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  • #16

    I couldn't read it without signing up; not going to let the TV station or whatever it is force me onto their spam list jusr to read an article.I'd say Wal-Mart has the good defense that they regularly make artists put out a clean version for their sales. didn't even know they offered both, but if they do it'd be the parents' job to make sure Junior doesn't get the wrong one. Take it back for the clean version or a refund, that should be the limit of their liability. Now we know why Wal-Mart makes bands put out a clean version, eh? Sucks, but they're getting sued.They should just head on over to McDonalds and spill some coffee on themselves instead. They're more apt to get paid.
    Ron is the MAN!!!!


    • #17

      So is the long-sought-after warning label not on CDs anymore? They pushed and pushed to get these labels on CDs so parents who bought them for their kids would know if it contained "offensive" lyrics, and no they're not even reading them?
      Tough sh1t. If you don't know which end of a gun the bullet comes out of, and you shoot yourself, then it's YOUR fault, not the fault of the store who sold it, the company that made it, or the government.

      I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood

      The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

      My Blog:


      • #18
        Re: CENSORSHIP

        don't forget to get your whole head in front of the shotgun, thanks for calling!!!
        Not helping the situation since 1965!


        • #19
          Re: CENSORSHIP

          There is heavey metal, porn, swearing, guns, liquor, drugs, and whatever else not in Switzerland, yet they have a classy society. Movies, and music dont turn your society into a cess pool, its the people who do. What these blowhards dont realize is that if they go into schools and teach kids all the socialist bullshit that is really just rehashed hippie and socialist propeganda they are going to turn them into loozers. Kids today simply need their parental units to guide them better, their schools to teach them better, their friends to partake in more productive, athletic, or social endevours, their army to guide them in mandatory service, and get their fat asses off the couch from watching MTV all day. If theyre brains and bodies are soft and empty, and TV is their only influence they will become morons and imitate what they see. If they are disciplined, smart and strong, they will have the brain power to differentiate between TV land and reality land, and the gumption to turn the US into a powerhouse once again. One day I hope the US will get more like Switzerland, and put their boots down on education, fitness, parental responsibility, and give up on the censorship, and all that hippie shit. Porn rulez, guns rulez, heavey metal rulez, violent movies rulez, and swearing up a storm rulez. You just need the body and brain to handle such treats in life. Look at Canada, we are run by Socialist assholes who have turned a nation into a bunch of morons. We let terrorists immigrate here, give them money, we censor movies and music all the time to a point where Canada Customs will destroy any material it feels you shouldnt have the right to listen to or watch, and the scariest thing is the US is headed in our direction. Children are your future, dont let them become morons who are influenced more by rappers than their parents, and for fucks sake dont let a bunch of socialist ex-hippies take control of your nation.........


          • #20
            Re: CENSORSHIP

            Love all of this new flap..But I've never stopped tripping over when Wal-mart wouldn't sell the Goo Goo Dolls "Boy Named Goo" CD because they said the jelly on the kids face looked like blood. But.....I found Metallicas "Load" with the bloody seamen cover art right there on their shelves.
            The Buzzard does not fear
            The man in riot gear
            Harvest a skull of stone
            The Buzzard grows his own...


            • #21
              Re: CENSORSHIP

              In my band we have a song called "Irrational Bullshit"..and that's just what this is. It's the same reason we can't call a Christmas tree a Christmas tree (I think the new word is holiday tree??WTF??) Anyhow, we are so worried about offending everyone, that we are fukking everything up. It has to stop. I'm with Shawn and mom said what was on her mind (even if that word was BAD LOL) and I was raised to know I had better NEVER repeat her! She let me face life on lifes terms...but was always there to "guide" me in the right direction. She never once blamed anyone else for anything I did, how I acted or what I thought, even if her and I didn't agree. I'm so sick of people being politically correct..gimme a fukking break.. [img]/images/graemlins/mad.gif[/img] And by the way...there will NEVER be a clean version of Irrational Bullshit!!! [img]/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]


              • #22
                Re: CENSORSHIP

                Band: Evanescence
                Line: "What the f*ck you think it’s doing to me?"
                Articles: Parents sue WalMart

                Da-aad, Please Don’t Sue Wal-Mart — You’re Embarassing Me!
                "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                • #23
                  Re: CENSORSHIP

                  Bill of Rights
                  Amendment I

                  Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

                  I hate seeing people abuse the Bill of Rights. This document and laws were enacted to give us the freedoms that we were not allowed under colonial rule.
                  Free Speech - Does anyone really believe deep down that our forefathers meant for free speech to mean that we could cuss and swear anywhere or at any given time we wanted? Or any other act that goes against the status quo claiming Freedom of Speech? I really don't think so.
                  Free Speech to them was having the freedom to criticize government or commerce without the risk of being jailed or put to death. It also allowed for Literature to expand past secular and governmental Censorship. Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" is a scathing propaganda paper. Calling for the colonist to break from English rule, there isn't a single four letter expletive in it. If the English could have located Paine I'm sure he would have been put to death.
                  Today, society has twisted and molded the First amendment to fit it's own personal definition. Thus abusing it's original intentions. I guess some people think its their right to say "shit, hell, goddamn, **** on the CD because they think its art or their right to free speech. Bullshit your doing it for attention. Plain and simple. You want the shock value of those words to garner you some attention. Your not doing for artistic value. Then cry foul when not everyone wants to hear it.
                  I don't blame Walmart for carrying "Censored" CDs. That is their right to sell that merchandise. There is obviously a market or Walmart would waste their time selling clean CDs. The English language is full of colorful words that aren't of the four letter variety. Maybe the artist should become more affluent in their song writing abilities.
                  I think if the founding fathers could have foreseen what a cesspool society has become because they were to broad with their definitions in the Bill of Rights they may have worded them a little more carefully.
                  I have a problem with four letter words. Almost every other word out of mouth happens to be one. I was a Sailor. But when I am in a public setting or around my kids I try very hard to control myself. Sometimes I do slip.
                  I ask when is enough, enough?


                  • #24
                    Re: CENSORSHIP

                    Don't even start listing people who censor other people :P

                    It's a damn shame that modern day Americans are so sue happy. Sue sue sue. I'm going to sue you for this, that and the other thing.

                    Anna, you're very well spoken, and the rant was good [img]/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] Sadly though, Americans (not all) are greedy, self-rightous, over zealous bastards. Lawsuits are at an all time high. Granted, crime may be at a low, but everyones looking to cash in.


                    • #25
                      Re: CENSORSHIP

                      Janet Jacksons exposed Fun Bag really opened the flood gates for the Moral Morons. The FCC is a freaking joke.
                      ...that taste like tart, lemon yogart


                      • #26
                        Re: CENSORSHIP

                        i have to chime in here a little...while in real life i use those words all the time (usually as descriptive you won't find any of those on devane albums...why?...because i don't feel right trying to "sing" words like s**t, c**k sucker or f**'m not saying all artists should be this way, but some use it merely as a ploy to get attention...anyone remember wasps's animal f**k like a beast?...if it has to be there to get the point across, then fine...but if it's used purely as a ploy to get attention...well...that's not putting a whole lot of thought into the lyrics is it?...i know i shouldn't ramble too much about this cos devane will probably get stickered for it's themes of violence, article tho annah...d.m.



                        • #27
                          Re: CENSORSHIP

                          When I write lyrics I use powerful words and imagery. Swear words like f*** and s*** are some of the most common words in the English language. I use them when the occasion arises, but only maybe once in every five or six songs. When you go crazy with the swearing you sound like an 8 year old who just learned the words that piss mommy off. I'd rather have a message in my lyrics that makes people stop and think about what I am saying, not lyrics that make me sound whinny like a teenager who's mad that his dad won't let him stay out past midnight.


                          • #28
                            Re: CENSORSHIP

                            We live in a free society. Artists are free to make whatever statements they want, stores are free to sell or not sell those items.

                            If I was selling grapefruits, I couldn't force the market down the street to sell them. If I had a product that they wanted to sell and be associated with, then great! If not, then tough luck for me and I should find another place to sell my wares.

                            The entire distribution system for music is going through an overhaul anyways: I bet within 10 years buying music at a local music store is going to be the exception, not the norm. And most of the larger record labels are going to be gone or changed far from how they are now. More power is going to be in the hands of the artists, not the record labels.



                            • #29
                              Re: CENSORSHIP

                              Nicely said Shawn. I agree totally. You are right about a child's age in relation to their exposure to certain things, and that's where one of the true skills of parenting comes into play. Children will be exposed to things, probably much more than their parents are aware of, and I think the best possible thing we, as parents, can do is TALK to our kids about the issues they are, or will be, facing. It seems like so many parents who want to "protect" their children are doing the opposite of good communication with their kids. Granted, it's not for me to tell anyone how to parent their children, but hell, these are the people who are breeding more sue-happy people into our society. I wonder what their children learn when their parents display this kind of behavior?

                              Coming from a teaching background (my parents are both teachers, and I have been, too), I have seen a lot of parenting styles. This comes from twenty-something years of observation, both direct and indirect from hearing stories about my parent's students. Open, honest, accurate and age-appropriate communication between parents and their kids has, by far, been the best thing I've seen. Luckily, there are some, but not enough, kids with parents who are this way. It's a shame there aren't more parents like that, but it's obvious that the ones who are like that are the ones who had the same kinds of parents when they were growing up.

                              It's very interesting to see how our society changes because of things like this.

                              Sorry about the link to the site that requires logging in. I forgot about that... my browser automatically logs in.

                              Personally, I don't use f**k, s**t, etc., in my own lyrics that often. And Jason, the singer in my band, has only used "f**ked" one time in all our songs. It's part of the line about his brother, who was selling drugs so he could buy a car, but got busted twice: "I guess he's gone and f**ked that all up now, he's been caught two times." I guess he could have chosen "messed" instead, but no other word has the power behind it that "f**ked" does.

                              I think that's what this issue boils down to the most - power and the power of words. Who has it? Who doesn't? The parents felt that they didn't have it all-of-a-sudden, so they retaliated... interesting lessons in social behavior.

