Many Axes )

                              Just an update on the DVD"s.... I've only got a few done so far, I've been extremely busy of late. So I do apologize for the delay's, as most of you know, it's not my style...

                              I'll try to get them going and finish them up this week and get them all out.

                              Many apologies again!


                              Sully, when are we sending the check


                              • Re: DImebag Trust Fund / Donations??

                                if everything has been received that has been posted, let's send it off on friday, just in case others kick in at the last minute.

                                Sully Guitars - Built by Rock & Roll
                                Sully Guitars on Facebook
                                Sully Guitars on Google+
                                Sully Guitars on Tumblr

