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What a messed up world

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  • What a messed up world

    Found out today the Principal of my daughters old school of which she spent 2 years at Kindergarten and 1st grade got arrested for being involved in a ecstasy ring. They searched his home and found large amounts of crystal meth & ecstasy. Anyway this guy offered to come get our daughter and everything else. Man am I glad we didn’t let him. Oh yeah!!!! And our pharmacist was manufacturing it for him and they were dispersing it to kids at a local pizzeria ( a kid hangout)

    Read about it here: (This is the one about her old principal)

  • #2
    Re: What a messed up world

    Not to steal your thread but, I've done a lot of drugs in my life but never Cyrstal Meth what the hell is it, what's the difference between that and regular meth???
    I've fallen, Fallen through. If I'm Not With you, All I wanna Do Is Feel blue


    • #3
      Re: What a messed up world

      Drs, basically it's the same thing...

      Rhmsc8, that is fukked up bro! At least they're in jail now....


      • #4
        Re: What a messed up world

        Seriously, drugs are a major problem. Besides the obvious health risks (you know...death) the allure is the money. Kids can make so much more money by selling weed tot heir friends than they would ever make working at a regular job. Even kids who don't use drugs, will sell them to make the money so they can buy expensive clothes, loud stereos, and video games. Greed has become one of the major obstacles to overcome when trying to rehabilitate kids (I work in Juvie corrections). Sadly, at times when kids are telling me about how much they make, the thought of my meager paycheck makes me sad.

        A kid I was talking to yesterdsay tld me that he and his friends were breaking into homes, stealing TV's and stuff, and pawning them. when they scraped together 900 bucks, they woould go buy an ounce of coke-roughly 30 grams. THey would then cut it with some other stuff and sell it for 70 bucks a gram. that is over a 2100 dollar return on a 900 dollar investment in just a few days. What is the interest rate on your savings account or IRA? You would have to sell your soul tot he devil to make that kind of profit legitimately.


        • #5
          Re: What a messed up world

          I have done my fair share of partying and have stopped but I still do some volunteer work at county rehabs and have a few friends that work at drug programs and homeless shelters. what I have heard about meth now is it is all Crystal Meth. There was crank which is a less pure form that looks like coke kind of and then when you wash it down with acetone it turns into crystal meth which is clear and looks like glass shards. Anyways thats all there is now aparently no more good old crank anymore LOL. Just my 2 cents I have tried meth only a couple times in my life and never cared for it when I was younger but it is an epidemic here in California.


          • #6
            Re: What a messed up world

            Not much is suprising me anymore, but that would.
            It was in the news recently that Sheriffs busted a couple making meth in a rural area of Minnesota (we're talking farms here) They broke into a church during the week nights and were using the kitchen as a lab. The only reason why they got caught is someone who worked in the parish stopped by and noticed someone inside but the doors were still locked. They thought it was suspicious and callled it in.


            • #7
              Re: What a messed up world

              That's not surprising ... A teacher in local school here was sexually abusing 8 and 9 year-old boys ... For two years!! He's now spending 8 years in prison. Can you imagine: 8 years for two years of sexual abuse? And also imagine the harm that was done to these boys ...


              • #8
                Re: What a messed up world

                [ QUOTE ]
                It was in the news recently that Sheriffs busted a couple making meth in a rural area of Minnesota (we're talking farms here).

                [/ QUOTE ]

                Not really surprising at all. Some somewhat distant relatives on one side of my family were on the verge of losing their farm ... righ up until they started planting pot in every 8th row (they were using an 8-row planter and just filled one of the 8 seed boxes with pot). Got away with it for years right in plain sight. Paid off hundreds of thousands in loans in cash, bought new homes, cars, trucks, etc.

                Another that happened not too terribly far from where I grew up: a couple of guys from the west coast bought a large old farmhouse that was situated several hundred yards off of the nearest public road in the midst of large parcel of land which they also purchased. When asked they told the locals that they were developing a very lucrative software application and that they'd fled the west coast due to industrial espionage. They even hired off-duty cops to patrol the edges of their grounds and informed them that they had a lot of contract developers who'd be coming and going at odd hours. This went on for a couple of years before they were busted in what was one of the biggest LSD lab busts on record.

                I tend to think that there's no much more of this going on than there was 20-30 years ago. We just have so much more access to information and there's a much sharper focus on enforcement so there're relatively more of these stories for us to hear.
                Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam!


                • #9
                  Re: What a messed up world

                  What can we do to stop this world from going to shit?
                  It can't be too late, can it?


                  • #10
                    Re: What a messed up world

                    My roommate told me that at his high school (nice private school in New Jersey) that his wrestling coach was addicted to cocaine and killed his dealer when she threatened to tell everyone about his habits. Crazy!


                    • #11
                      That\'s not so bad, check this out...

                      Amber alert just issued in Missouri ( and beyond )

                      Apparently, a woman, who's 8 months pregnant was found dead this morning and the baby was cut from her womb!!!!!

                      WTF is wrong with people????????????


                      And no, I wasn't discounting the teacher thing, that scares the sh!t out of me having 2 young children myself.


                      • #12
                        Re: That\'s not so bad, check this out...

                        News link, Pat? [img]/images/graemlins/poke.gif[/img] I'd say this sounds just like an urban legend...unfortunately it is not:


                        "Quiet, numbskulls, I'm broadcasting!" -Moe Howard, "Micro-Phonies" (1945)


                        • #13
                          Re: That\'s not so bad, check this out...

                          My God, what the hell is this world coming to? I am at a loss for words here. [img]/images/graemlins/scratchhead.gif[/img]
                          Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright, that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong.


                          • #14
                            Re: That\'s not so bad, check this out...

                            Yeh, sad but true man....... [img]/images/graemlins/frown.gif[/img]

                            As for the link? I leave that to our resident fact checker/ research technician specialist... And I see he came through with flying colors!!! [img]/images/graemlins/poke.gif[/img]



                            • #15
                              Re: That\'s not so bad, check this out...

                              that is disturbing. If you are willing to kill someone to get a baby, it pretty much indicates that you are not "well" enough to be a parent in the first place. Chances are it is someone dealing with a shady adoption agency. People will do anything for money these days. Let's all hope this turns out as a single homocide instead of a double.

