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Here come the bible thumpers..............

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  • #31
    Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

    you know as a christian people like that embarrass me to no end. it's closed-minded fookers like that that give christianity a bad name. whoever wrote that is a moron.

    some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

    some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

    and finally....

    i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


    • #32
      Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

      I read the whole thing, and yes it's rather Hitlerian in tone. As for Christian, he is more like a Pharisee, the tribe who prayed to God thanking Him for making them superior to others. That's where we get the phrase "holier than thou" from. Jesus did not get along with the Pharisees all that well and they were in the New Testament as an example of how NOT to be.Don't think this guy is an example of what Christianity is about, any more than his descriptions of metal fans are anywhere near accurate. He didn't even recognize the similarity in hairstyle between Dime and Jesus, let alone the fact that Jesus accepted everybody, even those dumbass Pharisees. HE couldn't resist giving them a piece of His mind though.Please don't come away thinking this guy represents Christianity; I won't say there won't be other "Christians" who won't swallow his drivel, but those who use their freedom of choice and consciences as God intended, will not buy into it. Those who need to be ledmay do so, some of them. It may sound like I judge him, but that is God's job. I do feel obligated to point out to those who think he's typical of Christian thought, that there is nothing of love, kindness or forgiveness in his writing there.I pray for Darrell and hope he'll go to Heaven, becauseRevelation does say to beware of false religions in the End Times. It's pretty hard these days to find a church wherein you can't find some example of hypocrisy and greed, molestation and self-serving behavior by clergy who set themselves up as cult leaders. His happens even in the local congregations of major denominations, not just in the fringe storefront churches. Faced with all that, it's possible for someone with a spititual outlook to reject organized religion, but Jesus said if we love our neighbor, all else would follow. Darrell seemed to love his neighbors as himself, and I feel that is what mattered. My priest and parish would probably not agreebut I don't agree wth a lot of things the Catholic hurch says. I go there for fellowship and to worship, but if Jesus himself predicted there'd be a lot of BS floating through church 2,000 years after He came, then feel it's my duty to take each item of dogma and decide if it's right or wrong. Makes me a worse Catholic, but a better Christian. I think that's exactly why God gave us intellect, freedom of choice and conscience, not just to choose Christ or Satan, but to know when men of the Church are telling us to do good, or evil. Who could say the Inquisition was anything but evil, and done to strengthen the Spanish crown by confiscating Jewish property and money, and scaring anyone who thought of bucking the government into submission? That was a dealmade by Queen Isabel with the Pope for power and money to both Spain and Church, nothing Christian about burning people at the stake. The point is, we ALL know, Christian, agnostic or atheist, that the Inquisition was evil. Sounds to me like Darrell lived his life by the Golden Rule and I believe he'll be rewarded, not punished, in the afterlife. William Grim? Well, who knows? Let's just keep offending him by reveling in our semi-human appearances and our barbarian noises, eh?
      Ron is the MAN!!!!


      • #33
        Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

        yeah, what he said...

        some guitars...WITH STRINGS!!!! most of them have those sticks like on guitar hero....AWESOME!!!!

        some amps...they have some glowing bottle like things in them...i think my amps do that modelling thing....COOL, huh?!?!?!

        and finally....

        i have those little plastic "chips" used to hit the strings...WHOA!!!!


        • #34
          Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

          This is not for the easilly offended. I do not believe in God, but I'm pretty well versed in religion ( I was Catholic all my life) and I've made some pretty loud statments, and if you're easilly offended by talk of religion, do not read what I sent him.

          This is a small piece of the email,

          I've read your article on the guitarist for Pantera/Damage Plan. I am not one of the bands large fans, but I've listened to their music, however that is not the point; What you say is pure ill-logic.

          I do not know what obtuse mind set you're in, but you need a reality check. Yes, there are dirty people that listen to heavy metal music. There are also dirty people that listen to Country *the image of a 2 toothed trucker comes to mind* and the same with any music.

          I'm not sure if you consider classical music to be an art form, but if you do, consider this;
          In the time of any great classical composer, human hygene was NOT at its highest point, nor was it for several years.

          In the time of the bible (the fictional story that tells of a woman just ending up pregnant, a baby being born, and someone saying it's the son of God. This God lives in the sky, and watches what we do, right or wrong, and we'll be judged. It's almost like Santa Clause (you know, Saint Nick?) only once in a lifetime, but like Santa Clause, It's just a bunch of hog wash.) Sorry to digress, however in the time of the bible, dirty people were all around. Bathing was not modernized at all.

          So when you're on your high horse preaching about this, think about the predecessors.

          Also, I do not know if you know much about organized religion, however there have been ludicris acts all through the ages. **(comes to mind the summoners, and pardoners who brought about the Protestant reformation with their heinus deeds), not just in present day society.

          That said, who in the hell died and made you king turd? You have no right to tell people what is better than one for of music or another. Times have changed, and tastes have changed. Just as peoples tastes for bathing have changed (did you know if you bathed a lot at the time of the witch hunts, you would be considered a witch, and burnt?) Peoples taste for music have changed. Again, I'm not a big fan of Pantera or Damage Plan, but the guy was a genuinly great guy. He did well for others, and was just out to make people happy.

          You may not like the music he created, but in no way does that give you the right to ridicule it, or him. I would liken it to making fun of Jesus while he was getting stoned, or being nailed to the cross (in the fairy tale book noted above).

          In the realm of art, peoples tastes have changed. While I listen to Vilvaldi, Mozart, Bach and the list goes on, I also listen to modern music. Again, if you had half of a mind to talk to about it, I would highlight musical changes over the years that, back before would not have been popular or pleasing to the ears, but now are more modernized, and accepted as pleasing to the ears (look at some blues scales, and the variations of those for example).

          Confusing teaching a child what kind of music to like, with the 10 commandments (I'm not religious, but these even if you're NOT religious are still decent ways to live) is just plain nonsense.

          And what's more nonsense, is someone who is impressionable, and unable to think for themselves, will form an opinion, based upon your self-righteous bullshit.

          You sir, need to grow the hell up.

          it was quite a bit longer.


          • #35
            Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

            So Deneb provides the troll with his first meal...
            Occupy JCF


            • #36
              Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

              Amen to that brother Rich! I totally agree 100% [img]/images/graemlins/toast.gif[/img] [img]/images/graemlins/headbang.gif[/img]


              • #37
                Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

                Deneb!....That's awesome bro! The wording is most excellent!!


                • #38
                  Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

                  don't bother wasting your time over a piece of trash like him...


                  • #39
                    Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

                    I wonder if it is real. Looks like something one of us "Landover Baptist" members would create and link to the board.


                    • #40
                      Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

                      folks...just go to his website and check out some of his will find stuff like "the eternal nazi" and similar stuff......lemme just quote a part of "nazis, commies, and bad haircuts"

                      "One of the many ironies of the day was that, before the speeches began, the protesters were entertained by heavy metal music blasting out of loudspeakers at something approaching the threshold of pain. The irony stems from the fact that the Nazi movement in Germany today is largely funded through sales of heavy metal CDs and concert tickets, with many of the top Germany metal bands being produced by people who are members of the Nazis and other far-right political organizations. If you thought that the anti-Nazis would be emphasizing the good aspects of German culture—like maybe Beethoven—you thought wrong. As the day wore on, the ironies and the similarities between the Nazis and the anti-Nazi protesters would increase exponentially."

                      this guy is INSANE. OBVIOUSLY, he has NO clue what he is talking about. and i'm not only pissed off by the heavy metal aspect of the quote above. you will find LOTS of stuff on his website which "proves" that in todays germany nazi-ism is as strong as it was during WWII.

                      ah yeah, and by the way, germanys top metal bands are produced by nazis....surely, kreator, blind guardian, destruction, primal fear etc are AAAALLL nazis...i wonder what is wrong with that guy....


                      • #41
                        Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

                        Oh, given the content of the rest of the site.. I think it is real.
                        I read in an interview where Dime once stated "Metal is an attitude". Darrell used and forged the genre as a means of expression and created a 'character' just as this guy is entitled to his self expression and character creation thru the internet. Quite simply he writes "matters of taste are not subject to argument", therefore, whatever you may send will probably make ya feel better but I doubt it will shed any enlightened social viewpoints or force him to change his elitist stance.

                        I'm sure over the millenia there are many examples of the upper crust commiting henious acts of murder, having someone else sweep the contents under the rug and covering it up with bleach which one could bring up as a counter argument, but....

                        He's basically saying that Darrell reaped what he had partaken in sewing.
                        You could go alot of different directions with this.
                        No disrepect to any military members here (or responsible gun owners)...but maybe I can send him a nice letter detailing that he (the killer) learned to kill in the military and that 'his' society, allowed him to own a gun.

                        He is just not worth my time and I've blown enough of mine and yours as it is gettin would and venting on it. He's closed minded on the topic, blames it on social degenerates and bad parenting and that is about as far as you'll get with his caring or his wanting to understand into a state of giving a sh!t beyond the title of his 'article'. For all its pompousness, it still is very bad taste IMO.


                        • #42
                          Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

                          [ QUOTE ]
                          however in the time of the bible, dirty people were all around. Bathing was not modernized at all.

                          [/ QUOTE ]

                          Ummmmm, You may want to check that out the bathing thing in Jesus's day in more detail before you email your comments to this guy. The Jews had very specific details they followed on the subject of bathing & washing. see... John 2:6


                          • #43
                            Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

                            Geeez people of good standing back in the days of Bach and Beethoven were some of the most hedonistic and morally bakrupt ever.


                            • #44
                              Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

                              here's the e-mail i sent him-

                              you are the lowest form of life, and i wish you got shot to death instead of dimebag.
                              i am educated,kind to others, and a good human being in general. i loved his music. you are a mother **** scumbag of the highest order, and god will deal with your fingerpointing ass when your time's up you cocksucker. until then, i hope christmas brings you a black eye you'll never forget.
                              tommy malhame
                              Not helping the situation since 1965!


                              • #45
                                Re: Here come the bible thumpers..............

                                a little emotional today huh?-lol
                                Not helping the situation since 1965!

