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Dam Car Thieves

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  • Dam Car Thieves

    I'm on my way home with my family(wife, boys 12years and 20 months) in the car today it's about 4 p.m. here in Downey, Ca. I just got off the 605N onto Firestone West. I'm stopped at a red light behind a maroon car, all of a sudden car jerks and shakes and it sound like a huge can opener. Look back then forward and see 2 guys jump out of a Toyota Camry primer grey, driver looks back and start laughing. At this point I hear the sirens and look in the rearview mirror and see about 10 + Cop cars. The passenger kinda crouches in front of my car, this is when I make sure doors are locked and am getting ready to run him over(I actually thought he was going to try to get into my car) all of a sudden he takes off his shirt and run into the minature golf course(btw this is the place they filmed some of Karate Kid at , the part where his mom drops him off at the water slides, they took the slides out years ago) The police get him quick, the driver on the other hand runs to the left over to a Target now there are Helicopters and tons of cops. Long story short we about 2 hours for the police to get statement and photograph vehicles. In all 5 cars including the stolen Toyota hit, my vehichle gets it the worst, no one hurt(baby was asleep in car seat and never woke up), Driver of stolen car get caught by police dog hinding in a shack behind the Target store(hope he got bit alot). Apparently they had also hit a few cars a mile or so before they got to us. It was a very different experiebce I see it on T.V alot but when your involved very differnt, a lady in the car in front of me was visibly very shaken, my wife was upset(she too thought he was going to pull a gun on us). The Police could not have been nicer to everyone involved very profesional and helped everyone out. The thing is the damge to my car is minimal, and ripped up front fender looks bad but really isn't. I am really considering paying for it myself( I don't think it will be alot more than my deductible)and sueing the thieves or if they are underage their parents, and not just for my repair bill, I want to teach them a lesson, it was them laughing that really pissed everyone off. If my truck hadn't stopped them who knows what would have happened. I'm just very gratefull no one was hurt. Anyways here are som pics I took with my camera phone.
    Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you yunick jelly thou!

  • #2
    Re: Dam Car Thieves

    Glad you and yours are alright, but unless you have a $1000 or more deductible, you oughta file - that looks like a bit of damage. I think the owner of the stolen car's ins. should cover you?
    I don't catch many car chases except on cops here in central tx, but I'm sure if things keep growing the way they are, we'll be there with ya.

    Shitbags like that end up in a ditch with their pants around their ankles before they hit 30 years old anyway, and we all pay for it.

    Good luck on this...
    When you take a shower in space, you have to press the water onto your body to clean yourself, and then you gotta vacuum it off. - Ace Frehley


    • #3
      Re: Dam Car Thieves

      Man that sucks, your Tahoe is all wacked...

      F-ing scumbag pieces of shit... Glad you're all ok, lucky he didn't T-bone you or something worse I guess... Just sucks about your ride...


      • #4
        Re: Dam Car Thieves

        DOn't underestimate the cost of bodywork-especially on newer vehicles. The body shop will most likely totally replace any and all damaged parts with factory ones. Gone are the days of BOndo and sandpaper! A few years ago my moms 88 dodge shadow got hit by an oil truck (it got stuck in the ruts of our ice covered road). It just put a dent in the front quarter panel, but I believe the repair estimate was over a grand. Make sure you do a "victim impact statement" or whatever they have there, and get involved in the case if you can. Alot of kids get off easy on this stuff because people just figure "let the court handle it". Plus, one of the only ways kids learn to respect others is to develop victim empathy. If you let them know how scared you and your wife were for the safety of your children, it might put a bug up their butts to think about consequences before they go out doing stupid stuff.


        • #5
          Re: Dam Car Thieves

          I doubt it. They'll probably just giggle and say "awww the poor little rich white family man and his rich white family got spooked when a Toyota hit their rich white Tahoe ha ha ha".
          Beating them with an iron pipe will teach them to fear others. Fear is a good thing, especially the fear that someone can snatch you off the street and beat you with an iron pipe.

          Sue for the maximum, and make the insurance pay for it, they sure make enough money off clients.
          That's why deductibles and rates are so high, so may as well make them pay for it.

          I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

          The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

          My Blog:


          • #6
            Re: Damn Car Thieves

            3333, I know exactly where that is; I used to live in Norwalk (605/Rosecrans). Glad you're OK, man.
            "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


            • #7
              Re: Dam Car Thieves

              First off I'm glad everyone is safe and your family wasn't hurt. I know how you feel about your vehicle, tomorrow my Suburban is finally oing into the bodyshop after we hit a deer. The damamge didn't look bad but the estimate is over $2200. I doubt the kid even had insurance, which means your insurance will have to cover the repairs.


              • #8
                Re: Dam Car Thieves

                That blows, BIG TIME!!!

                Glad to hear everyone's OK!!!



                • #9
                  Re: Dam Car Thieves

                  Sorry to hear that. At least you and your family were not injured. I hope everything works out for you.

                  Are YOU a Jackson Warrior? Join us and be all that you can be!


                  • #10
                    Re: Dam Car Thieves

                    I'm glad to hear your OK. I ended a police chase once. I made the guy the cops were chasing spin out of control and slam into the guardrail on the freeway interchange we were on. Long story short, I stopped the bad guy, and the cops just told me to take off. That was at the 10W to 110S interchange here in Downtown.


                    • #11
                      Re: Dam Car Thieves

                      Wow... glad you're alright. Hope that bastard gets locked up for a long time.
                      The 2nd Amendment: America's Original Homeland Defense.


                      • #12
                        Re: Dam Car Thieves

                        They should have stole a motorcycle instead. I hope they didn't bend the tower of that left front...I assume you could drive away, but I'm glad everyone was ok.
                        Thanks for posting!


                        • #13
                          Re: Dam Car Thieves

                          Glad you and the family are ok.
                          Don't forget the corn. It's nutritious, delicious, and ribbed for her pleasure.


                          • #14
                            Re: Dam Car Thieves

                            Thanks for the concern guys, I appreciate it. All the damage is just the front fender being bent forward, what stopped it from getting ripped off is the bull bar on the front. Since I have an aftermarket PIAA Airdam on with aftermarket PIAA lights, I will just use my stock pieces(airdam and foglights) which I kept to be put back on, so all I am replacing is the front bumper. The reason I am thinking about paying it myself is that, I have been invovled in an accident before(about 6 years ago, and they ran a red light and were cited) where the driver had no insurance. My company, State Farm, paid for my Dodge at the time with no hassles or problems. The thing is is that I had to sign a waiver giving up my rights to sue the driver of the other car, since that is how State Farm was going to try to recoup the money, which ended up costing them about $13000. I did receive my deductible back from them after they collected some of their money. That is why I am thinking I would prefer to pay for this myself, even it it cost more than my deductible, because I personally want to sue him/parents, cause I'm pissed at what happened, not just me getting hit, the way it freaked everybody out, especially when no on knew what the passengers intentions were. On the other hand a piece of me just says look everyone is o.k. be glad and move on. Thanks guys
                            Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles, you yunick jelly thou!


                            • #15
                              Re: Dam Car Thieves

                              on the other hand, Newc's pipe idea is also viable...

